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Title 宜蘭縣101年固定污染源連續自動監測設施功能查核及維護計畫
Abstract 計畫執行摘要本計畫工作重點作業於維護環保局連續自動監測系統及針對各污染源監測設施與資料品質進行功能查核及電位檢核等相關監督查核作業以認證資料合理性及準確性,並持續協助環保局新公告各批應與地方主管機關連線之固定污染源連續自動監測設施進行連線工作。本年度(101年度)計畫執行目標如下:1.維護環保局連續自動監測系統主機軟硬體及通訊環境。2.落實監測設施品質保證制度與監測設施查核作業,提昇監測數據可信度與可用率。3.於監測數據之正確性及可用率之確保,對於業者空污費申報資料進行比對,以落實空污費公平徵收制度。4.提昇本局連續自動監測設施連線系統功能與連線系統資料品保功能。5.輔導新設公私廠所,與法定時間內完成CEMS 設置及連線。6. 配合環保署數據擷取與處理系統(以下簡稱EPA DAHS)測試,以提供全面推廣之用。各項工作執行依預定進度執行,資料統計至101年10月31日,執行進度如第一章表1.5-1所示。目前宜蘭縣轄區內符合行政院環境保護署第一、二批公告應裝置連續自動監測設施之固定污染源,依其製程別包括:水泥製造程序、鍋爐發電程序及一般事業廢棄物焚化程序,共有8家工廠24根連線煙道。計有信大水泥廠(4根)、台灣水泥廠(7根)、幸福水泥廠(5根)、台化龍德廠(2根)、利澤焚化廠(2根)、潤泰水泥(2根)、東鴻進焚化廠(1根)及羅東鋼鐵廠(1根)。而上述這些煙道的排放量,佔本縣固定源總排量八成以上,故而監測數據正確與否攸關重大, 由下圖可看出CEMS監測煙道近6年NOx總量的變化,在96年為8千多噸, 97年則景氣衰退各廠產銷調節,加上力霸爆發財務危機停工,排放驟降至5千多噸,此為經濟因素導致自然減量;98年潤泰接手力霸,貢獻約2個月的排放量,故總量稍增;99年由於潤泰水泥全年度運轉,故總量亦有增加;101年只統計至10月份粗估到年底,應與100年相去不遠。 註:東鴻進(小型焚化廠),今年3月正式商轉。以下就今年計畫執行內容,做一簡要摘述1.系統軟硬體及資料庫維護作業:頻率:1.定期:至少每週一次進行例行性的備份及維護2.不定期:系統效能調校、專線斷線時的叫修。成效:1.系統在本年度執行期間運作順暢,資料傳輸穩定。2.提高了系統安全的品質。2.目前各廠CEMS連線系統的妥善率:從表3.1-1~3.1-3日報資料上傳量統計表中,可以發現平均上傳率將近100%,顯示在日報傳輸方面的完整性。本團隊在傳輸完整性工作方面,為達資料完整上傳,於事業端申報故障致使事業端日報資料檔內有缺值的情形時,除系統每日自動檢核通知外,並指派專人監控並通知公私場所補傳應上傳之缺失資料,以維護系統資料完備。3.各廠CEMS功能及監測數據查核結果:在本年度的查結果上,共計完成24根次查核,完成率100%,詳細內容請參照附件一及附件二。4. 電位檢核作業:電位檢核作業在確保監測儀訊號傳輸過程的數值正確,數量上共計完成信大水泥南聖湖廠、台灣水泥蘇澳廠、幸福水泥東澳廠、潤泰水泥冬山工廠、台化龍德廠及利澤焚化廠、東鴻進焚化廠及羅東鋼鐵廠共18根次(有運轉煙道,部分煙道因景氣產銷調節暫時停工),每根次5-7日之電位資料收集作業,並進行資料分析。詳細內容請參照第4.2節。5.RATA現場監督檢測作業: 本團隊配合廠家時程於RATA檢測時,指派專業人員進行全程監督,瞭解業者所委託之檢測公司是否依正確步驟執行以確保RATA數據正確性。今年度到101/10/31為止共完成前三季27根次RATA監督檢測及8根RATA稽查抽測;今年亦採取全程監督檢測,杜絕了資料可能作假的空間,在27根次監督檢測的過程中,尚為良好。而在8根稽查檢测中,則皆符合法規規範。6.CGA查核作業: 今年由於部分工廠污染源因產銷調節停工,截至第三季共計有3廠10根次採用CGA替代每季之RATA查核,其中台灣水泥為P201、台化龍德為P115及幸福水泥為P001、P029;由附件五之查核紀錄可看出,在CGA監督查核部分,都符合法規之規定。 註: CGA查核相關評等資料請參閱附件五
EngTitle Yilan County 101 stationary sources of Continuous Emission Monitor System function checks and maintenance plan
EngAbstract The present project focused on maintaining the CEMS of the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), monitoring electric potentials and data quality of pollutant monitoring facilities to ensure data rationality and accuracy, as well as offering continuous assistance to help public and private premises producing the designated stationary pollution sources complete connection of their CEMS to the local competent authority.There were five primary goals of this year’s project:1. Maintained the software, hardware, and communication environment of the CEMS of the EPB.2. Strengthened quality assurance and inspection of monitoring facilities to enhance the credibility and availability of the monitoring data3. Audited the monitoring data against those of air pollution control fees reported by responsible enterprises to ensure accuracy and availability of the monitoring data and proper collection of the fees.4. Improved the functions and data quality assurance of the EPB’s automated CEMS. 5. Provided guidance for newly established public and private premises to install CEMS and complete the connection of their facilities within the designated time period.6. Responded to the EPA’s Data Acquisition and Handling System (DAHS) test for an overall promotion.All work items were carried out as scheduled. The data were collected up until October 31, 2012. Table 1.5-1 in Chapter 1 shows the progress of the works conducted. There are currently 8 plants with 24 flue pipes in Yilan County that are required by the EPA to install CEMS to monitor the stationary pollution sources they produce. In terms of the manufacturing process, these plants involve cement manufacturing, boiler power generation, and incineration of general industrial waste. They are Hsing Ta Cement (4 pipes), Taiwan Cement (7 pipes), Lucky Cement Corporation (5 pipes), Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corporation (FCFC) Long De Plant (2 pipes), Li Ze Incineration Plant (2 pipes), Ruentex Cement (2 pipes), Dong Hong Jing Incineration Plant (1 pipe), and Lo-Tung Steel & Iron Works (1 pipe).Emissions produced by the above flue pipes account for more than 80% of the emissions of stationary pollution sources in Yilan