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Title 101年度宜蘭縣反怠速停車熄火宣導暨稽查管制計畫
Abstract 摘 要一、計畫簡介計畫名稱 101年度「反怠速停車熄火宣導暨稽查管制計畫」執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司計畫期程 101年4月1日至101年12月31日期末報告(正式定稿本)統計期程 101年5月29日至101年12月31日計畫執行經費 新台幣2,260,000元整計畫主持人 林逸塵 職稱 技術負責人 電話 02-8511-0701#31計畫經理 李志弘 職稱 計畫經理 電話 02-8511-0701#25計畫執行人員 陳昱全 職稱 執行人員 電話 02-8511-0701#26計畫執行人員 陳詠忠 職稱 稽查員 電話 03-9603492計畫執行人員 林韋辰 職稱 稽查員 電話 03-9603492立法院於100年4月8日三讀通過修訂空氣污染防制法部分條文的提案,增定停車怠速熄火相關規定,並制定「機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法」,自101年3月1日正式施行,為宣導車主配合,3月至5月定為宣導及勸導期,6月1日起正式開罰。依據交通部機動車輛統計月報資料顯示,宜蘭縣交通工具依據交通部統計月報資料顯示截至101年9月底止,機動車輛登記總數為440,043輛,已對本縣空氣品質造成一定的影響,因此如何持續加強稽查縣境內機動車輛停車怠速所造成的污染,並構思如何持續宣導機動車輛停車怠速管理辦法及相關政策,讓駕駛及民眾達到停車即熄火之良好習慣,以利在環保單位資源有限之情況下,有效並持續稽查本縣之機動車輛怠速行為,以降低排放污染,是本計畫執行的宗旨及目標所在。本計畫契約期程,自101年4月1日起至101年12月31日止,共計9個月,期末報告(正式定稿本)統計期程,自101年5月29日至101年12月31日,在人力及設備的投入情形如下表所示,共計投入計畫執行人力4名(含計畫經理),另本計畫執行各工作項目,所需之儀器及設備如下表所示。二、執行人力及設備項次 項目 合約要求 目前執行 備註1 執行人力(人) 3 4 2 電腦設備(套) 1 1 3 聯絡電話(組) 1 1 4 機動車輛怠速紅外線攝像儀(套) 1 1 5 通訊傳輸網址(個) 1 1 6 行車紀錄器含衛星導航(台) 1 1 7 專屬辦公室(間) 1 1 8 數位照相機(台) 1 1 9 數位攝影機(台) 1 1 10 公務車輛(台) 1 1 三、期末報告執行成果本(101年度)計畫各項工作項,量化達成數及預定執行期程說明,已詳述於本期末報告(正式定稿本)第4章4.1節,為持續加強宣導稽查於本縣轄內有怠速行為之車輛造成之污染,在稽查管制部份,針對縣轄內人口較多及車潮較密之鄉鎮市地區中較容易有怠速行為的地點加強宣導及稽查作業,來有效提昇本縣之空氣品質狀況,進而透過強力的管制作為,降低機動車輛怠速所產生的空氣污染並提昇二氧化碳削減量,亦持續針對如國中小導護人員及志工、鄉鎮市公所、客運業者等舉辦教育訓練會議及成果說明會議,透過以上人員將本政策及法令規範散播,讓駕駛及民眾更能清楚了解反怠速相關資訊。此外本計畫規劃印製相關宣導單、宣導文宣以及宣導品至轄內各大轉運接駁站、公私立停車場及學校等處發放,並以多元化方式宣導反怠速政策及法令,如以空中廣播及電視宣傳的方式,播放施行本政策的好處及重點方向。而本計畫亦將不定期發布新聞稿,散播有關反怠速政策的最新資訊,並透過專屬網站的設立,讓民眾能在日常生活中吸收本法令政策相關資訊。四、執行成果為有效落實環保署機動停車怠速管理辦法,對本縣機動車輛停車有惰轉行為未關閉引擎者進行管制。本計畫執行人員依照每日排定行程表,依照暨排定之時間、地點進行機動車輛怠速宣導暨稽查作業,除周一至周五上班時間外,並於每月例假日針對縣轄內熱門風景區停車場進行稽查宣導作業,利用假日人潮車潮眾多特性,向車主進行宣導及勸導,以達到直接宣導之效果。並以媒體宣導、文宣發放、辦理大型活動及舉辦教育訓練說明會議等方式,積極宣導反怠速政策及法令等方式,截至101年12月31日為止,主要工作執行量化成果分述如下:(一)停車怠速熄火宣導暨稽查作業本計畫自101年5月29日至101年12月31日止,於縣轄內各地區進行反怠速停車熄火宣導暨稽查作業,共計完成2,183輛次,其中包含有較嚴重怠速車輛1,103輛次。(二)縣內年度大型活動配合辦理宣導為使至本縣遊憩的觀光遊客及縣內民眾,能夠了解怠速熄火的法令,本計畫規劃於計畫執行期間,規劃辦理或配合其他縣內或環保局宣導活動辦理2場次。(三)印製宣導文宣及宣導品為了讓本縣更多的民眾、學童家長及遊客,能更瞭解到「機動車輛停車怠速熄火管理辦法」本計畫擬製作宣導文宣及宣導品於於火車站、轉運站或風景區進行宣導時發放。。(四)製作宣導短片媒體托播為加深民眾對於停車怠速熄火管理辦法的印象,本計畫以拍攝宣導短片的做法,並透過宜蘭地區當地有線電視公益頻道播放本短片,讓民眾熟知本管理辦法,以避免不必要的罰責。合約項目 合約數量 執行數量 達成率(五)新聞稿發佈透過新聞稿刊登方式,讓民眾很快瞭解環保局相關工作執行方式及相關法令規定。截至101年12月31日止,共計完成5篇新聞稿發佈作業,進度達成率為100%,希冀以網路散播方式使民眾更清楚本法規及政策。(六)鄉鎮公所及客運業者宣導及成果說明會議本計畫於101年10月23日上午10時舉辦第一場次說明會議(如圖4.5-11所示),並邀集縣內各鄉鎮市公所清潔隊、客運、貨運業者及ㄧ般民眾與會,並於舉辦會議當日說明本政策法規及發放宣導紅布條讓清潔隊懸掛於清潔車及資源回收車上,讓宣導效果更為彰顯,而於11月28日舉辦成果發表會,將本年度反怠速之執行成果及未來法規修改方向提供給各鄉鎮市公所及客運業者分享及參考。(七)學校導護人員宣導教育訓練會議於101年9月7日上午9時,及101年11月1日上午9時,假文化局2樓演講廳辦理2場次教育訓練會議,邀集轄內溪北及溪南地區國民小學及國民中學導護人員及學生等來賓與會。會議議題針對溪南地區進行相關法規及問答說明,並提供教學簡報供到場教師或導護人員索取,以達散播環保教育之效。 (八)製作及更新專屬網站為了服務更廣大的群眾,本計畫亦設計製作停車熄火專屬網站,並附掛於環保局柴油車動力計專屬網站頁面內。本計畫專屬網站已於6月20日完成掛附作業,並持續更新中,目前進度為100%。(九)規劃風景區設置常態性宣導看板為加強觀光客及當地民眾的反怠速理念,本計畫規劃於蘭陽博物館及大溪漁港設立反怠速宣導看板,設計上採淺顯易懂、大方美觀為原則,能有效加深本政策對於民眾的映象,並於12月25日完成設置。(十)學校電子跑馬燈播放作業透過校園內電子設備的輔助,來擴大整體停車怠速熄火宣導的效益,進而讓學童、家長乃至校務人員,熟知現行停車怠速熄火的相關法令。本計畫截至12月30日前,完成規劃關於停車怠速熄火的宣導標語,並協請學校單位協助於該校電子佈告欄或LED跑馬燈網,截至101年12月31日已回收12所學校設置跑馬燈之照片。
EngTitle The 101 annual Yilan County anti-idling stop the flameout propaganda cum inspectors control plan
