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Title 碳中和標準研修及建構推廣機制專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫為延續往年碳中和成果,持續針對國際碳中和發展趨勢與進行相關案例分析、推動碳中和國際組織交流及參與國際標準研修、制訂推動碳中和之配套措施與政策,及開發與更新推動碳中和及低碳活動之輔導工具。本計畫彙整截至103年3月31日之成果,說明如下:(一)掌握國際碳中和發展趨勢與進行相關案例分析1.針對不同層級推動碳中和之策略及方法,本計畫歸納整理國外可以參採之作法,說明如后:(1)國家層級推動碳中和 目前國際碳中和政策發展現況,已有多國提出全國達成碳中和之目標,其碳中和減量目標,則多結合國內溫室氣體減量目標期程進行,減量之策略則多為採用發展再生能源及植林。 本計畫所蒐集之資料中,以英國、澳大利亞發展碳中和最為快速且健全,英國以中央機關首先推動,澳洲則以產品做為推動對象,其英國標準協會並發展出全球第一份碳中和規範(PAS2060),均可作為國內借鏡。(2)城市層級推動碳中和 綜觀目前城市推動碳中和之案例與策略,大多將重點放在提高民眾對於氣候變化之意識、將綠色概念融入公共工程建設的內涵中以及政府組織率先投入節能減碳作為等方面,可見如何建立民眾知的概念是很重要的,唯有當民眾對於環保議題與概念產生認同後,政府所訂定之政策才有推行的空間,另外國外政府在進行公共工程之建設與都市計畫時將環境因素納入考量,也可作為國內實行之參考。 (3)民間層級推動碳中和 分析國外民間團體推動情況,就體制架構而言,可分為四種推動面向:組織、活動、產品、服務等。主要步驟係透過盤查用戶本身的排放總量,並分別按直接、間接及其他間接進行分類,以掌握各範疇型態的碳耗,隨後採減量措施,儘可能降低企業用碳總量,而無法削減的部份則採用國際碳交易市場所認可的碳權進行抵換。2.英國、澳洲之碳中和作法係以部門別為區分,分為學校、政府部門、住宅部門等,並制定不同年度欲達成之碳中和目標。此種循序漸進且分不同階段施行的方法,較為接近我國政策推動特性,可作為我國參採之策略。(二)推動碳中和國際組織交流及參與國際標準研修1.本計畫已於今(102)年度6月18日及7月4日召開兩次PAS 2060研修工作討論會議,分別針對研修流程、專家學者規劃、預定產出及預期效益進行確認,並綜整我國各機關單位(政府機關、研究機構、顧問公司、驗證單位)對於PAS 2060研修改版之相關問題、意見與評論,於第一次團隊會議時提供各專家學者參閱。2.本計畫已於7月13日至19日,由台灣科技大學化學工程系顧洋教授及英國標準協會台灣分公司黃雪娟協理赴英國參與碳中和標準PAS 2060研修「啟始會議」,並參訪Carbon Clear及British Standards institution(BSI) London,了解英國碳中和執行作法及案例,並探討EUETS與BSI查證員管理/查驗技術等相關議題。3.於11月5日由產基會黃先節經理、英國標準協會亞太分公司高毅民博士及英國標準協會台灣分公司劉謹銓博士赴英國參與研修「第一次指導團隊會議」,並參訪英國能源與氣候變遷部門(Department of Energy and Climate Change, Decc)、Ecofys及The Carbon Neutral Company,了解英國政府機關之減碳策略及碳中和成功案例,並蒐集與更新國外碳中和發展現況和策略。同時於國內召開電話concall會議,與英國、澳洲、香港、大陸、日本等國之指導團隊成員共同討論PAS2060第2版草稿。4.公開諮詢草案版亦已於11月22日BSI官網上線(公開諮詢,並同步於我國「國家溫室氣體登錄平台」、「碳中和登錄管理平台」及「環保低碳活動平台」之最新消息提供連結,進行全球意見諮詢一個月。5.於12月底完成全球公開諮詢之研修意見蒐集(共計40項),並由指導團隊成員投票共同凝聚研修共識,於2月7日產出修正初稿,於2月21日召開第二次指導團隊會議,現正進行最後一版草案確認。6.已完成PAS 2060:2014中英文版之封面設計及美編。7.3月24日於環境訓練所辦理「碳中和技術交流研討會暨PAS 2060(中文版)發表會」,除由署長與BSI共同發表PAS 2060 :2014中文版(碳中和實施參考規範)外,亦由署長頒發碳中和證書予翡翠水庫、友達公司、台灣晶技公司;另邀請國內專家學者、企業針對極端氣候、低碳活動、碳中和經驗等進行分享。成果於經濟日報、中國時報3月26日B1版登載。8.已掌握ISO 14067 TS版之內容,釐清其與ISO 14067 TS版及PAS 2050:2011之差異,後續將持續掌握ISO 14067之發展,以提出修訂「我國碳足跡計算指引」之建議。9.已掌握PAS 2060:2014研修內容,並提出修訂「碳中和查驗與技術指引」之建議。(三)制訂推動碳中和之配套措施與政策1.我國公共工程節能減碳相關規範、國外大型公工程規範與相關案例作法,因考慮台灣與國外之氣候環境及民俗風情不同,本計畫建議,於設備上採用高效能機具,選用生質燃油,並減少機具的怠轉,可於住宅或建築鋪設太陽能板以提供室內用電,減少過度依賴非再生能源,參考國外建築自然採光及自然通風之設計,以減少白天使用照明設備及可在冬天室外溫度低於28度時,採自然通風,以減少空調使用,建材盡量使用天然材料(碎石,木頭等)、當地材料、再生材料(再生瀝青,再生混凝土),環保建材及設備(節能設備,省水設備)及資源再利用(廢輪胎取代碎石鋪設於橋面基底等)。