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Title 宜蘭縣102年度資源回收專案作業查核追蹤管制及宣導工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫依據環保局訂定之目標及工作內容,執行「宜蘭縣102年度資源回收專案作業查核追蹤管制及宣導工作計畫」,相關作業均詳實推動與執行,截至本期末報告止(102年3月26日至102年10月31日),本計畫執行之成果重點說明如下:回收處理業管理輔導及形象改造工作:本縣有18間合法登記之回收及處理業者,已完成126家次巡查作業,另外針對資源回收站巡查部分,共完成155處,均已達成計畫所要求之執行量。責任業者販賣業者稽查管理工作:針對連鎖速食店業、14大販賣業、照明光源業者及其他經環保署公告之販賣業者進行巡查工作,計畫執行期間針對列管名單全面巡查至少一次,每月巡查30家次以上,列管名單以環保署核定名單為主(公布於環保署「資源回收體系管系統」),已完成338家次作業。協助辦理資源回收績效考核工作:已於102年11月28日、12月2~3日完成辦理縣內資源回收績效考核作業。辦理資源回收宣導活動:已於102年9月27日辦理電子電器販賣業者及回收處理業者宣導說明會,共計70位民眾參與。。各鄉鎮市資源回收再利用現況:以循線隨車破袋方式辦理清潔隊資源回收推動現況巡查作業,截至102年10月已完成72條清運路線垃圾破袋稽查工作,共計解包1,157袋垃圾,其中家戶垃圾中夾雜資收物袋數比例為28.44%,不合格袋數比例為3.37%,並以紙容器、塑膠容器及廚餘居多。
EngTitle 2013, Yilan County Province Promotion of Monitoring and Audit Trail Advocacy Work Plan for Waste Recycling Project.”
EngAbstract Recycling industry management counseling and image transformation: The county has 18 legally registered recycling and processing industry, has completed 126 inspections operations, in addition to resource recycling inspections part of the completion of 155, have been fulfilled as planned the amount required to perform.Responsible enterprise management vendors who Examiner: For fast food chain industry, the 14th largest vendor, lighting, and other industry vendors announced by the Environmental Protection Agency who conduct inspections, inspections for a comprehensive list tube at least once during the project execution, each inspected 30 times a month or more, out of the list to the EPA for approval a list of the main (published in the EPA "resource recycling system pipe system"), has completed 338 secondary jobs.Performance Appraisal of Recycling Assistance: Recycling performance and appraisal operations in the province were completed on November 29th to December 3th of 2013. Events to Promote Recycling: On September 27th of 2013 an event was held to counsel retailers of electronic products to promote recycling methods. A total of 70 civilians participated.Each township Resource Recycling Status: Truck breaking through the line to go through the bag clean way to promote recycling team to inspect the status of the job, as 102 have been completed on October 72 broken bags of garbage removal route inspection work, a total of 1,157 bags unpacked garbage, where household garbage in bags number of inclusions capital income ratio 28.44%, the ratio of the number of substandard bags 3.37 percent, and paper containers, plastic containers and food waste majority.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 晶淨科技股份有限公司