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Title 港區空氣污染物減量策略推動與成效評估計畫
Abstract (一)完成彙整出國際港口國對於污染物的管制措施及經驗,使用的工具主要包括價格(誘因)、污染檢驗監測、港區使用權管制、環境法令規範。(二)協助環保署執行臺美合作計畫美方官員來臺行程規劃,研商亞太地區區域性港區空氣污染管制訓練教材。(三)結合中央環保單位及地方環保單位所致力於港區空氣污染排放減量之政策推動,同時配合臺灣港務公司之綠色港群計畫之規劃期程進行多方單位協商,從各縣市政府環保局到各港務分公司及交通部航港局,與各單位單獨協商,設法將本計畫與各方單位獨立執行之相關計畫整合。(四)執行商港空氣污染防制成效評鑑工作,邀請專家學者、地方環保局及航港單位針對港務操作行為、非港務操作行為及其他加分項目進行評比,評鑑結果三大要項表現績優者分別為安平港、臺北港及臺中港,各港執行商港空氣污染防制之成效皆比98年度評鑑結果有明顯之提升,後續仍須針對各港缺失及建議改善情形持續追蹤。(五)蒐集國外港區清冊最新現況,更新遠洋船舶之主、副引擎和鍋爐排放係數、負載係數,港區船舶、裝卸設備和鐵路火車頭之排放係數和建置貨物裝卸設備及逸散性粒狀物基本資料本土化程序。(六)完成輔助港99年及各商港100年及101年遠洋船舶、港區船舶、貨物裝卸設備、重型車輛和逸散性粒狀污染物之空氣污染物排放量推估,各港主要空氣污染物排放量皆為船舶所貢獻,其中又以遠洋船舶佔最大比例,其比例約在59%~87%;100年及101年空氣污染排放量皆以高雄港最高,其次為臺中港。(七)預估102年至115年港區空氣污染物排放量,並將各種減量方案組合成A、B、C三種減量情境,三種減量情境之最大效益分別為50%、65%和65%,三種情境皆以SO2減量效益高於其他空氣污染物。
EngTitle Implementation and Effectiveness Evaluation Plan of Port Air Pollutants Reduction Strategy
EngAbstract 1. Compiled pollutant regulations and management experiences of countries having international ports. The main topics include pricing (incentives), pollution inspection/monitoring, management of port access authority, and environmental codes/regulations. 2. Assisted EPAT in planning business visit by U.S. government officials to Taiwan for the Taiwan-U.S. collaboration plan. The port air pollution control training materials for the Asian region are also discussed.3. Combined port emission reduction efforts done by the central and local environmental protection administrations. Coordinated multi-party communications to support the green port plan sponsored by Taiwan International Ports Corp. (TIPC). The contacted parties included county-level environmental administrations, TIPC branch offices, and Maritime & Port Bureau under Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC). Each party was met separately to integrate individual plans into the program.4. Evaluated air pollution control effectiveness for commercial ports. The work included inviting professionals/experts, local environmental administration officials, and TIPC personnel to evaluate port-related operations, non-port-related portions, and others. The top three finishes are Anping Port, Taipei Port, and Taichung Port, respectively. All the ports showed significant improvements in air pollution control as compared to 2009. However, identified deficiencies and suggested corrective actions will be tracked continuously. 5. Based on up-to-date port emission inventory from countries of abroad, the emission forecasting parameter of each pollution source is updated. Also updated included the emission and load coefficients of the main engine, auxiliary engine, and boiler for the ocean-going vessels. The emission coefficients for docked vessels, freight handling equipment, and locomotives are also updated. Furthermore, a procedure is set up to tailor the load handling equipment and fugitive dust data to Taiwan based condition. 6. Emission forecasts of ocean-going vessels, docked vessels, freight handling equipment, heavy-duty vehicles, and fugitive dust for the auxiliary ports of the year 2010 and all commercial ports of the year 2011 and 2012 are completed. For all the ports, the main contributor of emission is the vessels. Of these vessels, the ocean-going vessels make up the largest percentage, which ranges approximately 59 ~ 87 %. For the year 2011 and 2012, Kaohsiung Port has the highest emission and is followed by Taichung Port. 7. The annual port emission forecasts from year 2013 to 2026 are completed. Each emission reduction plan is grouped into three scenarios, namely A, B, and C. And the reduction performances are 50 %, 65 %, and 65 %, respectively. All three scenarios showed the reduction performance in sulfur dioxide (SO2) exceeded other pollutants.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 景丰科技股份有限公司