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Title 102年度臺南市空氣品質監測站資訊顯示系統操作維護及分析作業計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要執行目標係藉臺南市空氣品質監測站顯示系統設備維護工作,確保運轉正常及數據品質,同時彙整維修紀錄表及改善建議報告,提供環保局掌握維修狀況。並修訂測站維護之標準作業程序及維護檢查表格以確保維護品質,配合達成環保署監測站考核標準。計畫期程:102年07月05日至103年07月04日計畫執行成果簡述如下:一、自動監測站部分(一)監測站操作維護城西里站及楠西站定期進行包括每週維護(52次)、每月維護(12次)、季維護(4次)、半年維護(1次)及年維護(1次),所有作業皆依工作進度進行,計畫執行期間各設備之妥善率均達到100%。季維護執行之分析儀多點校正,第1~4季之相關係數皆在0.995以上,斜率皆在0.88~1.12之間,截距皆介於±2%F.S.,均符合測站績效查核標準。(二)數據管理102年07月至103年06月為止,各項分析儀及氣象設備之資料獲取率皆符合規範之85%以上。(三)監測結果1.PSI不良日102年07月至103年06月底止新營站有15站日不良,善化站有10站日不良;安南站有19站日不良;臺南站有12站日不良。其間共發生1日的臭氧事件日,發生4日懸浮微粒事件日。2.空氣品質標準比對新營站、善化站、臺南站及安南站歷年PM10與O3超標頻率與PSI>100的頻率。在PM10部分,新營站歷年超標頻率介於5.46%~12.05%;善化站歷年超標頻率介於0.82%~4.93%;臺南站歷年超標頻率介於0.82%~4.97%;安南站歷年超標頻率介於0.27%~7.18%。而在O3部分,新營站歷年超標頻率介於16.99%~37.26%;善化站歷年超標頻率介於16.99%~37.26%;臺南站歷年超標頻率介於32.33%~47.40%;安南站歷年超標頻率介於31.23%~44.66%。二、小西門資訊看板部分(一)定期線路檢查及環境清潔每月份檢查次數皆在1次以上。(二)顯示看板資料更新作業計畫執行期程製作之相關文宣檔統計及撥放內容合計共達334筆,其中環保局共69筆。三、人工監測站部分(一)監測站操作維護每月上、下半月定期進行監測站之操作及維護工作,並於次月10日前提交報表以供備查;計畫執行期間各設備之妥善率均達到100%。(二)校正作業每月一次之單點檢查、每季一次之多點校正,各別於102年07、10月及103年01月及04月執行第1~4季各人工測站多點流量校正,而每半年一次之追溯一級流量校正作業分別於102年07月04日及103年01月03日執行,各項校正結果均符合規範要求。 (三)監測結果本年度TSP監測結果中,自102年07月至103年06月各人工監測站監測結果並無超過空氣品質標準24小時值(250μg/m3);歷年(99年~103年06月)本市TSP監測結果顯示各年度之趨勢大抵一致,均呈現冬季高、夏季低之趨勢;歷年之年幾何平均值均未超過空氣品質標準年幾何平均值130 μg/m3。自102年07月至103年06月各人工監測站落塵量監測屬於極輕微污染122站次(85.0%)為主,屬於輕微污染為21站(15%);另外統計歷年(99年~103年)之各站落塵量平均值,顯示落塵量年均值逐年下降,但103年則有增加之情況,最低測值為101年平均為2.31公噸/平方公里/月。在PM10部分,以102年11月白河區衛生所站測值197 μg/m3為最高,以102年07月學甲區公所站測值10 μg/m3為最低。在PM2.5部分,以新化區公所站測值平均值74 μg/m3為最高,以103年06月白河衛生所站測值3 μg/m3為最低。TSP分析中各成分監測值中氯鹽含量介於0.46~6.22 μg/m3,硝酸鹽含量介於1.01~19.01 μg/m3,硫酸鹽含量介於2.19~38.72 μg/m3,鉛含量介於0.001~0.199 μg/m3。在歷年測值部分,均呈現冬季高、夏季低的趨勢。在PM2.5佔/PM10比例中,各人工測站之比值介於0.09~0.91,而各自動站之比值則介於0.13~0.69,兩者略有差異。另外,針對整體平均而言,人工測站為0.68,自動測站則為0.50,以人工測站比值相對較高,考量人工測站與自動測站之分析原理不同,兩者之比對僅作參考。(四)精密度測試每季依序完成本市12座人工測站的精密度測試,計畫自102年07月至103年06月共完成12站次的併行採樣作業,整體誤差百分比介於1.06%至9.01 %之間,均符合誤差10 %以內之要求。
EngTitle 102 year air quality monitoring stations Tainan information display system operation and maintenance and analysis of operations plans
EngAbstract This plan mainly executed the maintenance service of Tainan Air Quality Monitoring Display System to make sure the normal operation and the data quality for equipment, it also collected the log sheet of entire service and the improved suggestions provided to the Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) to realize the service conditions. Further to this, it offered revised standard of operational procedure and the maintenance test to guarantee the maintenance quality and met the inspection monitoring station assessment criteria from Central Environmental Administration Bureau.Plan of Cheng:From 5th July 2013 to 4th July 2014.The achievement of this project is stated below:First, Automatic Station(1)Monitoring Station’s operation and maintenance Regular Maintenance included weekly maintenance (52 times), monthly maintenance (12 times), and quarterly maintenance (4 times), and half-yearly maintenance (2 times) and yearly maintenance (1 time), all works based on this plan schedule to carry on and all equipments in the execution period led to achieve 100% properly.Quarterly maintenance in analyzers’ of multi-spot calibration, its correlation coefficient all above 0.995, the slope all between 0.88~1.12, the intercept was between ±2%F.S., conformed to the Quality Check of survey Air Monitoring Standard.(2)Data ManagementAll the data acquisition rate of all analyzers were all above 85%, the meteorological equipments were above 85%.