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Title 第2屆國家環境教育獎獎勵表揚規劃與執行專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫配合「國家環境教育獎獎勵辦法」實施,辦理第2屆國家環境教育獎遴選表揚,甄選平日熱心推動環境教育,並有顯著績效之學校、機關(構)、民營事業、社區、團體及個人,予以表揚,以達到充分運用民間環保資源,鼓勵全民參與並獎勵績優人士及團體對環境教育推動的貢獻。本計畫工作項目包括完成修定與印製各獎勵項目遴選表揚原則、報名表格及填寫說明等資料、更新及維護國家環境教育獎網頁與維護、完成各項評審會議、現場實地查訪及決選會議,並辦理頒獎典禮,且針對獲獎者進行獲獎事蹟的拍攝及優良事蹟實錄彙編之製作;另配合辦理兩場次記者會進行活動之宣傳與成果之宣導。
EngTitle The Second National Environmental Education Awards Planning and Implementation
EngAbstract The project has accomplished the works regarding the reviewing of candidates for the second National Environmental Education Awards and the presenting of the awards to the selected winners according to the “National Environmental Education Awards Guidelines”. Winners with outstanding performance were selected from schools, government departments (agencies), private enterprises, communities, non-government organizations (NGOs), and individuals to encourage utmost exertion of environmental resources from private sectors as well as to promote citizen participation with the awards that praise participants’ contribution to the promotion of environmental education. The project work included the correction and printing of the winner selection guidelines, together with the candidate registration forms and the guidelines to fill out the forms, as well as to renovate and maintain the National Environmental Education Awards website, to carry out all review meetings and on-site visits, and to hold the awards ceremony. The project also made photographed publication of the awarded stories, and held two sessions of press conference to promote the activity and its achievements.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 豐鏵環境科技管理股份有限公司