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Title 102年固定污染源連續自動監測設施(CEMS)數據防弊分析比對系統建置計畫
Abstract 為順利推動整體連續自動監測管制作業,藉由本計畫固定污染源連續自動監測設施(CEMS)數據防弊分析比對系統建置,達到精準、省時及省力,落實CEMS 防弊工作之執行成效。本計畫完成了建置資料分析系統,掌握防制設備監測資料參數及確認數據計算準確性,並藉由資料檢核系統之建置以發現數據之特性以提昇現有連續自動監測系統之品質及節省使用單位人工時間。本項工作建立了數據品質指標及資料檢核功能,同時藉由汰換老舊之CEMS 主機替換為HP高階伺服器,並搭配以.NET framework 4.0 開發之CEMS 管理資訊系統、整合ASP.NET 的帳號管理及https 的加密傳輸,強化連續自動監測系統資訊安全與資料保密性。藉由執行團隊提供使用單位的技術轉移訓練,協助使用者使用管理資訊系統來發掘問題並追蹤改善,同時針對公私場所承辦人辦理公私場所說明會,協助公私場所熟悉新版系統之部分功能,了解公私場所上傳之資料結果進行自主管理,來達到提昇數據品質目標。在法規符合度方面藉由執行團隊的輔導以提昇公私場所之法規符合度,落實空氣污染防制法有關固定污染源管制規定。雖然本計畫達到預期目標,但是後續仍需要藉由資訊系統的維運,及使用單位與公私場所的配合,方能使系統運作順暢。建議未來亦持續納入外部資料,同時藉由巨量資料(Big Data)之概念,進行監測資料採礦的作業。持續發掘隱藏的資訊。
EngTitle The plan of 2013 continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) Data Validation System
EngAbstract In order to promote the control plan for Continuous Emission Monitoring System (known as CEMS), the data analysis and validation process was established, achieving data accuracy and saving the operation time and procedure. In this project, establishing data analysis system, two tasks were accomplished, including taking control of the operating parameters for control facility and ensuring the accuracy for data calculating. In addition, via building the data validation system, the data characteristics were discovered, therefore enhancing the quality of the CEMS and saving the operating time per person. Furthermore, data quality indicators and data validation have been set up in this project; meanwhile, in order to strengthen information security and data privacy of CEMS, the old CEMS host was replaced with HP high-end servers, the management information systems was developed with NET framework 4.0, combining with the ASP. NET account management and the https secure transfer system. The executive team in this project provided the users with the technology transfer training courses, assisting the user to use the management information system to discover the problems and solve the problems. At the same time, the explanation meetings were held for the related people working in public and private sectors, assisting them to be familiar with the new version of CEMS and understand the results of the data uploading in public or private premises to work on self-management in order to reach the goal of enhancing data quality. In terms of the ordinance, due to the guidance of the CEMS provided by the executive team, the related people working in public and private sectors have understood how to manage the new CEMS properly in order to meet the requirement of the stationary pollution source control, regulated in Air Pollution Control Act. In spite of the completeness of the project expected goals, in order to operate the CEMS sustainably, the follow-up maintenance of the CEMS should still be implemented. In the future, it is recommended to keep adding external data into CEMS, and to carry on monitoring data mining with the concept of Big Data in order to keep discovering the hidden data.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司