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Title 102年河川水庫底泥污染傳輸模式應用及研析計畫
Abstract 本計畫最重要之目的在於應用適當的水理水質模式,進行污染傳輸模擬,依模擬結果提出合適之行動管理策略建議,因此計畫的核心在於水理水質模式。計畫展開後,先進行前置作業,包括國內主要水庫流域背景資料、水體水質污染現況、歷年底泥監測結果等基本資料蒐集,並擇定石門水庫規劃其調查方式,及研擬大漢溪調查計畫。調查計畫經環保署同意後,即展開各項現場調查工作,包含水庫及河床地形測量、底泥品質採樣分析與水質水量採樣檢測等。現場調查完成後,接續回饋予石門水庫CE-QUAL-W2模式之校驗及以模式評估水庫底泥與水質污染傳輸情形,並修正既有之大漢溪WASP傳輸模式,探討大漢溪底泥污染敏感區分布等。石門水庫依本計畫調查結果,庫區內並無明顯或長期持續的污染源排放情形,無論就水質與底泥品質而言,均低於目前所規範之法規限值,並無重金屬與有機毒性物等污染或短期內超標之虞;在模擬結果上,因無明顯的污染排放行為,水質與底泥品質均低於現行法規限值,為一健康水體;在污染情境分析上,考量現有相關參數演算資料以及水體與底泥之管制項目與限值,選定銅為關切污染物,進行各項污染情境分析,其結果顯示上游銅污染排放需達51,840 kg/day以上,且為連續排放,方可使石門水庫大壩處之底泥品質超過下限值。水庫及其上游集水區通常為水質水源水量保護區,並無明顯之重金屬或有機毒性物之污染排放行為,石門水庫底泥之管理,依現有調查結果及底泥管理架構流程,應持續進行定期水質與底泥品質檢測,避免零星或偶發排放事件造成水體與底泥污染。大漢溪依歷年以及本計畫調查結果,底泥與水質之關鍵污染物以銅為主,高污染潛勢區為浮洲橋至新海橋河段,主要來源為塔寮坑溪與湳仔溝等。大漢溪流域短期內應持續監測水質與底泥,並進行生物調查確認毒害風險;中長期應進行污染減量措施,並評估總量管制方式,使水體水質符合涵容能力,改善全流域污染排放情形。本計畫應用底泥模式及情境分析,塔寮坑溪等特定污染排放總量應低於21.70kg/day,或評估污染總量管制(TMDLs)之執行,改善全流域污染排放量達57.95kg/day以下,可有效改善水體水質並減緩污染蓄積於底泥之中,維持長時間良好底泥品質。目前塔寮坑溪等特定污染排水於排入點皆設有截流或現地處理設施,短期內若能妥善運用,全面截流,應可逐年改善底泥品質,若再搭配底泥濬除,可望達到底泥品質下限,並可持續維持三年以上。另外本計畫彙整歷次調查期間之重要颱風、暴雨與重要河情,初步推論這類事件造成大漢溪中上游沖刷現象,並將位於中游之高污染底泥挾帶至下游河口處,導致今年度底泥產生運移與重新分配現象。本計畫另一項工作重點為辦理一場次研習會。殷鑑於底泥污染領域為國內環境保護新領域,各相關法規之宣導推動、目的事業主管機關權責義務及整治工作之推動尚未臻落實完善,故為加強推動底泥品質管理工作與落實法規執行宣導,及協助辦理底泥品質申報事宜,於102年10月17~18日辦理一場次研習會,內容包括現階段底泥管理相關法規架構、底泥申報備查作業辦法說明、採樣計畫書撰寫實例、底泥檢測技術介紹、底泥線上申報操作說明、國外底泥處理及整治技術介紹等,並藉由會議之各方意見回饋,及綜整國內外底泥管理法規與策略,提出未來底泥品質法規研修之相關建議。
EngTitle Application for contaminated sediment transport modeling in a river and reservoir
EngAbstract The main focus of the project is the development of a transmission model framework, which was then used to evaluate a range of sediment restoration scenarios for the select river system and target reservoir. The assessment outcome was then incorporated into the management strategies and recommendations for the sediment clean-up effort.The project work started with data and information gathering and field program development for collecting hydrographic data of the river system and target reservoir. The water quality modeling framework, WASP was adopted as the platform for developing the fate and transport model of the Dahan River in Taipei, selected as the target river system, CE-QUAL-W2 was another one adopted as the platform for developing the transmission model of the Shimen Reservoir in Taoyuan, selected as the target reservoir.Results of Shimen Reservoir from the field program revealed that water and sediment were below the regulatory value, and not found pollution behavior around the reservoir, we take copper for example, define seven different scenario to predict pollution situation. Its results show that the upstream input copper takes up 51,840 kg / day or more, and discharge continuously, sediment quality at Shimen Dam area would exceed the lower limit. Currently, administration agency should continuously monitor water and sediment quality, avoid sporadic or accidental pollution discharge events.Results of Dahan River from the field program revealed that existing levels of copper, zinc, and nickel in the Dahan River sediments exceed the water quality criteria with copper the metal most frequently violating the standard. The river portion between the Fu-Chou Bridge and Xinhai Bridge is still found having the highest metal concentrations in the sediment as a result of the significant metal loads from sources in the watershed. The WASP model simulation results indicated that metal levels in the Dahan River sediments will continue to rise if no actions were taken to reduce the metal input. On-site removal of the contaminated sediments would only be a temporary measure to lower the metal contents in the sediment if the external inputs are not curbed. High pollution loading of the Tahan river pollution contained Nanzaigou ditch, Taliaokeng river etc., they already has sewage interceptor system. So administrator could reduce loading by operating the system in short term. To improve the pollution situation in the whole basin, pollution’s TMDLs (total maximum daily loadings) could be considered to action in the future. If removing contaminated sediments along with control of the external inputs, it would be the preferred strategy to gradually restore the river sediment system to within the metal thresholds in long time. In addition, important river situation such as typhoons or rainstorms, could cause upstream sediment erosion, so we observe sediment transport and redistribution in this program.Another key point of this project is to conduct a training workshop, it was held on October 17 and 18 in 2013, the course content include sediment law framework, administrative procedures of sediment quality recording, example for sampling proposal, sample analysis technologies, sediment management strategies and remediation technologies introduction. After the workshop, one propose sediment quality regulatory adjustment suggestions according the workshop feedback and consolidate domestic and international sediment regulations.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 美商傑明工程顧問股份有限公司臺灣分公司