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Title 臺中市102年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署已於101年2月16日訂定「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」,並於101年3月1日起施行,環保署為使法規更符合實際情況,於102年6月25日公告機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法第四條、第五條修正內容,將法規放寬修正及新增部分排除條款,排除適用狀況如天氣預報氣溫超過30度、排班候客計程車、停車時正值下雨…等。因此臺中市政府環境保護局透過多元化的宣導方式如製作宣導海報、廣播託播、路口LCD跑馬燈播放相關宣導法令、新聞稿發佈與稽查管制作業方式,加強落實停車怠速熄火相關工作,本計畫執行各項成果如下說明:本計畫工作團隊自102年11月1日至103年5月14日執行停車怠速查核作業,查核數量共計3,175輛次,查核結果以小型車最多達2,969輛次,其比例為93.5%,其次為機車共計185輛次,其比例為5.8%,而大型車共查核21輛次,其比例為0.7%。在查核地點中,以商圈件數最多,共計1,919輛次,占60%,其次為其他地點共計查核701輛次,占22%,再則為運輸轉運站亦為常發生車輛怠速行為之地點,其查核件數為239輛次,占8%,另外市場、學校及機關分別各占5%、3%及2%。為使各級機關與業者知曉法令內容,本計畫配合政策宣導辦理1場研商討論會及選擇45處公家機關及學校及20處在車流量較多之LCD電視牆螢幕播放宣導停車怠速法令內容,以提升宣導成效。
EngTitle The Taichung City carry out presentation and control program for Parking and Idle Stop in 2013.
EngAbstract The “Management Measures of Motor vehicle Idling Parking” was set by the EPA on February 16, 2012, and implemented on March 1, 2012. To make this regulation more conform to reality, on 25 June, 2013, the EPApublished the amendments of the Article 4 and 5 in Management Measures of Motor vehicle Idling Parking to relax regulations and add some exclusive, such as the temperature of nowscast was exceed than 30℃, the taxies in queue which was waiting for customers, and the raining day. Taichung-City EPB was carried out the diversified propagandaabout idling-stop, such as making propaganda goods, broadcasting,played decrees repeatedly on LED digital signage at main intersections, press releases, and inspection. The achievements of this project were including: The inspection of idling-stop in thisproject was carried out from November 1, 2013 to May 14, 2014. Total amount of 3,175 vehicles, the small cars were up to 2,969(93.5%) whichwere most. Secondly, the numbers of motorcycles were 185(5.8%), andthe numbers of large automobiles were 21(0.7%). In the all kinds ofareas, the easiest to found idling vehicles were business district,total 1,919 (60%) cases. The other places were 701 (22%) cases. InAddition, the idling vehicles are also easy be found in transportstation, were 239 cases (8%).To make all government agencies andpeople in the business to know this policy, 45 LED digital signage at government agencies, schools, and 20 screen wall on the heavy trafficcorner were played.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 思維環境科技有限公司