EngAbstract AbstractFirst, the Plan DescriptionTitle 101 annual anti-idling stop flameout propaganda cum inspection and control plan "Implementation units spring Di Enterprise Co., Ltd.April 1 plan period away 101 to 101 years 12, 31, 2010Final report (officially finalized this)With statistical process May 29, 101 years to 101 years 12, 31, 2010Funding for project implementation NT $ 2,260,000 $Project Director Lin Yichen person in charge of the titles of technical phone 02-8511-0701 # 31The program manager Li Zhihong titles program manager Tel 02-8511-0701 # 25The Program Executive Foebe full titles Executive Tel 02-8511-0701 # 26The Program Executive Chen Yongzhong titles inspectors Tel 03-9603492The Program Executive Linwei Chen titles inspector telephone 03-9603492Legislative Yuan at 100 Third Reading on April 8 by the proposal to amend some of the provisions of the Air Pollution Control Act, increasing fixed parking idle flameout related provisions, and the development of motor vehicle parking idling management approach, which came into effect on March 1, 101 years advocacy owners with as propaganda and persuasion period, from March to May, and June 1, the official opening of the penalty. Ministry of Transportation motor vehicle statistics monthly report data to display, Yilan County transport according to the Ministry of Transportation Statistics monthly report data show ended end of September 101 years, the registration of the total number of motor vehicles to 440,043 vehicles, has been the county air quality caused by certain influence, and therefore how continuing to strengthen the pollution caused by the inspectors County motor vehicle parking idling, and the idea of ​​how sustained advocacy motor vehicle parking the idle management approach and related policies, so that drivers and people to parking that is the flameout of good habits, in order to facilitate environmental agencies with limited resources , effective and sustained in motor vehicle idling behavior of the inspectors in this county to reduce emissions pollution, is the implementation of the purposes and objectives of this project lies.This project, the period of the contract process, since April 1 101 years until 101 years, a total of nine months, the final report (officially finalized), the reference period away May 29, 101 years to 101 years December 31, in the situation of manpower and equipment investment in the following table shows, a total investment in the project implementation of human 4 (Program Manager) In addition, the plan is working, the instruments and equipment required for the following table shows.Second, the implementation of human and equipmentItem project contract requirements currently perform RemarksImplementation of human (people) 34Computer equipment (sets) 113 Contact Telephone (group) 114 motor vehicle idling Infrared Camera (sets) 115 the communication transmission Website (a) 116 tachograph including satellite navigation (Taiwan) 117 the exclusive office (between) 1111 of the 800 digital camera (Taiwan)11 of the 900 digital camera (Taiwan)11 of the 10 official vehicles (Taiwan) Third, the end of the report on the implementation of the outcome ofThis (101-year) plan of the work items, quantify reached number and scheduled execution of process description, has been described in detail in the final report (officially finalized), Chapter 4, 4.1, and jurisdiction in the county continued to strengthen advocacy inspectors location within the pollution caused by vehicles idling behavior, part of the inspection and control, easier dense region Township for county Xianei larger population and tide of cars idling