2.本計畫已針對我國主要之大型活動「101大樓跨年煙火晚會」,計算其歷年晚會活動之溫室氣體排放量,分析主要排放來源,並研擬煙火、交通、垃圾廢棄物之替代方案及相關減量配套措施。並已於8月23日與台北市政府觀傳局綜合行銷科活動股召開節能減碳討論會,確認現階段減量執行作法、後續減量方案執行策略,及煙火秀搭配煙火施放之可行性。並計算歷年101大樓跨年煙火晚會之碳排放量,研提相關減量措施。3.本計畫已依據我國碳足跡產品類別規則,及101年度訂定之「我國本土活動或會展碳足跡計算技術指引(草案)」,將盤查表單細分為展館管理單位、主辦單位、參展廠商基本資料、參展廠商裝潢、參展廠商印刷、展示商品運輸之盤查表及參觀者交通資訊調查表,期透過完整之盤查表單建立,推動我國本土活動或會展碳足跡計算。於10月15日辦理「我國本土活動或會展碳足跡計算技術手冊」專家諮詢會,並依據專家建議進行修改,以完善本指引之內容。4.為因應「永續能源政策綱領」之政府部門「政策規劃應具有碳中和(Carbon Neutral)概念,以預防、預警和篩選原則進行碳管理」目標,並加速落實各部門節能減碳策略措施並達到碳中和之最終目的。本計畫已於8月16日邀集各縣市地方環保局召開說明會,介紹「環保機關推動碳中和」之內容及相關配套措施,並商討未來推動碳中和之構思與方向,並依循各縣市環保局之意見將「環保機關碳中和推動原則(草案)」改為「環保機關推動碳中和參考手冊(草案)」,以作為環保機關推動碳中和之參採。5.為配合推動全民節能減碳及碳中和現況交流,本計畫已於2013年5月14日參訪新竹縣峨眉鄉六寮步道,於2014年1月7日辦理桃園角板山交流座談會,期透過實質下鄉之參訪,促使中央長官與地方有所交流、進行意見交換與分享,實踐低碳作為,以提昇民眾之環保意識,落實低碳永續家園目標。6.延續101年度輔導之碳中和案例「福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭店」及「臺北翡翠水庫管理局」,本計畫持續追蹤其推動減量並進行設備汰換,「福容大飯店淡水漁人碼頭店」及「臺北翡翠水庫管理局」皆已於2014年2月底達成碳中和,並於2014年3月24日發表會當天頒發碳中和證書。7.已完成10場次「自我查證」之碳中和案例,除分析其活動辦理之溫室氣體排放量外,更釐清其透過何種日常生活行為達成減量,並公開相關資訊登錄於環保署「碳中和登錄管理平台」,供民眾參考。8.本計畫已考量環保低碳活動規模,研提減碳措施,並公告於環保低碳活動平台供參。9.本計畫已針對我國10大運作機能中再生能源之第十項「建立全區碳盤查及減量策略」進行資料蒐集,後續將利用過往協助村里之執行經驗,協助建立全區碳盤查,以協助地方擬具目標及符合地方發展情形之減量策略規劃。(四)開發與更新推動碳中和及低碳活動之輔導工具1.本計畫統計自環保低碳活動登錄平台99年8月16日啟用以來至103年3月31日為止,環保低碳活動平台已經有1,818個個會員單位以及9,188案次的登錄活動。本計畫為了要進一步地推廣碳中和理念,並期許將環保低碳活動透過活動外的減量措施升級成自我認證的簡易版碳中和活動,所以本計畫除提供碳中和過程的計算工具,讓主辦單位能夠計算其活動與會展的碳排放以及活動外減量措施的減排效益外,亦已建立活動碳中和專區並與環保低碳活動平台連結,期許環保低碳活動透過活動外的減量措施升級成自我認證的簡易版碳中和活動。2.為擴大環保低碳活動平台之宣傳效果,本計畫已完成「手機版環保低碳活動網頁」之設計與製作,包含「最新消息」、「活動簡介」、「申請教學」及「標章申請」等部分,以增加民眾使用之便利性及使用率。3.為了使宣導層面可更為廣泛,除碳中和管理登錄平台、環保低碳活動平台外,本計畫本年度並製作以低碳活動、碳中和概念為主之互動遊戲「兒童版環保低碳活動平台-減碳雙熊低碳生活日誌」,包含「環保低碳活動」、「碳中和」、「碳足跡」、「低碳飲食」及「冰冰黑寶來闖關」五大部分,期望透過此兒童版平台,以遊戲方式建立學齡兒童對於低碳活動、碳中和、碳足跡及低碳飲食之概念,進而融入日常生活當中,達寓教於樂之功能。4.本計畫已依據過往維護更新「碳中和登錄管理平台」及「環保低碳活動平台」之經驗,彙整兩平台使用之相關問題並提供相關意見回覆,並於兩平台增設「Q&A」子系統,提昇兩平台使用之友善度。
EngTitle Carbon Neutral standard training and the construction of the promotion mechanism
