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Title 國內標準氣體製備與品質管理制度之建置與評估
Abstract 經過研發得知,各國都有一套標準氣體管理制度,來支援其環保業務。也都有依據空氣品質監測、固定與移動污染源等法規,來管制污染源排放與能耗等規定。對於監測器或分析儀,在安裝的檢定合格有效使用期間內,規定應定期以追溯驗證之標準氣體進行校正與查核,方可繼續使用於法定檢測。國內因為欠缺完善的環保氣體追溯驗證,與標準氣體產品之登錄、驗證、查核,及後市場管理等制度規範,因此環保執行面,就會衍生出標準氣體品質監督與追溯管理的問題。目前各國大都有一套計量體系,結合環保規範,來支援並達到環保管制法規的標準氣體追溯需求。例如在美國,其環保署利用制定的環保標準氣體議定書登錄查驗制度,達到稽查管制標準與追溯的要求。而日本則透過JCSS品質體系,制定一套登錄查驗體系,大陸也透過計量體系,籌建CNRM的標準參考物質登錄平台。由於標準氣體,在國內環保空氣汙染的檢測與監測領域中,牽涉甚廣也使用量最大,而氣體產業在國內也是涵蓋各經濟生產領域,因此若能建立,與國際接軌,並以環保汙染管制追溯的標準氣體管理登錄平台,將可提高法規執行與查核的公信力,與稽查標準的一致性,更可帶動國內氣體相關產業的經濟發展。
EngTitle The establishment and evaluation for the certificate preparation and quality-control management syst
EngAbstract According to the result of our research, we found that all of the country had a standard gas management system to support the environment protection business. They had the regulation to control the exhaust emission and energy consumption, according to the air-quality monitor and stationary and mobile emission law.All of the installed gas monitor and analyzer could continuously execute the legal measurement, if they had been periodically calibrated with traceable standard gas after qualified verification in the period if the time.All of the problem of the traceable administration and quality supervision would occur in the view of the environment-protection execution, if we don’t have the perfect traceable certificate system of the environmental gas standard and registration and inspection and after-the-market-management.All of the country have a metrology system combined environment-protection code to support the traceable requirement of the standard gas for the regulation control of the environment-protection.For example, US EPA made the EPA Protocol gas system to get the traceable and standard requirement for the audit control. Japan use the JCSS quality system to make a registration and inspection system. China also built the CNRM registration platform through the metrology system.Because of the extensive and quantitative usage of standard gas in the test and monitor field of the environmental air pollution, we could enhance the credibility of the execution and check for the regulation and conformity of the auditing standards, even the promotion of the economic development for the domestic gas-related industries, if we could build the TEPA protocol gas registration platform with international standard.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院