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Title 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制策略研擬及減量成效分析
Abstract 為了解台灣細懸浮微粒之成因並加以管制,本研究先收集國內細懸浮微粒之資料,以了解台灣細懸浮微粒組成與形成機制,並對台灣三十個手動測站,進行全年二十四個案例日之水溶性陰陽離子分析。其事件日篩選準則,包含了風向、季節及高濃度事件日。可由此水溶性陰陽離子之分析結果,進一步探討台灣各地污染物濃度之變化。分析結果指出,台灣細懸浮微粒濃度由北至南有漸增之情況,且中南部測站之銨鹽與硝酸鹽所佔比例較北部測站多,而硫酸鹽所占比例較少,但全年平均濃度,各成分濃度皆為南部測站高於北部。但就同風向之分析案來探討,可發現在北風時段,銨鹽、硫酸鹽與硝酸鹽之濃度由北向南遞增。南風時段,則銨鹽與硝酸鹽除雲林、嘉義與竹苗地區相似,為由北向南遞減,硫酸鹽於雲林嘉義較高。另外,分析大陸塵霾事件日顯示硫酸鹽之比例降低而硝酸鹽之比例上升。各空品區高細懸浮微粒濃度之成因案例探討,則是利用環保署95年至101年之細懸浮微粒及其前驅物濃度之監測資料,以解析高濃度之懸浮微粒時間與空間分布特性,並以CO為大氣擴散因子,以探討高細懸浮微粒之成因,主要可分為人為影響及擴散影響。分析結果與手動分析結果相似,細懸浮微粒濃度由北向南逐漸遞增,且成因分析結果不論是季節、假日或空品區,皆人為影響為主要影響因素。並利用統計檢定去檢視是否有顯著之差異。以三維網格模式模擬分析台灣不同空品區點源、線源及面源之SO2、NOx與NMHC等前驅物對細懸浮微粒濃度之影響,並須擬定SO2、NOx與NMHC等前驅物與點源、面源與線源之管制優先順序,主要分析日期為2007年之4月與10月,由模式模擬結果顯示各類排放源前驅物對細懸浮微粒之貢獻比例以NOx及線源為優先管制。綜合模式模擬之原生性與衍生性貢獻比例及102年手動方法之監測結果,而研擬各縣市於民國109年目標年之細懸浮微粒濃度的管制目標及三維網格模式量化模擬分析於不同空品區使用0.3%低硫量重油、電力業加嚴標準與以天然氣取代煤之成效。
EngTitle Analysis of PM2.5 Reduction Efficiency and Development of Its Control Program
EngAbstract To understand the formation mechanism of fine particle matter (PM2.5) and control them, this study reviews domestic data of the fine particle matter to understand the formation and mechanism of the fine particle matter in Taiwan, and using Ion Chromatography to analysis the samples of twenty event days at thirty stations. It is totally six hundred samples. The selection of event days is including wind direction, season, and high concentration event days. The result point out the concentration of fine particle matter increases from north to south. The concentrations of nitrate and ammonia in south stations are more than north stations, and the proportion of sulfate is less. But the annual average concentrations of the species in southern stations are more than northern stations. The result point out the concentrations of nitrate, sulfate, and ammonia increases from north to south at period of north wind direction. And at period of the south wind direction, the concentrations of nitrate and ammonia in Yunlin, Chiayi, and Hsinchu decrease from north to south. The concentration of sulfate is higher in Yunlin, and Chiayi. And we can use the result of water-soluble ions to compute the ammonium utilization, and develop control program. It uses EPA monitoring data of precursor concentration from 95 to 101 year to resolve high concentrations of fine particle matter distribution of time and space, and using CO as diffusion factor to analysis causes of event days. The result is similar with manual analysis, and the concentration of fine particle matter is increasing from north to south. And it is using statistical tests to check.It uses three-dimensional grid model to analysis sulfate, nitrate, and ammonia effect of point source, line source, and area source in different air basin. And formulate the control program of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonia. The days of analysis are April and October in 2007. The results of model point out NOx and line source need to priority control.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會