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Title 101-102年度CEMS系統管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫於完成議價後,即根據服務建議書所提出之工作方法與範疇界定內容著手進行各項計畫工作。目前第一批列管連線煙道依其製程別包括:鍋爐發電程序、水泥製造程序及電弧爐煉鋼程序,共有21家工廠,64根次煙道﹔第二批列管連線煙道為廢棄物焚化程序,共有5家工廠,14根次煙道﹔第三批為鍋爐發電程序(80~130公噸/小時)、化學製造程序及鐵礦初級熔煉之煉焦與燒結程序,共有12家工廠,36根次煙道﹔及自行連線4廠10根次連線,高雄市境內共計31家公私場所124根次連線煙道。統計至102/12/31,各年度工作項目皆如期達成,優先查核對象以近年未查核及過去查核結果不佳為主。工作進度表請參閱表4-1,各項查核工作期程摘要表請參閱表4-3。在前置作業方面,依據管理辦法及相關審查規定,修定連續自動監測設施查核及品保作業程序,分別於101年5月18日及102年1月30日提送完成。監測儀器功能查核方面: 101年度共計已完成32根次煙道相對準確度測試查核,完成率100%,除中區P001 HCl未合格外,其餘測項合格率皆為100%,偏移校正因子(BAF)以二氧化硫發生率較高(13%),不透光率校正誤差查核執行30根次煙道,完成率100%,低、中、高範圍合格率均為100%,誤差大部分小於1%﹔而標準氣體查核執行35根次,完成率100%,各測項皆合格,誤差大部分小於5%;二氧化氮查核進行26根次,完成率100%,整體之轉化率為94.38%,與100年度之平均值91.11%相比已提升3.27%。102年度共計已完成38根次煙道相對準確度測試查核,完成率100%,現階段合格率皆為100%,偏移校正因子(BAF)以排放流率發生率較高(34%),不透光率校正誤差查核執行38根次煙道,完成率100%,低、中、高範圍合格率均為100%,誤差大部分小於1%﹔而標準氣體查核執行45根次,完成率100%,各測項皆合格,誤差大部分小於5%;二氧化氮查核進行22根次,完成率100%,整體之轉化率為90.92%;對於轉化率較差之工廠已於查核後建議廠商應自行定期測試,轉化率低時應更換相關耗材,發生BAF之煙道查核後也請廠商留意是否有系統性偏移之情形。監督查核方面: 101年度共計完成26組相對準確度測試監督查核及20組不透光率監督查核,102年度共計完成30組相對準確度測試監督查核及25組不透光率監督查核。由於監督查核工作為工廠自行執行查核時到廠監督,確認工廠是否依法規確實執行,目前皆符合法規之要求。 監測資料品質方面: 每月定期進行月報審查,並完成日、月報傳輸率及有效監測時數百分比統計,部分工廠因資料處理系統軟硬體異常或廠內異常停電,皆可能造成數據遺失或漏傳,目前日報與月報傳輸率皆能達到100%。月報表方面,各多數公私場所皆能依每月的審查意見進行修正,月報缺失比率皆有下降的趨勢,每季有效率除101年第1季台塑仁武P751及102年第1季龍慶鋼鐵低於85%,其餘各廠皆達85%以上,每日檢查各廠上傳日報,目前並無逾限超過管制次數之情形,並持續統計各廠排放量與排放趨勢,除101年中油大林P008 NOx排放量超過10%外,其餘皆符合許可,整體排放趨勢未有環保署公告案例之異常情形。現場評鑑作業方面: 101年與102年各完成15場工廠現場查核工作,完成率100%,已發文告知廠商相關缺失,並將廠商回覆說明彙整完成,101年度缺失已追蹤完成,缺失改善完成率為100%,102年度缺失也將依工廠所提期程進行追蹤工作。法規符合度查核部份:101年與102年各完成51根次與55根次查核作業,完成率100%,而對於查核缺失部分亦持續追蹤輔導改善作業,為了確認各廠改善情形工作小組不定時並至各廠進行追查作業,藉此提昇連線工廠品保品管,增加連線資料之正確性與可靠度,而目前尚未改善缺失多為工廠承辦人員不熟悉相關作業而延遲修正,這兩年主要不符法規之項目皆為有效率不足85%,分別為台塑仁武與龍慶鋼鐵,未來應注意這兩廠有效率符合情形。新增管理作為部份: 由於過去曾有廠商利用監測儀器可寫入公式之方式,規避逾限測值,因此查核中利用高濃度氣體測試監測儀器對於超過排放標準之測值是否能夠正常顯示,目前查核之工廠皆能正常顯示超過排放標準之測值。近年管理成效: 近三年來在CEMS管理上,除法規所規定的項目外,並新增NO2的轉化率查核(目標90%)與高濃度查核(排放標準查核),說明如下:1. NO2的轉化率:100年~102年轉化率分別為91.1%、94.4%及90.2%,整體平均值皆達到預設目標,102年度由於台電南火與台電興達查核狀況不佳導致整體轉化率下降,目前台電南火已完成改善,未完成改善之工廠將持續追蹤,並納入未來查核優先名單。2. 高濃度查核:為確認各監測儀器能正廠顯示逾限值,自101年起使用超過排放標準之氣體進行查核,近2年各監測儀器皆能正常顯示逾限值。維護連線系統功能與通訊環境方面: 為了使環保局主機系統運作順利,對於主機功能與轉檔模組之轉檔效能瑩諮公司定期進行維護與資料備,以提高資料之可用率,使局端連線系統能更加完善。
EngTitle 2012-2013 Annual CEMS System Management Project
EngAbstract Five objectives in the project execution:1. to revise the standard operating procedures of CEMS instrument checks and quality assurance2. to review and audit the monitoring facilities and monitoring data accuracy in the factories installed with continuous automatic monitoring equipment3. to help check whether the connection data specification is corresponding to "stationary sources of air pollutants CEMS management approach" in order to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data4. to haveCEMS system on-site evaluation and regulatory compliance inspection operations5. to maintain the database system functions and communication environment Upon completion of this project bargaining, all the tasks were on the go according to the working methods and the definition of the content and scope stated in the service proposal. Currently the manufacturing procedures of the first controlled connected row of the flue pipe include: boiler power generation procedures, cement manufacturing procedures and the electric arc furnace steelmaking procedures. There was a total of 21 factories, 64 times of the flue; the second batch of connected flue tube are waste incineration procedures with five factories and 14 times of the flue; the third batch is the boiler power generation procedures (80 to 130 tonnes/hour), chemical manufacturing procedures and iron primary smelting and sintering procedures, with a total of 12 factories and 36 times of the flue and self-connected