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Title 「地下水有害物質環境傳輸調查及管制標準檢討計畫(第二期)」
Abstract 本計畫為辦理國內新興產業及關切區域地下水有害物質污染潛勢調查,並建立地下水污染管制實施方案,延續第一期計畫成果,本計畫完成研商會及公聽會之辦理,並依法制作業標準作業流程於102年12月18日完成地下水污染監測及管制標準之公告發布,也辦理專家諮詢會議研商氰化物管制適宜性及研擬後續修正方案。此外,本計畫已建立國內139項地下水潛在列管污染物名單,並依其物化特性及危害資料,進行兩階段污染物評分、排序及分類,目前已選取19項資料完整污染物,如丙烯腈、聯苯胺等,作為優先新增列管候選污染物名單。本計畫針對「石油化學與化工業」進行現勘、訪談及兩階段地下水、土壤及底泥調查工作,綜合調查成果與文獻資料,國內地下水實檢出鄰苯二甲酸酯類塑化劑、壬基酚、雙酚A等關切物質,檢出濃度數量級為10-1~10-5 mg/L,未來須持續評估地下水污染管制標準新增列管之必要性。關於濁水溪沖積扇地下水氨氮濃度偏高問題,本工作首先利用雨水、地面水、水利署觀測井地下水之氫氧同位素組成,建立濁水溪沖積扇地下水背景值,並確認北中南三個流域之地下水來源與組成差異,進而比對區域性監測井地下水水質特性與氫氧同位素,並配合補充調查地表各類水體之氫氧同位素值,藉以判斷地下水中氨氮之可能來源,結果顯示淺層地下水明顯受到鄰近水體影響,包括溝渠、田間水、灌溉渠道、民井等,造成氧同位素值變重及氨氮濃度增加。此外,針對特定區域地下水鉻、鎳、氟鹽及硒問題,本計畫已完成地下水調查及水質研析,除劃定花東地區土壤鉻、鎳污染風險潛勢區,也評析南科台南園區地下水氟鹽自然潛勢與人為潛勢區域,並研提未來監測調查規劃,及相關水質管理及法規管制建議,以供各級主管機關實務執行之參考。
EngTitle Investigation of Hazardous Substances Transformation in Groundwater and Amending Water Pollution
EngAbstract The purposes of this project were to investigate the groundwater contamination potential of hazardous materials from sunrise industries and concerned catchments, and to establish the controlling strategies of groundwater pollution. Following the results of the first project, this project held consultation meeting and public hearing, and finished promulgation of Groundwater Pollution Monitoring/Controlling Standards on December, 18th, 2013 according to the official standard procedure. Consultation meeting was also held to review regulatory suitability of cyanides, and to deliberate subsequent revision program. Additionally, 139 potential regulatory groundwater pollutants were established, scored, and classed based on physical/chemical properties and health effects. 19 data-completed pollutants had high priority as monitoring/controlling items, such as acrylonitrile and benzidine.Site inspection, interview, and a two-stage groundwater, soil and sediment quality survey of Petroleum and Chemical Industry were conducted. The results showed that phthalates, nonylphenol, bispehnol A were actually distributed in groundwater, and detected concentrations were between 10-1 and 10-5 mg/L. The necessity of these pollutants to be monitoring/controlling items should be continually assessed in the future.For the elevated groundwater NH4+ concentration of Choshui river alluvial fan, the H and O isotopte compositions of rain water, river water and deep monitoring well groundwater were analyzed to establish the background of subsurface environment. The river water from 3 different chachments were collected to verify the difference of water sources. The results were further adopted for verifying of isotope composition of shallow monitoring well groundwater. The H and O isotope of different water body were also determined, including ditch, paddy field, irrigation channel, private wells to understand the plausible sources of groundwater NH4+ contents. The results indicated that the influences of different surface water on shallow groundwater were significant and lead to the heavier O isotope and increased NH4+ concentration.For groundwater chromium, nickel, selenium and fluoride issue, groundwater investigation and quality analysis were completed. This project already established potential areas for soil chromium/nickel pollution in Hualien-Taitung Valley, and defined naturally-attributed or anthropogenically-attributed areas for groundwater fluoride in Tainan Science Park. Future monitoring plans, quality management and advice on standard revision also presented in this project. Aforementioned results and suggestions could submit to competent authorities as practical implementation references.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 業興環境科技股份有限公司