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Title 高雄市列管事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑、深度查核及暗管查處計畫
Abstract 高雄市境內共有二仁溪、阿公店溪、典寶溪、後勁溪、愛河、前鎮河、鳳山溪、鹽水港溪及高屏溪等九條重要河川,總流域面積達4,032.4平方公里,列管之排放廢(污)水事業及污水下水道系統約2,111家。為有效掌握及改善各流域水體水質狀況,藉由「稽查管制」及「輔導改善」並行方式,積極管制事業污染防治措施及杜絕非法排放,以降低各流域水質污染惡化情形,有效減輕水體環境負荷。於計畫執行期間共執行979家次稽查、12家次事業單位廢水處理設施功能評鑑及8家次深度查核、共查獲23支不明管線及辦理4場次法規宣導說明會。在經營民眾參與水環境巡守的部分,本團隊共辨理22場次生活污水減量宣導活動、21場淨灘淨溪活動、協助通報276處髒亂點及10支不明管線,並安排1場次媒體專訪河川巡守隊及發布3篇新聞稿。在維護流域環境方面,共清除15.9公噸之垃圾,有助於維護流域環境。
EngTitle The plan is appraise and audit the wastewater and sewage treatment facilities of registered enterprises in Kaohsiung City, and find the lawless pipelines.
EngAbstract There are nine major rivers in Kaohsiung City, where located at the Erren River, the Agongdian River, the Dian-Pao River, the Hou-Jin River, the Love River, the Chian-Jen River, the Fengshan River, the Yanshuei-Gang River and the Kao-Ping River. The total river basin area of them is about 4,032.4 km2 and there are 2,111 registered enterprises and sewage systems in these river basins mentioned above. In order to control and improve the water quality of water bodies of each river basin efficiently, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government restrains the water pollution control measure of enterprises and eliminates illegal discharge actively by inspection control and counseling improvement for mitigating water quality deterioration of each river basin and environmental loadings of water bodies effectively. In the time of this project, we have an achievement, which is auditing 979 registered enterprises and sewage systems, to appraise 12 industries of wastewater treatment, and audit 8 industries of wastewater treatment .we found 23 unknown pipelines, and hold four conference meeting to declare the water pollution regulations. Besides that, our team to hold 22 Sessions of household water usage reduction and 21 river cleanup activities and to assist to announce that there are 276 dirty bulletins and 10 unknown pipelines, furthermore, we also arrange two interviews of mass media and three press releases for KEPB . We clean up 15.9 mt garbage in the river for protecting the river basin environmental.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 環佑實業有限公司