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Title 102年台灣兒童土壤/灰塵攝入量與附著因子參數之建立
Abstract 土壤、灰塵中的有害物質能透過直接吸入、攝入及皮膚接觸進入人體並造成有害的健康效應,之前的計畫已成功地建立了 0~5 歲幼孩童本土化的土壤、灰塵的攝入量的暴露參數。本年的研究將補足 6 歲兒童的土壤、灰塵的攝入量的暴露參數,並開始致力於本土化的皮膚接觸暴露參數的建置。本研究團隊將透過沖水實驗收集身體各個裸露部位的土壤附著量,再透過實驗室模擬得到幼兒吸允手部行為所造成的土壤攝入比率,這些數據加上前兩年的研究成果可以用美國環保署發展的 SHEDS 模式進行台灣本土的嬰幼兒土壤/灰塵攝入及皮膚吸收暴露途徑的風險估算,並據以建立兒童土壤/灰塵攝入量參數及皮膚吸收參數。計畫執行期間本團隊將舉辦一次國際研討會,邀請國外專家學者針對兒童土壤/灰塵攝入及皮膚吸收暴露途徑風險進行相關議題探討,並就計畫累積成果進行雙邊地區差異性比較討論及技術交流。
EngTitle Year 102 Special report on Child-specific exposure factors of non-dietary ingestion, soil adherence
EngAbstract Harmful substances in soil and dust may enter into human body through direct pathways such as inhalation, digestion, and dermal contact causing adverse health effects. Owing to the difference in physical and physiological behaviors, infants and toddlers are less tolerant to toxic substances than adults, and the toxic substances can pose higher risk to children. Soil and dust ingestion thus becomes a critical exposure factor to determine the potential risk to children. The objective of this multiple year project is to establish a soil exposure database for infants and toddlers living around contaminated sites. In years 2011 and 2012, we have successfully obtained the soil/dust ingestion data for 0-5 years old infants and toddlers. One of the major objectives in this year is to complete the database by further examining the soil exposure data for 6 years old children, considering the different definition between Taiwan (children = a person ≤ 6 years old) and other countries (children = a person ≤ 5 years old). Moreover, two key parameters, the adherence to the skin of different parts of a body and the hand-to-mouth transfer ratio will be obtained by gravimetric method for the subsequent dermal contact absorption assessment. The gravimetric method determines the mass of soil washed from different parts of children’s body to examine the laboratory-based hand-to-mouth transfer of soil. The Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation (SHEDS), a well-recognized soil and dust ingestion rate model developed by the USEPA, will be applied using the Taiwan’s local inputs as model parameters to estimate the risk of soil and dust ingestion and dermal contact absorption for children. The model predictions will then be compared to the measurements upon individuals and to the overall distribution of soil and dust ingestion rates for the study population (i.e., comparison of measurements to the predicted soil and dust cumulative distribution functions). An international conference will also be held in Taiwan with an attempt on information/experience exchange and data comprehension/integration about the children exposure factor establishment and risk assessment between attendee, the external advisors in our team, and invited foreign experts .
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 臺北醫學大學