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Title 102年南區水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理計畫
Abstract 一、建立南區域聯防制度(一)協助建立聯防體系啟動及結束機制(二)協助建立水污染應變程序二、協助水污染事件緊急應變作業本年度計畫截至目前共發生兩件水環境污染事件。三、應變器材維護保養成果本年度完成兩次南區5大縣市環保局之緊急應變器材進行盤點、維護與保養作業。四、協助儲油事業清查及防溢堤設置查核作業本年度於計畫針對轄區內的80家貯油槽事業進行查核,並於11月5日完成複查相關作業。五、辦理水污染教育訓練本工作團隊於102年7月23日上午辦理水污染教育訓練1場次,其課程內容主要包含緊急應變通報法令規定說明、通報與聯繫單位之相關資料等。六、辦理緊急應變器材訓練本工作團隊於102年7月23日辦理1場次水污染緊急應變器材訓練,其參訓對象主要以各縣市環保局為主,並委託默利公司負責應變器材之使用方式及實作訓練課程。七、辦理水污染事件緊急應變協同演練102年10月16日下午14時,某事業單位乙輛滿載油品之油罐車,油罐車油槽破裂,油污自橋上流入愛河。演練項目包括有事故發生、通報程序、即時應變及成立緊急應變中、事故現場攔油及汲油、執行沿岸清除作業等。八、其他河川水質維護工作及配合事項部分本團隊駐局人員協助列管事業水污染防治措施計畫定期申報歸檔及協助辦理水污染稽(巡)查。
EngTitle Private Organization Emergency Responses to Water Pollution Incidents of Southern District of Taiwan
EngAbstract One. Establishment of Southern Defense System1. Establishment of the start-up mechanism of southern defense system.2. Establishment of the end mechanism of southern defense system.Two. Assisting Major Water Pollution IncidentsTwo major water pollution incidents happened during the project year.Three. Maintenance of Emergency Response SupplyMaintenance and inventories of the emergency response supply of five major southern cities were completed.Four. Inspection of Oil Spill Embankment 80 industrial units with oil reservoir tank were inspected and the follow up inspections were also completed by Nov. 5th.Five. Water Pollution Prevention Information SessionOne water pollution prevention info session was organized by July 23rd, 2013.Six. Emergency Supply Training SessionOne emergency supply training session was organized by July 23rd, 2013 with all the local EPB emergency handling personnel invited. Seven. Water Pollution Emergency Handling and Cleaning DrillEmergency drill by the scenario of a capsized oil tanker with oil spilled to Ai-He River was scheduled at Oct. 16th, 2013.Eight. Other Matter Deemed RelevantAssisting water pollution permit application processes and pollution investigation matter.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司