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Title 機車排氣檢驗站品質管理與資訊應用平台維護專案工作計畫
Abstract 機車排氣定期檢驗制度自民國85年起,推行至今已邁入第17年。本年度致力於檢驗站查核、檢驗設備管理、電子金流撥付補助款之導入,以及定檢成效分析。計畫主要工作包括檢驗補助款審查核撥、檢驗站查核管理與教育訓練、檢驗設備認證查核作業、檢驗資料庫系統維運擴增,以及定檢數據統計等。102年度全國符合補助條件者計約742萬台,核撥金額計約5.9億;透過照片審查有效降低車號誤植問題,車號誤植率由100年之0.12%降至102年之0.06%。透過特定條件篩選執行實車查核,有效查獲重大缺失檢驗站,要求環保局加強督導。檢驗設備管理部分,檢驗軟體增加檢驗前保養紀錄填報功能,使機車維修保養履歷更為完整;依據標準氣體廠查核委員意見,修訂認證審查標準。系統作業方面,積極導入以電子金流方式撥付檢驗補助款,有效提升補助預算核銷速度。定檢成效分析部分,二行程不合格未複驗機車,報廢率由100年之46%提升至102年之59%。102年不合格複驗改善後,CO、HC分別計減量8,369、1,233公噸;102年因檢驗制度促使機車淘汰、回收或報廢計143,561台,CO、HC分別計減量1,612、676公噸。
EngTitle The motorcycle exhaust inspection station’s quality management and information application platform
EngAbstract The Regular Motorcycle Exhaust Inspection System entered into the 17th year in 2013 since its implementation in 1996. The key programs of the year were dedicated to inspection station audit, test equipment management, introduction of e-Billing (electronic Billing) for inspection subsidy, and performance analysis of regular inspection system. The main tasks included inspection, evaluation and appropriation of inspection subsidy, audit and training programs for inspection stations, inspection and accreditation of test equipment, maintenance and expansion of inspection database system, statistical analysis of regular inspection data, etc.In 2013, there were about 7.42 million inspection records that qualified for the subsidy conditions, amounted to about NT$590 million of appropriated funds. Through full-scale screening of inspection photos, the miskeying of license plate number for inspection record had effectively decreased from 0.12% in 2011 to 0.06% in 2013. With the implementation of on-site motorcycle audit through particular screening conditions, there was an effective seizure of inspection stations with misconduct behaviors. The EPB was thus requested to strengthen the supervision. With regard to test equipment management, the maintenance records filling function for prior-inspection had been added to inspection software to complete motorcycle maintenance resumes. The accreditation evaluation standards had also been revised in response to suggestions proposed by inspection committees of standard gas plants. In term of system operation, the appropriation of inspection subsidy had actively been done through the e-Billing manner as to effectively improve the subsidy budget verification speed.With regard to performance analysis of regular inspection system, the scrap rate of disqualified two-stroke motorcycles that did not go for a re-inspection had improved from 46% in 2011 to 59% in 2013. In 2013, for disqualified motorcycles that had done the re-inspection and made improvement, their CO and HC emissions had decreased 8,369 and 1,233 metric tons, respectively. In 2013, a total of 143,561 motorcycles had been eliminated, recycled or scraped due to the inspection system, and that their CO and HC emissions had decreased 1,612 and 676 metric tons, respectively.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司