four factories with 10 times of the connection. In Kaohsiung City, there is a total of 31 public and private factories with 124 times of the connected flue. Till 2013/112/31, Statistics showed that each annual work tasks have been done as scheduled, priority check fell on those who had poor results from the recent years of the past. The working schedule is shown on Table 4-1, and the summary of the audit work schedule can be seen on Table 4-3. In the pre-operational aspects, according to the review of management practices and relevant regulations, the revision of the CEMS checking and quality assurance operating procedures have been completed the submission, respectively on May 18,2012 and January 30, 2013.Monitoring equipment function checks aspects: In 2012, it have been completed the relative accuracy test audit with 32 times of the flue, with the completion rate of 100%; except P001 HCl is not qualified in the central area; the remaining testing items are qualified all at the rate of 100%. As for the offset correction factor (BAF), the occurrences of sulfur dioxide are at a higher rate of 13%, the error correction opacity performed in the check of the flue with 30 times of the flue with the completion rate of 100%; the low, medium and high range of pass rate is all 100% with the majority less than 1%; the standard gas check executed is of 35 times with the completion rate of 100%, and each measuring items are all qualified with the error mostly less than 5%; nitrogen dioxide checks are carried out for 26 times with the completion rate of 100%, and overall conversion rate of 94.38%. Compared with the average of 91.11% in 2011, it has been upgraded by 3.27%. In 2013, the relative accuracy test audit has been done on 38 times of the flues with the completion rate of 100%. At the present stage, the qualified rate is all at 100%; as for the Bias Adjustment factor (BAF), the incidence of the discharge flow rate was higher (34%), the opacity correction checking has been done on 38 times of the flue with the completion rate of 100%; the low, medium and high range pass rate was 100% with the error less than 1%; the checking and implementation of the standard gas was 45 times with the completion rate of 100%; each measuring items are qualified, and the error was mostly less than 5%; nitrogen dioxide checks have been carried out for 22 times with the completion rate of 100% so the overall conversion rate was 90.92%; as for the factories with poor conversion rate, after the checking, they are suggested to regularly test on their own. During the poor conversion-rate period, the related supplied should be replaced. As for the flue checking of BAF, manufacturers should pay attention to the condition of systematic bias. Monitor audit aspects: In 2012, it has completed a total of 26 sets relative accuracy test audit and supervision and 20 sets of opacity oversight audit. In 2013, 30 sets of relative accuracy test audit and supervision; 25 sets of opacity checks. Because the monitoring the audit was done by the factory itself with supervision to confirm whether the factory actually executed in accordance with regulations. Currently, they are all in compliance with the requirements .Monitoring data quality aspects: Monthly regular review, the completion journal and monthly journal and the valid monitoring hours percentage statistics. Some factories have lost their data due to the hardware and software anomalies in the data processing systems or abnormal power failure. Currently, the transferring rate of daily and monthly data all have reached 100%. According to the monthly report, the majority of public and private factories have done correction according to the monthly review results. The monthly deletion has a declining