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Title 101年度空氣污染綜合防制暨應變計畫-空品淨化區及室內空品維護計畫
Abstract 桃園縣「101年度空氣污染綜合防制暨應變計劃-空品淨化區及室內空品維護計畫」執行期程自101年6月11日起至102年6月10日止,計畫主要工作為空氣品質淨化區查核與輔導管理、裸露地調查與輔導改善、室內空氣品質查核與輔導管理等三大工作主軸。在空氣品質淨化區查核與輔導管理方面,本年度計畫共完成26處既有空氣品質淨化區之每月現場查核與維護管理工作達306處次,並輔導完成民間認養5處空氣品質淨化區。本計畫執行期間除協助完成中壢市文小12空氣品質淨化區(現名中壢市龍岡森林環保公園),自設置工程施作至完成設置之相關追蹤與輔導工作設置期間(中壢市龍岡森林環保公園)之各項相關列管追蹤工作外,此外另完成輔導新屋鄉公所向環保署申請1處空氣品質淨化區的新增設置補助,待環保署核准設置後則將成為本縣第27處空氣品質淨化區。而為積極提升本縣空氣品質淨化區的使用率及吸引大眾關注空氣品質淨化區相關議題,本年度計畫則透過辦理「桃園縣空氣品質淨化區創意寫生活動」藉以有效吸引大眾親近空氣品質淨化區,期使大眾瞭解推動設置空氣品質淨化區所能帶來的空氣淨化與環境綠美化效益,促使大眾共同致力於環境保護工作,進而提昇本縣整體環境品質。在裸露地調查與輔導改善方面,本年度計畫共完成非營建裸露地調查計11處,總面積約7.23公頃,並針對上述1處裸露面積最大的裸露地場址,同時利用植生綠覆與稻草蓆鋪面方式進行裸露地改善達2.32公頃,以有效降低裸露地揚塵污染及兼具環境綠化之效。在室內空氣品質查核及輔導管理方面,本年度計畫共完成室內場所之現場查核輔導與二氧化碳巡檢工作達205家,並針對二氧化碳巡檢不合格之17家室內場所完成輔導與追蹤改善;此外,本年度計畫亦委託環保署認證之合格檢驗機構並採用環保署公告檢驗方法,篩選縣內7家不同類型之室內場所進行室內空氣品質調查工作(調查項目包含:二氧化碳、一氧化碳、甲醛、臭氧、總揮發性有機化合物、細菌、真菌、PM10及PM2.5等,共9項),以有效瞭解縣內各類室內場所的空氣品質現況,並邀請相關室內空氣品質維護管理之專家學者執行5家室內場所的現場勘查與輔導工作,以有效提升其室內空氣品質;而為協助室內空氣品質管理法之推行,並使公告場所積極落實室內空氣品質維護管理工作,本年度計畫則透過辦理2場次室內空氣品質法規宣導說明會議,並委請室內空氣品質相關專家學者就相關現行法規與室內空氣品質維護管理方法等,針對與會的公告場所人員進行輔導說明,以有效提升縣內公告場所的室內空氣品質,並降低新法對於公告場所所帶來之衝擊。
EngTitle Taoyuan County’s “Integration Plan for Maintaining and Improving Air Quality 2012 : Clean Air Zones and Indoor Air Quality Maintenance Plan”
EngAbstract Taoyuan County’s “Integration Plan for Maintaining and Improving Air Quality 2012 : Clean Air Zones and Indoor Air Quality Maintenance Plan” was implemented for the period from June 11, 2012 to June 10, 2013. The plan focused on the three areas of Clean Air Zone inspection and management counseling, bare land surveys and improvement counseling, and indoor air quality inspection and management counseling.In terms of the Clean Air Zone inspection and management counseling, 306 instances of monthly on-site inspections and maintenance for 26 existing Clean Air Zones, and counseling for the private adoption of 5 Clean Air Zones, were completed in this annual plan. During the implementation of this plan, in addition to assisting with the completion of the Zhongli City Wenxiao 12 Clean Air Zones (now named Zhongli City Longgang Forest Conservation Park), as well as the tracking and counseling of the construction from start to finish (Zhongli City Longgang Forest Conservation Park), the counseling of Xinwu Township Office in applying for new establishment subsidies for one Clean Air Zone from the Environmental Protection Administration was also carried out; after approval for its establishment by the Environmental Protection Administration, this will become the 27th Clean Air Zone in the County. In order to substantially elevate the usage rates of Clean Air Zone in the County and to draw public attention to issues related to Clean Air Zones, the “Taoyuan County Creative Sketches in Clean Air Zone” program was organized to effectively encourage the public to embrace Clean Air Zones, so that they can appreciate the air purification and environmental beautification benefits of establishing Clean Air Zones. This is expected to raise public awareness to devote people’s efforts to environmental protection, thereby elevating the overall environmental quality of the County.In terms of bare land survey and improvement counseling, surveys of 11 not-for-construction bare land sites, with a total surface area of about 7.23 hectares, were completed in this annual plan. For the largest bare land site, 2.32 hectares were improved using plant cover and hay mat cover to effectively reduce bare land dust pollution and to add greenery to the environment.In terms of indoor air quality inspection and management counseling, on-site inspection and counseling, and CO2 inspection work for 205 indoor locations, as well as the counseling and tracking for improvement at 17 indoor locations that failed the CO2 inspection, were completed in this annual plan. In addition, qualified examination institutions approved by the Environmental Protection Administration were commissioned, with the planning and examination methods publicized by the Environmental Protection Administration adopted, to survey indoor air quality at seven different types of indoor locations in the County (for 9 items: CO2, CO, methane, ozone, volatile organic compounds, bacteria, fungus, PM10 and PM2.5), in order to better understand the current air quality conditions at various indoor locations in the County. Furthermore, experts and scholars in the field of indoor air quality maintenance and management were invited to conduct on-site examinations and counseling at five indoor locations to effectively improve their indoor air quality; in order to facilitate the promotion of Indoor Air Quality Act so that officially announced premises can proactively implement indoor air quality maintenance and management, two sessions of indoor air quality promotional and explanatory meetings for air quality regulations were held, in which indoor air quality experts and scholars were invited to provide counseling in regard to existing regulations and indoor air quality maintenance and management methods to personnel from officially announced premises. This is expected to effectively improve the indoor air quality at such premises, and to lessen the impact on them by the new Act.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新系環境技術有限公司