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Title 固定污染源連續自動監測設施功能查核及維護計畫
Abstract 目前宜蘭縣轄區內符合行政院環境保護署第一、二批公告應裝置連續自動監測設施之固定污染源,依其製程別包括:水泥製造程序、鍋爐發電程序及一般事業廢棄物焚化程序,共有8家工廠22根連線煙道,這些煙道的排放量,佔本縣固定源總排量八成以上,故監測數據正確與否攸關重大。本計畫工作重點作業於維護環保局連續自動監測系統及針對各污染源監測設施與資料品質進行功能查核及電位檢核等相關監督查核作業以認證資料合理性及準確性,並持續協助環保局新公告各批應與地方主管機關連線之固定污染源連續自動監測設施進行連線工作。為提昇監測數據可信度與可用率,落實監測設施品質保證制度與監測設施查核作業,本年度共計完成21根次CEMS功能及監測數據查核,本計畫也歸類各項常見之缺失如文件管理、數據管理問題、硬體設置與維護保養問題等。上述缺失皆已彙整提供環保局發文給各廠,並要求其提出說明且訂定改善期限。另外也進行17根次電位檢核作業、28根次RATA監督檢測及8根RATA稽查抽測(全程監督檢測),4根次採用CGA替代每季之RATA查核,透過上述查核方式杜絕了資料可能作假的空間。在監測數據之正確性及可用率之確保,本計畫也針對業者空污費申報資料進行比對,以落實空污費公平徵收制度。在各廠CEMS連線系統的妥善率部份,本年度除台泥因不可抗力因素及東鴻進因去年底火災停工至外,上傳率皆100%。本計畫也挑選信大水泥P301煙道進行分析性複合試行對象,透過公私場所現場操作原始紀錄日報表與CEMS監測數據進行數據比對,由原始紀錄日報表中選定和排放濃度及排放量的成因相關性較大之參數欄位,從本次分析初步發現NOx監測值與熟/煤比較具相關性。
EngTitle Stationary sources CEMS function checks and maintenance plan
EngAbstract There are currently 8 plants with 22 flue pipes in Yilan County that are required by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to install CEMS to monitor the stationary pollution sources they produce. In terms of the manufacturing process, these plants involve cement manufacturing, boiler power generation, and incineration of general industrial waste. Emissions produced by the above flue pipes account for more than 80% of the emissions of stationary pollution sources produced in Yunlin County; therefore, it is important to obtain accurate monitoring data of these pipes. The project focused on maintaining the CEMS of the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), monitoring electric potentials and data quality of pollutant monitoring facilities to ensure data rationality and accuracy, as well as offering continuous assistance to help public and private premises producing the designated stationary pollution sources complete connection of their CEMS to the local competent authority.To enhance the reliability and availability of the monitoring data and to conduct the quality assurance system of monitoring facilities and the audit projects of monitoring facilities, 21 pipes for their CEMS function and monitoring data inspections of have been completed this year. Additionally, the project has also categorized certain common errors, such as file management, data management, hardware installation and maintenance. The errors mentioned above have been compiled and provided to the EPB who will issue to factories asking for their explanation and the deadline for improvement. Moreover, inspections are also conducted on the electronic potentials of 17 pipes, RATA monitoring check of 28 pipes and RATA auditing spot check (full process supervision) of 8 pipes, and cylinder gas audits (CGA) instead of the quarterly RATA inspection of 4 pipes, whereby the possibility of data fabrication can be eliminated.About the assurance of monitoring data’s accuracy and availability, the project has also compared the monitoring data against those of air pollution control fees reported by responsible enterprises to ensure the proper and fair collection of the fees. About the availability and efficiency of CEMS connection in factories, the uploading rate is 100% except Taiwan Cement due to its force majeure and Dong Hong Jing Incineration Plant due to its fire disaster shutdown.The project has also chosen P301 from Hsing Ta Cement for analytical review trials. Through the daily reported data of on-site operation in public/private areas and the CEMS monitoring data comparison, the parameters which are closely related to the causes of emission density and emission quantity are chosen from the daily reported data. The preliminary result indicates a correlation between NOx monitoring values and the ratio of cement clinker to coal.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司