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Title 整合各縣市空氣污染防制策略及成效
Abstract 本計畫工作內容主要為彙整評析縣市管制工作之有效性,提出管制對策,提升縣(市)SIP計畫執行績效有效運用空污費。各縣(市)共通性計畫執行空窗期平均在3個月以下,對提高縣(市)計畫接軌與執行品質具正面意義。污染源管制工作成效評析方面,針對空氣品質改善維護計畫、許可證審查、加嚴排放標準、機車保檢合一、柴油車保檢合一、空品淨區管制、推廣電動巴士、營建工程管制、露天燃燒管制與空品淨化區進行分析。在協助執行績效考評作業方面,完成102年陳情資料篩選,102年陳情案件受理件數為82,479件,較101年增加7,041件。「民眾空氣品質改善滿意度」問卷調查3,534份,民眾對環保局在改善空氣品質滿意度比例由101年61.4%下降為60.9%。辦理相關考評會議提供縣市交流與環保署溝通之橋樑,及空污技術諮詢委員提供政策建議之管道。102至103年考評要點改為每二年修訂一次,整併考評指標與簡化考評方式,強化地方環保局執行之成果,修正重點為落實空氣污染防制計畫書之執行與規劃撰寫、強化細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)政策推動、排放量管理計畫、著重縣(市)環保局固定、逸散、移動污染源與空氣品質淨化區之整體表現與強化。「SIP考評資訊應用系統」之資料庫建立與維護方面,採用ASP.NET程式語言重新編撰,進行系統改版規劃並建立雛形系統,以利後續系統擴充增編,此外,為提昇系統使用效益,更新與新增系統功能與內容,使系統使用上更趨完備。
EngTitle Achievement and Integrated for Local EPBs Air Pollution Against Strategies
EngAbstract The scope of this project was to assemble, to evaluate, and to assess the effectiveness of the Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) in conducting air pollution control work. In addition, this project proposed control strategies for local SIP projects to improve the utilization of their air pollution fee. After review, the between-project time for conducting common projects was less than 3 months for most counties and cities, which showed positively in improving efficiency and project continuation. In order to analysis pollution control effectiveness, this project evaluated areas including the Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit system, the stricter standards for electric power industry and the steel industry, the inspection/maintenance program for diesel trucks and motorcycles, the open burning control, the control of fugitive dust from riverbank, the construction dust controls, and the management of the air quality purification area. The number of petition cases in 2013 increased by 7041 compared with The number in 2012. 3,534 copies of “Questionnaire for the Satisfaction Degree of Air Quality Improvement” were surveyed. The ratio of satisfaction reduced from 61.4% in year 2012 to 60.9% in year 2013. Conferences were held for comments exchange between local EPBs and EPA, and to receive recommendations from the air pollution control technology committees.In term of the Auditing Rules for the Effectiveness of Local EPBs, the six audit items in 2012 have been revised into four audit items in 2013. The objective is to strengthen the EPB’s air pollution control performance through combining and simplifying the audit indicators. The new emphasis in auditing the local air quality management plans will require the implementation and planning PM2.5 control strategies and emissions management to be included in the content. This year we have upgraded the “SIP Audit Information System” with the ASP.NET program language and planned the revision steps and its protocol to facilitate for the addition and expansion. In addition, we added new content and functions to the system in order to improve its effectiveness for the uses.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司