(3)Explanation of monitoring result1.PSI for bad days: From July 2013 to June 2014, Sinying station has had 15 bad days, Shanhua station has had 10 bad days, Annan station has had 19 bad days and Tainan station has had 12 bad days. During the time period, ozone events were occurred for 1 days; in a addition, the aerosol event of occurred for 1 day.2. Air Quality Standard: Comparing with PSI index and Air Quality Standard in the ozone portion. Over the years, the PM10, Sinying station was beyond the frequency range from 5.46% ~12.05%, Shanhua station range from 0.82% ~4.93%, Tainan station range from 0.82% ~4.93%, Annan station range from 0.27% ~7.18%. The O3, Sinying station was beyond the frequency range from 16.99% ~32.26%, Shanhua station range from 16.99% ~37.26%, Tainan station range from 32.33% ~47.40%, Annan station range from 31.23% ~44.66%.Second, Xiaosimeng information electronic monitoring system(1)Regular line inspection and environmental cleanEvery inspection is above 1 times per 1 month.(2)Update of display boardThis plan in the execution period with 334 times advertisements was including the EPB took 69 times. Third, the manual monitoring station(1)Operation and maintenance in monitoring stationIt had to conduct the regular service and maintenance in every beginning of the month and end of the month. For the next month, submitting the report and make sure all various equipments led to 100% properly ration before 10th.(2)Calibration ProcessFor single point check before and after sampling, the flow should be between 40 to 60 CFM and the error was between ±7%. For quarterly multi-spot calibration (2013/7.10., 2014/01.10), each error was between ±5%, and the R value was bigger than 0.995. Every half year conducted primary standard calibration (2013/7/4, 2013/1/3) the R value was 0.9999. All the calibration result in this plan met the regulation.(3) Monitoring resultIn this year, TSP monitoring result from July 2013 to June 2014, were complied with the air quality standard 24 hourly value (250 μg/m3). All previous years from 2008 to June 2014 were this city TSP monitoring result showed that consistent tendency, presented the winter was high and the summer was low. Over the years, annual geometric average value has not exceeded the annual geometric average of air quality standard which is 130 μg/m3. In the dust fall of quantity monitoring part from July 2013 to June 2014, each manual station classified as the extremely slight pollution class. All previous years which are from 2010 to 2014 for each station and dust fall demonstrated that reducing the measured values. However, in year 2013 from January to June’s dust fall were also lower slighly. For average value of PM10 station, Baihe middle school is the highest average value which is 197 μg/m3, and Syuejia elementary school is the lowest value which is 10 μg/m3. For average value of PM2.5 station, Shjhs sewage station is the highest average value which is 74 μg/m3, and Baihe clinics station is the lowest average value which is 3 μg/m3. TSP monitoring value of each component which the range in the analysis of chlorine in salt content is between 0.46 ~ 6.22 μg/m3, the range of nitrate content is between 1.01 ~ 19.01 μg/m3, the range of sulphate content is between 2.19 ~ 38.72 μg/m3, and the range of lead level is between 0.001 to 0.199 μg/m3. For measured values over the years, the tendency showed the higher value in winter and lower value in summer. In PM2.5 and PM10 ratios, the range of the manual stations is between 0.09 to 0.91, and the range of the automatic stations is between 0.13 to 0.69. Both of values has slight difference. In addition, for the overall average, the manual station is 0.68 and automatic station is 0.50, so the manual station is relatively higher which is considering the difference between manual and automatic station regarding analysis theory. Thus, the comparison is only for the reference.(4) Accuracy testThis plan completed 12 manual stations for the accuracy quarterly tests in which all the present stage did 12 times parallel sampling work and the whole error percentage was between 1.06% to 9.01%, meets the erroneous within 10% requirement.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 祥威環境科技有限公司