behavior strengthen advocacy and auditing jobs, to effectively enhance air quality conditions in the county, and then through the strong control as to reduce the air pollution generated by motor vehicle idling and enhance carbon dioxide reductions also continued to organize, such as elementary and junior high guidance counselors or staff and volunteers, township offices, passenger transport, etc. Training Conference and results illustrate the meeting via the above spread of the policies and laws and regulations, so that drivers and people more clearly understand the anti-idling information.In addition, the project planning printed propaganda Single promote propaganda and advocacy products to Xianei major transporter interchanges, public and private car parks and schools, etc. issued diversified propaganda anti-idling policies and decrees such as air radio and television propaganda, player benefits and focus on the direction of the purposes of this policy. This project will also be occasional press release, spread the latest information about the anti-idling policy, through the establishment of the website, so that people can absorb the Act policies related information in their daily lives.Fourth, the implementation of resultsFor the effective implementation of the EPD motor stop idling management approach, the county's motor vehicle parking control the idle behavior does not shut down the engine. This project executive officers in accordance with the daily scheduled itinerary, propaganda cum inspectors operating a motor vehicle idling follow-cum-scheduled time, place, in addition to working hours Monday to Friday, and monthly holidays for the counties within its jurisdiction Popular Scenic Area parking inspectors propaganda operations, take advantage of the many features of the holiday crowds tide of cars and car owners to carry out propaganda and persuasion, to achieve the effect of direct advocacy. And media propaganda, propaganda issued, to handle large-scale activities and organizing educational training instructions conferencing, active propaganda of anti-idling policies and decrees, as of December 31, 101 years, the main job execution quantify results are as follows:(A) Parking idling-stop propaganda cum inspectors jobThis project since May 29, 101 years to 101 years, in the county within its jurisdiction regional anti-idling parking stall propaganda cum inspection job, completed a total of 2,183 motorcycles, which contains more serious idling vehicles 1,103 vehicles.(B) The county annual events with the handle promotionTo enable tourists to the county recreation and county people, it is possible to understand the idle flameout of the Act, the project planning during the project execution, planning or to cooperate with other county or the Environmental Protection Agency in the promotion activities for 2 sessions.(C) printed propaganda propaganda and advocacy goodsIn order to let more people in the county, school children, parents and visitors better understand motor vehicle stop idling-stop management approach to the project, making propaganda propaganda and advocacy goods in the railway station, transfer station or Scenic issued at the time of the promotion. .