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Title 102年度臺南市推動室內空氣品質改善計畫
Abstract 本年度輔導訪查臺南市轄內38家公共場所(33家環保署第一批公告場所與5家非公告場所),並依「室內空氣品質檢測管理法」規定,巡檢各場所可能受管制之民眾常駐足管制區,依據各場所現場巡檢及訪查輔導紀錄及問題,查核輔導可能存在管理問題之公告場所,提供室內空氣品質維護管理之改善建議。冀期藉由初訪輔導(38處)→直讀儀全項巡檢(38處)→公告方法檢測(12處)→專家輔導(8處)之循序漸進流程,確認本市轄內公告場所室內空氣品質現況及管理情形。 本計畫於102年8月15日、102年8月22日與103年3月27日辦理3場次法規說明會,針對環保署公布之第一批列管場所類別進行宣導,並於102年9月起,依工作內容執行38處公共場所(含環保署公告本市33處場所名單)查核輔導,包含大專校院3間、圖書館1間、醫療院所3間、社會福利機構1間、政府機關9間、鐵路運輸3間、商場13間。訪查之際,亦以簡易式直讀式儀器進行7項巡檢,並針對20處公共場所初訪時CO2較高濃度區域進行巡檢複查。標準方法檢測乃依環保署公告場所類型管制室內空氣品質項目執行12處公共場所二氧化碳(CO2)、一氧化碳(CO)、甲醛(HCHO)、總揮發性有機化合物(TVOC)、粒徑小於10微米之懸浮微粒(PM10)、粒徑小於2.5微米之懸浮微粒(PM2.5)、細菌、真菌等總計56點次室內空氣品質公告方法檢測,其中亦包含101年度5處較具室內空氣品質改善空間之公告場所,進行甲醛複測,所有場所檢測結果皆符合室內空氣品質標準。本計畫另於102年11月起進行8場次專家學者輔導改善,並自103年3月起聯同初訪較具問題之20處進行複查追蹤,結果顯示因應環保署室內空氣品質管制期程,部分場所態度轉趨為積極(如: 臺南市政府(永華市政中心)、臺灣鐵路新營車站、好市多臺南店等),已先行進行加強排氣、防漏等改善工程,其室內空氣CO2及細菌濃度有明顯改善。 本計畫初步建置本市室內空氣品質資訊網站,目前已完成官網連結、室內空氣品質資訊及其他資訊等架構內容,即時新增文獻與法規資訊。此外,計畫亦彙整20處第一批公告場所撰寫新版維護管理計畫書,並協助本市10處公告場所設置專責人員。
EngTitle Promotion of 2013 Project on Improvement of Indoor Air Quality at Tainan City
EngAbstract There were 38 public sites (includes 33 the first EPA-announced and five non-EPA-announced public sites) in Tainan City were visited, examined and then tutored within this year. According to the guidelines for examination of indoor air quality, the confined public sites that possibly controlled and residents would frequently visit were visited and examined. Based on the records and questions via on-site visiting, examining and tutoring, checked and tutored the announced public sites that management problems probably occur. Provides the recommendations for improving to maintain and manage the indoor air quality. Via the sequential schedules : preliminary visiting and tutoring (38 sites) → all items using direct-read instruments during visiting and examining (38 sites) → measuring using issued methods (12 sites) → tutoring of experts (8 sites), it is expected to ascertain the current conditions and management of indoor air quality regarding announced public sites within this city. In the current project, three seminars of legislations or laws were held in 15 August 2013, 22 August 2013 and 27 March 2014, respectively. The main purpose was to conduct advocacy for the public sites that were firstly-included of control and announced by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). From September 2013, the checking and tutoring for 38 public sites (includes 33 EPA-announced public sites in this city) has been conducted according to the work contents of this project. These includes three colleges, one library, three hospitals, one social welfare agency, nine government agencies, three railway transportation and 13 markets. During the visiting and checking, seven items for visiting and examining were also conducted employing simple direct-read instruments. Visiting, examining and rechecking were also conducted for the 20 public sites with higher concentrations of CO2 during preliminary visiting. According to the controlled indoor air quality items of Taiwan EPA-announced sites, issued standard methods were then used to measure carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), formaldehyde (HCHO), total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), suspended particulates whose particle size is less than 10 µm (PM10), suspended particulates whose particle size is less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5), bacteria and fungi. A total of 12 public sites and 56 samples were measured for indoor air quality using issued methods. Among them, five announced public sites with higher improving possibility at IAQ were chosen to conduct formaldehyde re-checking in 2012. Results of all examined sites met the IAQ standards. Additionally, eight expert-tutoring were held from November 2013 in this project. Along with the 20 public sites with higher concentrations of IAQ items during preliminary visiting, rechecking and tracking were then conducted from March 2014. Results revealed that some public sectors start to have more positive attitude to response the IAQ schedules built by Taiwan EPA, for examples, Yung-Hua municipal center, Hsin-Yinn station and Costco etc. Their exhausting and leakage-proof systems were improved first, concentrations of CO2 and bacteria of indoor airs have been significantly lowered.The related websites regarding indoor air quality in this city were firstly built in the present project. Currently, the links for official websites and indoor air quality and other information has been completed. Meanwhile, laws and literatures were immediately updated. In addition, the new version of project concerning maintenance and management for 20 firstly-announced public sites has been organized in this project. Also, 10 firstly-announced public sites in this city were assisted to set up dedicated staff.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 崑山科技大學