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Title 臺丹水資源暨環境教育國際合作與實務交流專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫旨在借重丹麥水資源整治經驗,於臺灣進行實地場勘以診斷、建議適宜的解決方案,並分享雙邊經驗,令兩國更深入了解彼此於水資源永續發展上之長處,以掌握國際合作契機。近年來由於全球氣候異常水文或水資源之水平衡關係中不論都市洪災、缺水以及地下水均受到氣候變遷之衝擊,進一步影響水資源的供需。臺灣亦面臨先天水環境特殊,降雨量豐枯懸殊,可留用水量有限造成不利水資源利用及防洪治水等挑戰,因此對於水資源探勘技術、監控系統與定位,和永續管理地下水等關鍵領域,實為當前台灣所必須面對之迫切議題。預期借由縝密的計畫規劃與執行、實地場勘、務實檢討、深入交流,將丹麥解決問題的「流程」導入臺灣需改變的現況,研擬出對的解決方案並期能執行之。本計畫之執行要分為三大階段:第一階段為為期3日之場勘,將針對臺灣水資源議題現況進行問題探索與確認,將安排丹麥專家學者參訪臺灣水資源相關機構/設施場所,並提出初步建議;第二階段為國際研討會,將進行實務經驗分享,丹麥專家學者將彙整第一階段場勘之診斷問題,提出相應之解決建議發表於國際研討會中;第三階段為環境教育工作坊,將分享丹麥環境教育與永續概念之課程設計與理念、程序、產出等一貫之思考流程與方式。本計畫之執行績效與研究成果,將有利於申請丹麥環境部綠能科技發展基金,共同研議具合作潛力的Master Plan或可行性研究,作為臺丹國際合作的前導指標。
EngTitle Taiwan Denmark Technical Exchange and Knowledge Sharing on Water Resource Environmental Education
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to, by drawing on Denmark’s experience in water resource management, conduct field survey, provide solution to Taiwan, share the bilateral experience and suggest the corresponding recommendations that will further mutual understanding to develop the international cooperation opportunities. In recent years, climate change is affecting global rainfall patterns and water distribution that often cause urban flooding, water scarcity and groundwater overdraft which are also the challenges faced by Taiwan. Therefore, hydrogeological mapping, monitoring system and sustainable groundwater exploitation grow into urgent issues for Taiwan. Expecting through meticulous planning and execution, site field survey, pragmatic evaluation, and in-depth exchanges could import Denmark problem solving “process” to Taiwan in order to change the current situation and develop the right solution.The project is divided into three stages. 1st) The 3 day’s field survey: Denmark water experts will be visiting Taiwan water related organization/ facilities to explore the current water issues and have the preliminary proposal. 2nd) The International Seminar: the Danish experts will compile the problem from 1st stage’s diagnostic field survey, then give the corresponding recommendations and share Denmark’s practical water management experience.3rd) Environmental education workshops: The environmental education workshop is design to integrate Denmark’s education concept, philosophy to provide the problem solving processes and consistent way of thinking.The operational performance and research results of this project will be beneficial for both parties to formulate the potential Master plan and apply Denmark environmental development fund as a Taiwan-Denmark international cooperation indicator.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中華經濟研究院