(D) produced propaganda video media for broadcasting toThis project to deepen the impression of the people for parking idle flameout management approach to shooting practice propaganda video to play the clip, and local cable TV public service channels through the Ilan area, people familiar with the management approach, in order to avoid unnecessary Penalties .Contract number of project contract execution rate reached number(E) press releaseThrough a press release published so that people can quickly understand the the EPA work performed and related laws and regulations. Ended December 31, 101 years to complete a total of five press releases publishing operations, the the progress ratio at 100%, hoping to network spread way to make people more aware of the regulations and policies.(VI) in town halls and passenger transport industry advocacy and achievements MEETINGSThis project held at 10:00 on October 23, 101 years the first screenings Description (as shown in Figure 4.5-11), and invited the towns and townships and cities clean team, passenger and freight operators and react to the general populace participants will be published, and was held the day of the meeting description of the policies and regulations and disseminate propaganda red cloth to clean team hung on clean cars and resource recovery car, so the the propaganda effect more highlight, and the result was held on November 28, implementation results and the future of this year anti-idling regulations modify the direction provided to the township offices and passenger transport industry to share and reference.(Vii) school guidance counselors or staff advocacy training conferenceAt 9:00 on the September 7, 101 years and 101 years 11 1 day morning 9 pm, Auditorium, 2nd Floor, fake Department of Cultural Affairs for the 2 sessions of training meeting, invited of its jurisdiction Sibei and Sinan elementary and junior secondary school guide nursing staff and students and other guests attended the event. Conference topics for areas south of the river related regulations and quiz instructions, and provide teaching presentation for the scene teachers or guidance counselors Request up to spread the effect of environmental education. (8) producing and updating exclusive websiteTo serve the wider masses, the plan is also designed parking stall dedicated Web site, accompanied by hanging in the the EPA diesel car power meter dedicated website page. Hanging attached to the job, the website of this project was completed on June 20 and in the continuously updated, the current progress of 100%.(9) Planning Scenic propaganda billboards set normalityTo strengthen the anti-idling philosophy of tourists and local people, the plan is planning to establish anti-idling propaganda billboards at the the Lanyang museum and Dasi fishing port, mining design easy to understand, generous and beautiful principle effectively deepen this policy for people the mapping, and the set was completed on December 25.(10) School Electronic Marquee player jobsThrough the campus auxiliary electronic equipment, to expand the benefits of the overall parking idling-stop propaganda, thereby allowing students, parents, and school personnel, familiar with the current parking idle flameout Act. The plan as of December 30, the completion of the planned parking idle flameout propaganda slogans, and co-school units to assist in the school bulletin board or LED Marquee network of 12 schools have been recovered as of December 31, 101 years Set Marquee Photographs.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司