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Title 102年臺中市低碳城市減碳策略執行計畫
Abstract 本計畫為配合臺中市低碳城市推動辦公室推動低碳政策,進行彙整國內、外低碳相關政策,管考臺中市各局處低碳計畫,辦理低碳業務會議,成立臺中市低碳推廣中心及節能減碳輔導團,推動國際低碳交流事務及各項推廣低碳之宣導活動。 藉由低碳政策彙整,蒐集國內、外推動低碳經驗,分析其成效,針對其發展特性,提出對臺中市可行之方案以供參考。低碳業務管考部分,定期彙整及檢討各局處低碳計畫執行之情形,針對其預算、減碳量、時程及績效等進行管考,並藉由辦理低碳業務會議,了解各局處低碳計畫現況及問題,協調各局處低碳業務之分工。 藉由成立臺中市低碳推廣中心,建立便民的窗口,提供諮詢服務,辦理低碳推廣課程及活動等,以將低碳概念傳達至市民。另藉由成立臺中市節能減碳輔導團,提供節能輔導申請,藉由專家委員現場診斷,給予改善對策。國際低碳交流事務部分,協助加入國際環保組織,積極推動國際相關低碳議題之交流與參與,促進國際接軌工作,以利了解國際環保最新資訊及提升臺中市在國際環保事務之知名度。 最後,透過報紙、雜誌、廣播等媒體宣導臺中市低碳城市政策,辦理臺中市低碳城市推動論壇、成果發表會,以宣導民眾共同響應建構臺中低碳生活圈。
EngTitle The plan of Taichung Low-carbon city execute carbon reduction strategies in 102 year
EngAbstract This project, cooperating with Low-Carbon City Promotion Office of Taichung City promoting the low-carbon policy, is made to compile domestic and international low-carbon-related policies, evaluate the projects from every bureau of Taichung City, have low-carbon-affair meetings, set up a low-carbon extension center and energy conservation and carbon reduction service, promote international low-carbon activity exchanges, and make propagandas for low-carbon. By compiling the low-carbon policies, domestic and international low-carbon promotion activities are collected to analyze effects on them, and create feasible schemes for Taichung City for reference according to their development features. Concerning to low-carbon-affair evaluation, the project regularly compiles and examine the state of how every bureau of Taichung City execute the low-carbon project, evaluate the budget, the amount of carbon decreased, and the effects of the project. Furthermore, the project finds out the situation and problems of executing the low-carbon project from every bureau of Taichung City as well as coordinate the distribution of low-carbon affairs of every bureau of Taichung City by having lowcarbon-affair meetings. The Low-Carbon Extension Center of Taichung City is set to create contact windows for citizens’ convenience, provide consulting services, low-carbon promotion classes in order to convey the concept to citizens. Besides, Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Service Group is established to provide the application of energy conservation consulting and strategies for improving energy conservation given by the professionals’ diagnosis on site. With regard to international low-carbon activity exchanges, the project assists in participating in international environmental organizations, actively promote the participation and exchanges of related low-carbon issues, and bring in line with international standards to get the latest international environmental information more easily and enhance the prestige of international environmental affairs of Taichung City. At last, promoting the low-carbon-city policy of Taichung City, holding low-carbon-city promotion of Taichung City forums and wrap-up presentations through the media, like newspaper, magazines, radios, to publicize the idea of building up a low-carbon living circle in Taichung City to the citizens
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣建築中心