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Title 102年度全國農地污染之環境資料蒐集與污染關聯性分析計畫
Abstract 我國土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法),自民國89年2月2日公布施行以來,確立以污染者付費為最終之目的,然因考量現實情況,污染情形往往對於國人有健康危害甚至對於當地居民有立即性危害,抑或有污染擴大之疑慮等,要求污染者付費才辦理整治作業,通常緩不濟急,甚至導致更嚴重之污染危害。為此,土污法設有代為支應之規定,針對污染情形有導致當地居民健康危害,以及污染有擴大之虞等情形之土地,由土污基金先行支應污染整治工作,以確保污染危害不致進一步擴大,此概念在農地污染危害管理上尤為適用。為因應實務案件之多樣性,並完備土污法對應相關案件之能力,土污法在99年2月修正,確立於土壤及地下水之污染案件中,增加潛在污染責任人與污染行為人共同負擔整治義務之相關規定,更趨近歐美先進國家之環境使用者負擔整治義務之思維。本計畫蒐集全國373筆場址(桃園縣、新竹市、苗栗縣、台中市、彰化縣、嘉義縣與屏東縣)與其污染途徑相關之農田水利小組背景與營運資料,包含引灌水源、農田水利灌區、工作站分區、小組分區、各類渠道分佈(含灌溉專用渠道、排水渠道、灌排併用渠道、回歸利用渠道等)、既有之灌溉水質測站位置、近年水質監測資料、歷年渠道底泥清除狀況,以及排入渠道的污染源名單,水利會搭排戶、排洩戶及水污染列管事業相關資料,進行關聯性探討,以作為未來釐清責任歸屬求償之參考依據,因此,本計畫最主要工作為收集與分析農地污染之相關環境資料,並比對灌排系統與農地污染其間之關聯性。本計畫所列場址中以彰化縣、桃園縣數量最多,其污染型態皆為農地污染之最典型,引灌水中混入工業廢水,經長期累積進而危害農地案例,整理比對環境資料之後,其中326筆位於水利會灌區內,與全國農地高污染潛勢分區比較,位於危害等級潛勢有140筆;有60筆位在污染等級潛勢;有92筆位在警戒等級潛勢;有34筆位在安全等級潛勢,反映出污染現象並非個案,而是呈現區域性且系統性的污染問題。本文第四章亦蒐集目前土基會對於農地污染事件積極的做法,透過有系統的主動蒐集並保留證據,有效鎖定污染來源,針對污染行為人進行確認與求償,亦可追究潛在污染責任人應負之責任。然而既往的案例因污染證據之監測與保存不盡完整,但經本計畫之蒐集、彙整與分析,已經可達計畫設定之目標,協助土基會後續之作為。
EngTitle Environmental Data Compilation and Pollution Causes Analysis of Agricultural Land Pollution in Taiwa
EngAbstract Based on the “polluter pays principle”, the polluter, potential polluter, have to be identified and asked to take the liability to cover the expense. However, it is very difficult to find out who is the polluter, except for few cases as north of Changhwa County. In most cases the characteristics of heavy metals in soil exhibited complex spatial variations and patterns, and the pollutants came from many sources with a long period of time, caused it very difficult to identify attribution of liability.The remediation of soil pollution in contaminated sites, located in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, Miaoli County, Taichung City, Changhwa County, Chiayi County and Pingtung County have been completed through carried out many remediation projects funded by government. The main purpose of this project is to unravel environmental factors at contaminated site using a combination of different approaches, and trying to figure out the liability of irrigation associations as the potential polluter. After collecting and summarizing the related documents in terms of environmental factors, surrounding geological features, the relevant historical investigation records, irrigation system information, and spatiotemporal data, a task-oriented geographic information systems (GIS) database was built. Among the 373 cadastral lots, 326 paddies belong to Taoyuan, Taichung and Changhwa Irrigation Associations. Using the potential pollution index to analysis where are the vulnerable pollution locations, and judge the surrounding irrigation system as the path way to cause the farmland pollution. In general, irrigation has been proved as a major route of pollutants transportation and in consequence of agricultural soil pollution. By the law, the irrigation associations take responsibility in charge of the safety of irrigation water quality and quantity. Obviously, improper management of irrigation system occurred in soil pollution process, and the irrigation associations should take the liability as potential polluter.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學