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Title 水體污染總量管制方式規劃專案工作計畫
Abstract 環保署為進一步提升水體品質、確保國民健康,擬依水污染防治法精神,將廢(污)水排放總量管制列為後續水質管理之主要策略,而本計畫主要目標為分析國際水污染總量管制及水質用途標準最新資訊,並研擬我國水體污染總量管制方式及大漢溪流域水污染總量管制方式草案。本計畫蒐集彙整美、日、韓、中等各國總量管制執行經驗,後透過各國制度及案例分析之回饋,研擬總量管制整體實施及執行流程。實施內容包括總量管制實施對象評估、水體涵容能力調查分析、容許污染總量分配、總量管制執行及成效評估等,擬透過資料蒐集、分析、評估、策略擬訂及查核等步驟,將水體區分為總量加嚴、總量削減、總量盤查及定期監測等四大類進行管理;另選定大漢溪柑園大橋至浮洲橋河段為總量管制示範流域,並以BOD水質項目為對象,分別進行涵容能力分析、既有整治措施成效分析及擬訂容許污染總量分配草案,彙整提出大漢溪流域總量管制執行方式推動草案,以供地方主管機關後續擬訂污染總量管制計畫之參考。此外,為完善國內總量管制作業之推動,本計畫透過研商、座談、專家諮詢或說明等會議之方式,彙整國内總量管制相關領域之專家學者意見,作為擬定國內總量管制制度及執行作業之依據;另配合建置水體污染總量地理資訊系統,建立相關污染源管理功能模組,作為整體總量管制之輔助工具。
EngTitle Water Pollution Control Planning by TMDLs
EngAbstract   In order to improve water quality of Taiwan river and ensure people’s health, Taiwan EPA follows the Water Pollution Control Act to make Total Mass Daily Loads(TMDL) as the main strategy of water quality management in the future. The target of this project is to collect information of TMDL and water quality standard on international, and develop the process of Taiwan TMDL and complete the draft of TMDL in Dahan river.  This project has collected and analyzed the TMDL implemented experience of USA, Japan, Korea, to develop the standard process of Taiwan TMDL. Including identifying candidates for TMDL development, quantifying the allowable pollutant load, allocating waste load, implementation and monitoring. The water type has been classified to four categories, which result are permit standard raising, pollution reducing, environmental investigating and regular monitoring. In addition, we choose the segment between Ganyuan bridge and Fuzhou bridge in Dahan river as an example of TMDL segment and BOD is the control target. We analyzed the allowable pollutant load of the segment, and compiled existing pollution control measures to determine the wasteload allocation. At last we finished the draft of Dahan river TMDL implementation plan, which is a reference materials of TMDL implementation plans for the official authorities in the future.  Besides, we had held several conferences and meetings to collect the opinions from experts in different region, which can complete the process we develop in the project. In the other hand we have established a GIS with pollutant management model as a tool for implementing TMDL in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司