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Title 102年全國地下水監測評析及管理規劃計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要協助環保署有關地下水監測井之相關管理規劃工作,包括區域性及場置性監測井之功能評估及維護工作,並研訂最適監測管理建議與檢討監測井查核管理,此外為全面性檢討監測井井網分布,已研擬監測井網設置規劃並於基隆市及南投縣等地區完成區域性監測井補充設置作業,並提出監測井性質調整規劃。此外,由於近年來沿海地區地下水鹽化問題,本計畫已提出屏東平原沿海地區地下水鹽化監測規劃建議,並依據工作成果,檢討規劃資訊整合系統,以延續環保署地下水資訊平台之建置,並完成監測資訊整合運用之具體作法及宣導。有關區域性監測井功能評估及維護,本計畫共完成20口區域性監測井井況評估、15口再次完井、完井後水質採樣分析、7口基座改善、7口異物排除、10口監測井重新設置作業、6口監測井廢井作業;而場置性監測井功能評估及維護則完成121口場置性監測井外部巡查維護、內部功能檢查、井中攝影作業成果,另額外完成9口場置性監測井再次完井、再次完井前後水質採樣分析。地下水鹽化預警範圍調查與規劃工作完成15口屏東平原沿海地區既有井鹽化豐水期及枯水期之地下水水質採樣分析成果,並藉由相關水質評析及空間推估方式,提出地下水鹽化預警監測方式。有關監測井井網檢討及規劃,本計畫已完成基隆市7口及南投縣12口之區域性監測井補充設置作業,並已完成評估全國十大地下水分區之監測井井網密度適宜性,亦已研擬監測井性質調整規劃之建議。地下水管理及監測資訊整合規劃已完成評析各單位現有地下水井之資料及異常狀況,並因應環評之土水資料納入土壤及地下水監測資訊整合作業要點,提供相關研修內容建議,亦已提出相關系統平台欄位擴充建議,並額外提出建置「地下水整合地理資訊系統-嘉義縣」之模型概念。
EngTitle Project of Taiwan Groundwater Monitoring, Assessment and Management
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to manage and planning the groundwater monitoring network, including the assessment and maintenance of regional and site-specific monitoring wells, status investigation and assessment of monitoring wells for establishing appropriate management strategies and reviewing the efficiency of monitoring wells usage. The distributions of monitoring wells are evaluated to conduct the planning of monitoring network set-up. The monitoring wells of Keelung and Nantou counties are installed in this project. Besides, the monitoring network for groundwater saline warning is proposed to observe the potential of groundwater salinalization of coastal area. The integrated management information system (MIS) is discussed to complete the groundwater GIS of Taiwan EPA and to plan the procedures of data integration and application.The status assessment of 20 regional monitoring wells, redevelopment and groundwater quality analyses of 15 regional monitoring wells, foundation repair of 7 regional monitoring wells, obstruction of 7 regional monitoring wells, rebuilding of 10 regional monitoring wells, abolishment of 6 regional monitoring wells are completed in this project. The external maintenance, internal function assessment, boreholes records of totally 121 site-specific monitoring wells are conducted. Additionally, obstruction and groundwater quality analyses of 9 site-specific monitoring wells are also evaluated. For the issue of groundwater saline warning, the groundwater quality analysis of 15 Pindong monitoring wells in wet and dry seasons are determined. The network of groundwater saline warning is proposed by water quality evaluation and spatial estimation approaches. Besides, totally 7 and 12 regional monitoring wells in Keelung and Nantou counties, respectively, are installed. The spatial densities of monitoring wells of 10 catchments in Taiwan are also calculated to propose the adjustment of monitoring wells distribution. In this project, the format and difference of observation data of monitoring wells in different department are compared. The modification methods of data integration are revised in this report. Moreover, the conceptual model of integrated GIS (Chiayi county) is proposed in this project.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 業興環境科技股份有限公司