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Title 應用在我國環保政策或環保重大開發計畫之聽證程序
Abstract 本研究計畫將針對聽證法制進行研究與分析,審視此一公民參與之方式與其他參與形式之異同處, 並基於肯認聽證程序係屬較為嚴謹的程序參與, 呼應大法官於釋字709 號解釋所強調憲法之行政正當程序應予落實。此外,更將進一步探討聽證應如何適用在我國環保政策或環保重大開發計畫之決定程序上, 期冀藉由二者之結合, 讓現行影響環境的重大決策能更具民主正當性, 也期待於應用聽證程序下的各項環境決定能更具可接收度, 最終並協助我國環境保護法制得以更臻完善。而依照計劃工作項目,研究團隊亦配合辦理聽證程序之實務演練,使與會人員能透過模擬之方式, 深入熟悉辦理聽證程序時可能遭遇的各項問題或突發狀況。實務演練同時包括課程之教授, 藉此使參與研習的行政機關人員得以知悉、甚至熟悉聽證實務運作之方式, 除了知其然外, 更得以知其之所以然。
EngTitle The Study of the Application of the Hearing to the Decision-Making Process of Environmental Policy
EngAbstract This research project is to study and analyze the legal system of the practice of hearing in Taiwan and to review the differences of the public participation between the hear ing and other formats of participation under differentregulations. The Research Team acknowledges the process of hearing is a formal and more considerable process of participation for the public, which has been recognized, by the J.Y. Interpretation No. 709, as the administrative due process, the one of the constitutional principles.Further, the Team would discuss how the hearing might be applied to the decision making process for environmental policy and development project. By this research, we anticipate that the involvement of the hearing process into thecurrent process of environmental decision-making would enhance the democracy and justification to the final decision of environmental policy and development project. As we believe, for improving the acceptance of environmental decision,the application of hearing to the current legal system would be significant approach. Finally, the adoption of the hearing would better our current legal system of the decision-making process and provide us a promising optimisticfuture for our environmental protection.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人二十一世紀基金會