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Title 102年度桃園縣含氯溶劑污染場址初步污染範圍界定及相關場址後續管制策略計畫
Abstract 桃園縣境內有多處工業區,管理不易,部分工業區長時間以來有遭含氯有機溶劑污染的問題,然而工業區內污染來源仍屬不明確,尚待釐清,環保局為有效管理地下水污染場址,乃規劃本計畫進行相關污染工廠調查及管制策略研擬工作。本計畫已完成所有合約工作項目,自計畫簽約後完成每兩個月工廠巡檢,每次巡檢與查核桃園縣境內列管土水污染場址14~16處,相關巡檢資料與照片亦已完成上傳並更新至土壤及地下水管理資訊系統;本計畫針對具污染疑慮且有擴散之虞、污染範圍待釐清之場址進行相關調查、文獻與工廠過去運作歷史蒐集與分析,完成中壢工業區過去既設井與廠商自設井等相關設井資料與檢測數據,藉此瞭解中壢工業區污染分布情形,經篩選後選擇K公司中壢廠、T公司、O公司中壢廠以及Y公司等4處場址與其鄰近區域進行地下水污染範圍釐清與調查,除了分析合約項目之揮發性有機物之外,本計畫亦應用化合物專一性穩定同位素分析技術,針對含氯污染物質進行鑑識評析。4家工廠調查計畫書與品保規劃書已依約於第一次期中報告提交,4場址共計12口監測井則於102年11月17日全數完成設置,調查發現中壢工業區之4處場址應屬於3個污染團,同達一與Y公司附近應有廠區外之污染來源、K公司、O公司、與內○國小附近之污染來源應是在O公司廠區西北邊;除此之外,本報告亦針對含氯場址、含氯溶劑使用現況進行文獻蒐集與資料分析於第四章,另對於桃園縣工廠管理現況與策略評析彙整於第五章;其他本計畫行政配合事項摘要整理於第七章。最後彙整本計畫執行成果所做之結論與建議整理於第八章。
EngTitle FY102 Project of Pollution Delineation and Post Regulation Strategies for Chlorinated Solvents Contaminated Sites in Taoyuan County
EngAbstract Many industrial areas were established in Taoyuan with varied manufacturing process. The widespread industrials in these areas generate different and complex pollutants which are not easy to deal with. Some industrial areas were contaminated by organic chlorinated solvents for long period; in particular the presence of chlorinated solvents in groundwater. However, the pollution existed for more than 20 years but the pollution sources have not been clearly identified in some highly concerned sites. For overcoming this problem and trying to clarify the pollution extent in these industrial areas in Taoyuan, the environment protection bureau (EPB) launched a project in 2013 executing by Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), for investigating and identifying the pollution source of chlorinated solvents in groundwater which having priority and controversy. In addition, strategies for managing and handling with contaminated sites are also suggested by the results of this project. All items listed in the contract are completed in this project. The supervision and the inspection of factories controlled by the Law of soil and groundwater were carried out every 2 month. About 14 to 16 sites were evaluated every 2 month to monitor and inspect the status of contaminated sites in Taoyuan. The information collected by each time of inspection were periodically reported, updated and uploaded on-line to the soil and groundwater management system (SGM) maintained by the EPA. The results of factories inspection were concluded in chapter 6 in this final report. An important section of this project is to clarify the pollution extent and try to identify the pollution source. For this purpose, analysis results of groundwater in Chung-Li industrial area in previous investigation were collected and reviewed, 4 contaminated sites, referred as K、T、Y, and O were determined as the investigation target. Totally 12 monitoring wells were hence set-up in Chung-Li Industrial area, and 19 groundwater samples were taken out for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Besides, the compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) technique was employed in this project to illustrate the possible location or directions of the pollution sources. The investigation proposals for 4 contaminated sites were submitted in the first midterm report (August, 2013); the results of monitoring wells set up were summarized and exhibited in chapter 3. The results demonstrated that 3 pollution plumes existed among these 4 contaminated sites in Chung-Li industrial area. The pollution sources of T site and Y site were not inside the factory boundaries; T site and Y site were not responsible to the pollution generation. The pollution source of K site, O site and Nei-Ding elementary school were suggested to be the same one, came from the northwest direction of O site. In addition to site investigation, literature reviews of chlorinated solvent operation, and the case studies for investigating of contaminated site by chlorinated solvents were organized in chapter 4. Strategies and suggestions proposed for factories management in Taoyuan were revealed in chapter 5. Others assistance requested by EPB were listed in chapter 7. Chapter 8 concluded and made suggestions of this project.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院