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Title 公私場所室內空氣品質重點輔導改善計畫
Abstract 由於民眾每天約90%的時間會處於室內的環境中,室內空氣品質良窳會影響到人體健康,有效改善室內空氣品質,可促進環境管理並保護人體健康。工作團隊根據室內空氣品質管理法第6條所列管之國內各公私場所,參考不同類別場所之研商會建議與各方意見後,研擬第一批預先公告場所包含9大類別場所,規劃原則是以公部門和場所規模大者為優先考量,建議的場所名單計有490個場所。不同類別的公告場所具有不同的管制規模與管制區域,以降低對未來公告場所的衝擊。考量場所類別和使用特性及污染物的特性,提出第一批預先公告場所之特徵污染物,作為室內空氣品質標準之管制建議項目。特徵污染物分成通風指標及污染指標兩種,再依照場所類別和使用特性進行評析。建議在第一批預先公告場所皆將二氧化碳、甲醛及粒徑小於等於10微米之懸浮微粒納入特徵污染物;總揮發性有機化合物、真菌、粒徑小於等於2.5微米之懸浮微粒及臭氧暫時不列入預先公告場所的特徵污染物;一氧化碳及細菌則依照場所類別和使用特性進行場所特徵污染物建議。對於暫不列入公告場所特徵污染物的項目,建議在法規正式公告前的緩衝期限內,持續進行專案輔導彙整分析檢測結果,以修訂不同類別場所的特徵污染物項目。依據第一批建議預先公告場所名單,由環保署選定40處輔導場所進行環境檢視和空調換氣評估,其中包含巡檢式儀器量測或公告方法檢測。輔導場所類別包含社會福利機構、交通運輸、大專院校、醫療機構、圖書館、展覽館、商場及百貨公司。計畫評估多數輔導場所,皆具有能力可達成室內空氣品質標準規範項目,包含二氧化碳、一氧化碳、甲醛、總揮發性有機化合物、細菌、真菌、粒徑小於等於10微米之懸浮微粒、粒徑小於等於2.5微米之懸浮微粒、臭氧的要求。少數輔導場所之換氣現況在特定條件下未達需求,本計畫已協助評估如何施行改善,包含篩選7處場所進行長時間詳細檢查與量測,量測項目包括較長時間的二氧化碳濃度、溫度、溼度,建構電腦模擬氣流場評估,依據篩選環境區域提供室內空氣品質之改善方案,做為未來場所進行室內空氣品質問題改善作業程序參考。本計畫完成室內空氣品質問題診斷及維護管理文件建構,此管理文件是和既有的室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件整合並加以歸納簡化。重新檢視後的維護管理計畫文件是依照室內空氣品質管理法施行細則第6條規範建立,包含10份表單和1份自我檢查表,並完成室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件撰寫指引,協助場所發現通風換氣、潛在污染源及污染源控制問題,以有效進行室內空氣品質自主管理。此外,計畫也以自主管理認證作業方法為基礎,加入室內空氣品質管理法規定,並加入輔導改善機制及精神予以優化,提出「室內空氣品質優良場所標章(草案)」之作業辦法,提供國民識別良好室內空氣品質公共場所之參考依據。對於幼兒園部分,建議以宣傳教育代替未來的法規管制,計畫是針對幼兒園設計室內空氣品質改善技術手冊(折頁),維護室內空氣品質的執行步驟文字化且設計成標語,並導入環保署的減碳雙熊導引幼兒學習維護室內空氣品質的重要性。折頁內容是以ㄅㄆㄇㄈ四法寶進行口訣設計,分別對應到室內空氣品質改善方法的「通風改善」、「控制污染源」、「維護清潔」及「淨化空氣」,以輔導幼兒園教師教育幼童之室內空氣品質維護方法。
EngTitle Field Assessment and Improvement of Indoor Air Quality in Public and Private Premises Project
EngAbstract The quality of indoor air will influence the human healthy because of spending most of time (>90%) per day staying in the indoor environment. Therefore, improvement the indoor air quality would enhance the environmental management and protect human health. Team works are based on article 6 of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Act announce of the public and private premises, refer to different kinds of premises to list 9 kinds including 490 of public premises. Different counseling premises should have specific management scale and area to reduce the impact of pre-announced premises. Team work listed characteristic pollutants on the basis of kinds of premises, usage and pollutants properties for the first pre-announced premises. Characteristic pollutants are divided into ventilation index and pollution index for further estimating premises and characteristic. The first pre-announced premises are suggested to announced carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde(HCOH) and airborne particles with a diameter of 10 micrometers or less (PM10) to characteristic pollutants. Total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), fungi, airborne particles with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) temporarily not list characteristic pollutants. As to carbon monoxide (CO) and bacteria depend on which and what premises and characteristic are. In addition, those not listing as characteristic pollutants at the present stage are processing project counselling to obtain and establish database during IAQ regulation announced. For the first pre-announced public premises, EPA examined randomly 40 premises to view and estimate the air conditioner exchange system with portable equipments or announced method examination. Counselling premises are including social welfare institutions, mass transportation, universities and colleges, medical institutions, libraries, exhibition rooms, markets and shopping malls. Most of counselling premises can make demand of the IAQ regulations including CO2, CO, HCOH, TVOCs, fungi, bacteria, PM10, PM2.5, O3. Team work also counselled a few premises which did not make the demand of air conditioner exchange. According to the results from field tests, team work selected 7 premises to detect long term CO2 concentration, air humidity, and temperature for assessing computer modeling and improving the indoor air environment. It could provide specific environmental improvement project as the reference materials according to the establishment of database and standard operation procedure in the future.IAQ checklists are including maintaining documents and diagnostic documents. Maintenance and management plan documents are on the basis Article 6 of IAQ Act including 10 documents and checklists. Writing guidelines of maintenance and management plan documents also offer information for premises inspecting ventilation, potential pollutants, controlling pollutant source through self-management by themselves. In addition, propose the draft Act of “Outstanding Indoor Air Quality Mark”, which as representative outstanding IAQ public premises for rewarding self-management certification and conforming IAQ regulations, provide people to recognize good indoor air quality premises.Team work suggest not to list kindergarten as a counseling premise, publicity education instead of regulation in order to make sure the health of children. This year focus on design IAQ brochure (folder pages) taking the EPA of Less Carbon Two Bears, the draft brochure is including standard execution steps and the slogan of maintaining the IAQ. Folder pages are design to the Chinese alphabet for children to read and learn. Alphabet slogans are correspond to “Improved ventilation”, “Control pollution”, “Maintenance Cleaning” and “Clean air”, respectively. Kindergarten teachers educate children to maintain IAQ for further self-management for children themselves health.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院