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Title 99年度光化學評估監測站操作品保例行性計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作目標包括執行光化學評估監測站儀器品保查核、監測數據標準化處理作業、探討區域污染特徵及評估8站光化學監測站現有運轉成效、測站位置適切性,提出光化測站調整建議。本年度執行成果在儀器品保除完成品保查核作業手冊制定,同時依手冊規範完成各項查核,上半年現場查核缺失以表單記錄未落實為主,下半年各項缺失均已改善完成;數據品質查核除台南站2010年2月、3月及潮州站99年3月、8月數據妥善率未達85%品保要求外,其餘均符合品保規範;系統感應因子查核結果顯示,萬華、台南、潮州及行動三測站於本年度,各有一次n-Pentane偏差超出品管±8%,朴子及行動三測站各有一次Toluene偏差超出品管±10%;年度績效查核結果僅朴子、橋頭及行動五等三個測站所有物種偏差均在品保規範±25%以內,其餘測站各有少數物種(包括Toluene、n-Pentane、Isoprene、n-Dodecane、Styrene)偏差超出品保設定±25%,其餘年度查核項目均符合品保規範。在測站位置適切性部份,綜合各測站歷年統計結果,以台南站、潮州站較無法發揮其監測目標,測站位置調整則建議優先考量仁武測站,本站可能之工業監測目標包含中油、仁武及大社工業區另兼具交通排放源之監測;除污染潛勢區之監測外,另建議參考季節風向於上風處設置背景站,如北部萬里站、南部恆春站。
EngTitle Quality Assurance and Data Validation on Ozone precursor Monitoring from PAMS in 2010
EngAbstract The main objectives of this program included implementing the quality assurance audits of analytical systems for Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS), standardizing the data processing procedures for the collected results, characterizing the local pollutant profiles of different areas, evaluating the effectiveness of the operation, the appropriateness of the current sites for PAMS, and suggesting future sites for new monitoring systems.A quality assurance auditing manual was established and all the field audits were carried out accordingly. The incidents of non-conformance mostly consisted of incomplete records in the first half-year. The non-conformance was corrected accordingly for the rest of the year. The data quality audits in each PAMS met the quality assurance criteria (85%) except for Tainan PAMS in February and March, and Chiau Jou PAMS in March and August of 2010, respectively. Analytical system audits for the response factors indicated that the standard deviations for n-Pentane exceeded the quality assurance criteria ±8% once in Wan Hua, Tainan, Chiau Jou and mobile laboratory 3, respectively. The standard deviations for Toluene were also found to exceed the quality assurance criteria ±10% once in Pu tze and mobile laboratory 3, respectively. The yearly performance evaluation result indicated that all analytes met the quality assurance criteria ±25% for Pu tze, Chao Tou and mobile laboratory 5. A few compounds, such as Toluene, n-Pentane, Isoprene, n-Dodecane and Styrene, were found to exceed the ±25% limits in other PAMS. Most of the other analytes met the quality assurance criteria.According the statistics of the historical data, it is found that the stations in Tainan and Chiau Jou did not provide a distinct effect. We therefore suggest relocating a station in Jen Wu. A PAMS in this location can be useful in the monitoring of China Petroleum Corp., Jen Wu and Da Sir industrial district as well as the exhaust from the heavy traffic in the area. We also suggest that some monitoring stations be established for background data collection in the upwind locations, such as Wan Li in North and Hen Tsun in South, according to the seasonal wind directions.
ProjectYear 099
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 中環科技事業股份有限公司