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Title 低碳永續社區推動專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要內容包含對既有52個低碳永續示範社區進行減碳成效彙整與新增39個低碳永續示範社區的推動工作。本報告調查22個縣市共52個既有低碳永續示範社區,彙整其近2年的低碳改善措施,評析其減碳成效、並蒐集村里長對推動低碳永續的寶貴意見。既有社區原診斷建議共694個,目前已執行完成136個,達成率為20%;有186個改善方案正在執行,占整體建議案比率約為27%;另外約53%計有372個建議案未執行,大多屬長期規劃或經費考量而尚未執行,如透水鋪面或太陽光電系統等。除診斷建議內容外,社區亦自動自發執行70項改善案,其內容多以髒亂點改善與綠化美化為主。既有示範社區99年度至102年度減碳成效:社區進行的低碳改善措施累計總減碳量為9,042公噸,其中包含環保署補助社區更換節能燈具,減碳量為95公噸。本計畫與各縣市政府召開協商會議,共同建立遴選原則,最後各縣市共推薦39個低碳永續社區,本計畫共完成39份診斷規劃報告;共提出354項建議改善項目供社區參考,預計年節水量為6,959,745噸,節電量為2,028,398度,減碳量達3,153噸。其中,建議改善項目以設備節能最多,共100項,因設備節能最易於社區推動,也最具減碳效益。整體而言以生態綠化、低碳生活與資源循環等三大運作機能在91個社區的執行比例較高,究其原因:1.容易號召志工參與、2.經費需求度低、3.不需大幅度改變社區軟硬體結構的行動項目,較易受到村里社區的青睞與執行。本計畫另根據39個低碳永續社區能資源耗用與當地氣候資料進行迴歸分析,找出用電、用氣與氣候之相關性,建立一套簡便、客觀可行的排碳評估方法。也協助6個社區,進行7案節能績效保證計畫,補助202萬元,項目以照明改善、空調系統改善為主,另補助具有推廣教育意義的太陽能電動機車充電站、太陽光電抽水系統、太陽光電與雨水回收整合示範系統。促成社區自籌110萬元進行低碳改善,突破過去社區等待政府全額補助的心態;節能績效保證專案預計每年可替社區節省245,864度電,82萬元能源費用支出,為國家每年減少132噸碳排放量。北部社區多為集合式住宅,多有物業管理業者進駐,可扮演推動低碳永續社區的關鍵角色,本計畫參考國內外物業管理業法規、制度與文獻,並依國內物業管理業者現況,召開一場產官學專家座談會,討論結合物業管理業者於低碳永續社區推動可行作法與物業管理培訓課程的適切性,並依會議結論,辦理鏈結物業管理推動低碳永續社區人力培訓講習會,講習會共有78個單位與會,152人參加。另輔導4家物管公司導入相關節能巡檢流程,協助社區進行低碳永續工作,此為國內首度以低碳永續角度出發,鏈結物業管理業者共同推動低碳永續家園之活動。
EngTitle Project of Developing the Low-Carbon Sustainable Community
EngAbstract This project contains main parts, including “Existed 52 Low-Carbon Model Communities”, Newly “Established 32 Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities” and “Providing Carbon Reduction Promotion Activities”.On the project of “Existed 52 Low-Carbon Model Communities”, the project visited 52 communities in 22 counties and cities of the nation and reviewed the execution of existed low carbon procedures for the past two years, and collecting valuable opinion form local opinion leaders such like alley or community leaders. The suggestion of all 694 communities had been finished 136 cases with percentage of 20%. The reasons for not being completing resulted from long-term planning or budget concern. Other 70 improvement projects were completed by communities themselves and most concerning greening works. As for carbon reducing, form year 2010 to 2013, total reduction of carbon reached 9,042 tons including 95 tons with EPA grants.On the project of “Established 39 Low-Carbon Sustainable Communities”, consulting Meetings are held with local cities and counties of the nation. Each city and county provided 39 low-carbon communities in total. The 39 diagnostic reports with low-carbon and sustainable suggestions are finished by fieldwork methods, and 354 improvement items have been suggested. The total saving for water reached 6,959,745 tons and electricity of 2,028,398 kilowatt hour is equivalent to annual carbon reduction was 3,153 tons. The suggestions mostly are energy saving with 100 items. Other local climate data and energy resources of 39 communities indicate factors of carbon emission and set up a easy model to calculate.Overall, the 91 communities related to more work on ecological greening, low-carbon life and recycling. It is easier to call more volunteers to join this project and requires lower budget. This project also finished 7 cases on ESCOs projects on lighting improvement and air conditioning improvement. The total budget was NTD$3,120,000 with NTD$2,020,000 from this project and with NTD$1,100,000 from community itself. The total saving on electricity was 245,864 kilowatt hour and accounts carbon reduction for 132 tons which saves NT$820,000.On estate management, global literatures and systems were collected. This project also analyzed the domestic current estate management companies and their conditions and provided solutions for integration on estate management companies and low-carbon communities. Additional seminar with exports from industry, government and academia was held. In the meeting, human power to support the integration of estate management companies and low-carbon communities was discussed and over 78 companies attended the meeting with 152 participants.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院