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Title 102年度空品淨化區及室內空品維護計畫
Abstract 本計畫期程為102年6月12日起至103年6月11日止,主要工作為空氣品質淨化區查核與輔導管理、裸露地調查與輔導改善、室內空氣品質查核與輔導管理等三大主軸。在空氣品質淨化區查核與輔導管理方面,共完成27處空氣品質淨化區之每月現場查核工作達12次•月(總計:319處次),總碳匯量共計938.173公噸/年,並完成民眾認養11處空氣品質淨化區,總認養面積共8.31公頃。執行期間另輔導楊梅市公所與蘆竹市公所向環保署申請新設2處空氣品質淨化區,未來核准設置後將可擴增3.8公頃綠地面積與提升碳匯量達87.4公噸/年。而為提升空氣品質淨化區的使用率,透過辦理親近空氣品質淨化區「桃花源樂活遊」活動,邀請大眾親身體驗轄內特色空氣品質淨化區及環境教育場所,藉由親近大自然,體驗低碳訴求概念,建立環境保護觀念。在裸露地調查與輔導改善方面,共完成6處非營建裸露地調查作業,調查總面積約8.282公頃,並利用植生綠覆完成3處裸露地改善,總綠覆面積共計2.088公頃,有效降低裸露地揚塵污染(TSP削減量:0.7392公噸、PM10削減量:0.3696公噸)及兼具環境綠美化之效。在室內空氣品質查核及輔導管理方面,共完成302處室內場所現場查核輔導與二氧化碳巡檢作業,並針對17處二氧化碳巡檢不合格場所執行複檢與追蹤改善;此外,另委由環保署認證合格檢驗機構並採用環保署公告檢驗方法,針對縣內12家不同類型之室內場所進行室內空氣品質調查工作,以有效瞭解縣內各類型場所的室內空氣品質現況,並執行6家次之專家現勘輔導改善作業,以有效協助室內場所進行室內空氣品質改善;另透過辦理4場次室內空氣品質會議,針對相關現行法規與室內空氣品質維護管理方法等進行說明講授,以有效提升縣內室內場所的室內空氣品質。
EngTitle Air quality Clarify Zone and Indoor Air Quality Maintenance Plan 2013
EngAbstract This project spanned the period from June 12, 2013 to June 11, 2014, with the main scope of the work covering three major aspects: inspections, consultations and management of air quality clarify zone; investigations on bare grounds and subsequent consultations and improvement; and inspections, consultations and management of indoor air quality.Regarding the inspections, consultations and management of air quality clarify zone, 12 monthly on-site inspections were completed in 27 zones (totaling 319 inspections for the entire project), and 11 zones were placed under the care of the general public. During the project, Yangmei City Office and Luzhu City Office were assisted in applying to the Environmental Protection Administration for the establishment of two new air quality clarify zones. In addition, in order to improve the use rate of the air quality clarify zones, the “LOHAS in Xanadu” activity was organized for the public to be closer to both the zones in their neighborhoods and the affiliated environmental education venues in the hope of enabling the participants to experience low-carbon concepts and thereby cultivate eco-friendliness.In the investigations on bare grounds and subsequent consultations and improvement, six bare grounds were investigated with a total area of 8.282 hectares. Three bare grounds were improved via green coverage, reaching a green coverage area of 2.088 hectares, effectively reducing fugitive dust pollution on the bare grounds, while preparing for landscaping. In regard to the inspections, consultations and management of indoor air quality, 302 indoor sites were investigated and offered consultations; CO2 concentration was also examined. Among these, 17 found to not meet the CO2 concentration standard were re-examined and improved. In addition, 12 indoor sites of different nature were investigated for their air quality by the Environmental Protection Administration-certified labs, with testing methods officially announced by the Administration in order to fully understand the indoor air quality conditions of various sites in the county. Six sessions of on-site investigation, consultation and improvement were completed at the sites to effectively assist in improving indoor air quality. Four sessions of indoor air quality meetings were also held with lectures on current regulations and relevant guidelines for indoor air quality maintenance and management, with the goal of improving the overall air quality of indoor sites across the county.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新系環境技術有限公司