tendency. The effective rate in every quarter all reached more than 85%, except the first quarter of 2012 of Formosa in Renwu P751 and in the first quarter in 2013 LongQing Steel lower than 85%. The rest of the factories were more than 85%. The plant uploaded daily report has been checked daily. Currently, there weren’t any exceeding the the control times and statistics collected from every factory’s emissions have continued. Except the over emission of P008 NOx in CNPC Dalin by more than 10%, the rest are all in compliance with the license; the overall emission trends haven’t shown any cases of abnormal situations given by EPA announcement .On-site evaluation operation aspects: The on-site evaluation works have been done in 15 factories in 2012 and 2013 respectively with the completion rate of 100 %. Every factory has been informed of the relevant shortcomings and the factories’ feedback has been compiled completely. The shortcomings in 2012 have been followed up and the improvement rate is 100%; the shortcomings in 2013 are also being followed up as factories’ scheduled. Regulatory compliance inspection aspects: There were 51 times and 55 times of flues audit operation completed in 2012 and 2013 respectively. As for the their shortcomings, the follow-up counselling works have been done continuously. To confirm that the factories improved the situation, the work team from time to time traced the follow-up operations to enhance the connected factories’ quality assurance and quality control, increasing the accuracy and reliability of the connected information. However, the places needed to be improved all lied in the personnels are not familiar with the job and then correction delayed. In these two years, the item not inconsistent is the lack of efficiency 85% in Formosa Plastic Corporation Renwu factory and Long Ching Steel Enterprise Co. respectively. In the future, these two factories should be paid attention to. Management administration aspects: In the past, there used to be manufacturers trying to write a program to avoid the checkups. Therefore, in the checking, a high concentration gas monitoring instrument was used to test if the value could be showed normally when testing something exceeding the emission standards. Currently, factories were functioning normal and it displayed the value exceeding emission standards .Recent management effectiveness: These three years, on the CEMS management, in addition to the items specified in the regulation, there have been some items added such as the conversion rate of NO2 checks (target 90%) with a high concentration of checks (emission check standards) as follows:1. The conversion rate of NO2: From 2011 to 2013, the conversion rates were 91.1%, 94.4 % and 90.2% respectivel; the overall average of all reached the expected goal. In 2013, due to Taipower Nan Huo and Taipower Xingda’s bad check results, it made the overall conversion rate decline. Currently, Taipower has completed the improvements. Those factories without improvements will continue being followed up and included in future priority inspection list.2. high concentration checks: To confirm that the monitoring instrument can display the over-limit values, we have been using the over-limit emission gas to do it. These two years, the monitoring instruments have been functioning well displaying the over-limit values.Maintenance connection functions and communications environment aspects: In order to make the EPA host system run smoothly, Envimac environmental solution provider has done maintenance and backup to the host functions and file conversion modules to improve the availability of information and enable the connection system to work more perfectly.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司