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Title 102年度桃園縣營建工程空氣污染防制費催繳稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自102年3月1日起至103年2月28日止,工作項目包括:營建工程空污費收費作業、工地稽查管制作業、建置網路申報及多元化繳費系統、推動工地自主管理及城市美化等輔導作業,以及預警管理等工作。在營建工程空污費徵收部分,本年度空污費申報案件達4,804件,其中免徵收空污費件數38件,實際徵收金額110,129,856元,每月平均空污費徵收率約達86.7%,各申報案件皆已全數完成資料建檔列管,今年度催繳空污費金額達16,828,144元,催繳達成率約96.2%,申報完工案件共計1,952件,總完工面積達1,601,281平方公尺。在巡查列管工地方面,計畫執行期間完成工地稽巡查作業14,873件,巡查排放量之掌握上達95%,巡查納管率達74.4%,至103年2月止污染物排放量削減率為52.0%。本計畫已完成50點次施工機具油品檢測,均符合含硫量標準50 ppmw, max。在營建工程空污費網路申報及多元化繳費系統方面,網路申報件數共381件,網路申報率約7.9%,其中以網路申報較多的行政區為觀音鄉、中壢市、楊梅市及龍潭鄉,各占13%,又以第二級工程申報較多,占網路申報總件數65%,網路申報金額約6,627,255元。在推動工地自主管理及城市美化方面,工地周邊道路認養總共推廣26處,道路洗掃總長度則達42,287.72公里,並配合營建工程較易產生污染階段之出土工程,共進行40處次盯睄作業。本計畫輔導3處營建工程,鋪設3,130平方公尺生態化植生舖面,施作方式為草籽植生。在預警管理作業,本年度完成40站次落塵監測,並完成各項輔導說明會共7場次,參與人數達384人,說明相關法規與防制設施,確實達到宣傳及輔導的效果。本計畫合約內之工作項目均已於期程內完成。
EngTitle The pollution preventing of building engineering 2013
EngAbstract The project, spanning from March 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014, included: charging construction works air pollution control fee, construction site inspection management, the establishment of an online registration system and diverse-payment system, the promotion of construction site autonomous management and city beautification, as well as alarm system management.The charge of construction works air pollution control fee: This year, up to 4,804 air pollution control fee registrations have been made, of which only 38 cases were exempt from being charged. The value of those charges adds up to a total of NTD 110,129,856. The monthly average air pollution control fee levy rate reached approximately 86.7% and the data of the cases registered have all been archived. The charge of overdue fees this year totaled NTD 16,828,144, reaching a levied rate of approximately 96.2%. 1,952 construction cases were completed and registered, with a total completed construction area of 1,601,281 square meters.Construction site inspection management: 14,873 construction site inspection cases have been conducted during the project. 95% of pollutant discharges have been inspected and controlled, and 74.4% of related sectors have been listed in the inspection targets. Pollutant discharge has dropped by 52.0% as of February, 2014. The project has already completed inspections (50 times) of construction equipment, all of which met the sulfur content standard of 50ppmw, maximum.Online registration of construction works air pollution control fees & diverse-payment system: 381 cases, 7.9% of all required to register, have completed the online registration. Guanyin Township, Zhongli City, Yangmei City and Longtan Township took up the largest proportion of registration, with 13% each, and Class B engineering cases outnumbered other cases with a proportion of up to 65%. The total control fee registered amounted to NTD 6,627,255.The promotion of construction site autonomous management and city beautification: 26 roads around construction sites have been adopted for beautification, with a total length of 42,287.72 kilometers cleaned. Also, inspection has been carried out 40 times during the pollution-prone excavation stage. The project assisted three construction sites in creating an ecological planting design area of 3,130 square meters using the grass seed planting method.Alarm system management: The project has completed 40 stations of dustfall monitoring this year, and seven consultation briefings have been held to explain related regulations as well as preventive measures with an attendance of 384 participants, thereby achieving the expected effects of promotion and consultation. All of the items covered in this project contract were completed within the period prescribed therein.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新紀工程顧問有限公司