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Title 運作中工廠土壤及地下水含氯有機溶劑污染潛勢調查及查證計畫(第5期)(甲)
Abstract 國內使用含氯溶劑工廠遍及各類業別,致癌風險性高,污染洩漏後其移動分佈深受複雜的水文地質變化所影響,其污染流佈與調查整治迥異於重金屬或油品類污染。本計畫為延續性之第5期計畫,分為甲、乙子計畫,計畫目標為:選取31家含氯有機溶劑運作中工廠以兩階段方式進行土壤及地下水調查及查證;配合環保署執行其他場址調查及查證;檢討修正環保署比水重非水相液體調查技術手冊中有關調查工作之內容;建立含氯有機化合物之物性、化性、毒性及健康危害資料等基本性質資料庫等。俾利篩選調查邏輯與成果經驗可回饋後續含氯有機溶劑運作中工廠之調查規劃與技術篩選,以兼具調查及查證之效益與成效。本計畫特以鎖定含氯有機物高污染潛勢業別篩選出114家工廠進行現勘及污染潛勢評估,再針對其中31家工廠進廠調查,其中有17家工廠之土壤或地下水相關污染物濃度超過管制標準,調查場址之土壤∕地下水查證率達54.8%(甲計畫:17家工廠中有11家工廠土壤或地下水超過管制標準;乙計畫:14家工廠中有6家工廠土壤或地下水超過管制標準)。
EngTitle Investigation and Verification of Soil and Groundwater Chlorinated Solvents Pollution Potential
EngAbstract Chlorinated solvents are widely used in various industries in Taiwan. Once the solvents leak and spread into the subsurface, the investigation and remediation of these solvents are more difficult than heavy metal and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) contaminants due to their higher mobility in the heterogeneous hydrogeological conditions. The project was the 5th year of continuous project which contained two subsidiary projects (A and B). The following tasks were completed in accordance with the objectives of the project including: conducted the two-stage investigation of soil and groundwater contamination at the chlorinated solvent operating factories selected; assisted the EPA in performing the investigation and verification of contaminations of other potential sites; updated and modified the guidelines of DNAPL investigation issued by the EPA. The final report of this project included the feedbacks of site screening and investigation procedures, in hoping that these will assist the EPA to set up an economical and effective method in processing chlorinated solvent operating cases in the future.With the focus on high potential contaminated facilities using chlorinated solvents, one hundred and fourteen facilities were selected for environmental site assessment phase I and thirty-one priority sites were investigated. The concentration of soil and groundwater contamination of seventeen sites had exceeded the pollution control standards. The enforcement rate of contamination investigation was 54.8 percent in this project. Out of the seventeen investigated sites in subsidiary project A, there were eleven sites with groundwater or soil contamination concentration exceeding the pollution control standards Out of the fourteen investigated sites in subsidiary project B, there were six sites with groundwater or soil pollutant concentration exceeding the pollution control standards.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 瑞昶科技股份有限公司