County; therefore, it is important to obtain accurate monitoring data of these pipes. The figure below shows the changes in the amount of NOx produce by the CEMS monitored pipes in the recent 6 years. About 8,000 tonnes of NOx were emitted in 2007. The amount produced plummeted to approximately 5,000 tonnes in 2008 because of the production and distribution adjustments made by plants due to economic recession and the shutdown of China Rebar Dong-Shan Cement Plant caused by the company’s financial crisis. In 2009, Ruentex Cement took over the China Rebar Cement Plant and contributed to the slight increase of the emitted amount for 2 months. The year 2010 still saw a little increase because of the full operation of Ruentex Cement. The data for 2012 were collected only up until October 31 of the year, but it was roughly estimated that the amount of NOx produced would be similar as the previous year.Note: Dong Hong Jing Incineration Plant, a small scale plant, has been commercial operation since this MarchThe implementation results are summarized below.1. Maintenance of system hardware, software and database: Frequency: The system executed regular backups and maintenance once a week; the system irregularly performed efficiency adjustments and called for the repair for dedicated line disconnected.Achievement: The system functioned smoothly during the project implementation, data transmission was stable, and system security was enhanced. 2. CEMS availability: As seen in Table 3.1-1 and 3.1-2, the average upload percentage of the daily reported data was at 100%, ensuring the integrity of daily data transmission. The system performs daily inspection and will send out notices to inform enterprises when reporting malfunction on their part lead to missing values in their daily reported data so as to ensure the complete transmission of data. The project team also dispatched personnel to oversee and request these public and private premises re-upload the missed data.3. Inspection of the CEMS functions and monitoring data of plants: Twenty-four pipes were inspected, achieving an inspection completion rate of 100%. For more details please refer to Appendix 1 and 2.4. Electric potential monitoring: Electric potential monitoring was conducted to ensure the accurate transmission of data among monitoring instruments. The data on the electric potentials of 18 operating flue pipes were collected for 5-7 days and analyzed. The monitored pipes are owned and operated by Hsing Ta Cement South Saint Lake Plant, Taiwan Cement Su’ao Plant, Lucky Cement Plant Dong’al Plant, Ruentex Cement Dong-Shan Plant, FCFC Long De Plant, Li Ze Incineration Plant, Dong Hong Jing Incineration Plant, and Lo-Tung Steel & Iron Works (only the operating pipes; some channels were temporarily closed in the off-season). For more information please see Section 4.2.5. On-site overseeing of RATA inspections: The project team sent specialists to oversee the whole process of RATA inspections carried out to make sure that inspectors commissioned by the enterprises perform the inspections correctly and thereby ensure the RATA data accuracy. By the end of October, 2012, the project team oversaw the RATAs conducted on 27 flue pipes and performed random RATA testing on 8 pipes for the first three quarters.Again, all the inspections conducted were overseen this year to prevent data fabrication. The inspection results of the 27 pipes were satisfactory, and the audit inspections of the 8 pipes showed that they are all in accordance with law.6. CGA inspection: Some pollutant-producing plants were temporarily shut down this year due to business cycle fluctuations. By the end of Quarter 3, 10 pipes in 3 plants underwent cylinder gas audits (CGA) instead of the quarterly RATA inspection. Among them, P201 was from Taiwan Cement, P115 was from FCFC Long De Plant; P001 and P029 were from Lucky Cement. The inspection records provided in Appendix 5 shows that the CGA inspection results are all in accordance with law.Note: Please refer to appendix 5 for CGA inspection information
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司