EngAbstract This project is the assisting tool to continue the past achievements of Carbon Neutral and the analysis of developing trend in international Carbon Neutral. This project is also applied in promoting international organization exchange about Carbon Neutral, participating in international Carbon Neutral standard training, developing supporting measures and policies for Carbon Neutral, developing and updating assisting tools for Carbon Neutral and low carbon activities. Relevant achievements until March 31, 2014 are collected in this project and described as follows:I. To control the developing trend in international Carbon Neutral and analysis of relevant cases. 1. Referable foreign examples regarding strategies and methods for different levels of Carbon Neutral promotion are organized hereunder:(1) National-level Carbon Neutral promotion In regard to the present development of international carbon neutral policy, many countries have raised their national goals on carbon neutral issue, which often combines national greenhouse gas emission reduction goal and are executed under the strategy of developing renewable energy and forestation. Among the collected information, the United Kingdom and Australia are the two countries with the fastest and the soundest carbon neutral development. The United Kingdom started carbon neutral promotion from its central authorities, while Australia started with their certified carbon neutral products. We shall refer to the first carbon neutral standard worldwide (PAS2060) developed by BSI (British Standards Institution).(2)City-level Carbon Neutral promotion Throughout the present examples and strategies of city-level carbon neutral promotion, mostly focused on the public awareness of the climate change, integration of the green concept into public construction, and government's leading action in energy saving/carbon reduction measures.It is essential to build the public's concept towards environmental protection. The government could promote their policies only if the public identify the issue and concept of environmental protection. Our government could also refer to foreign practice that foreign governments take environment factor into consideration for public construction and urban planning.(3)Civic-level Carbon Neutral promotion Analyze the promotion result of foreign civic groups by four aspects: Organization, activity, product and service. Check the total emissions of the entity and categorize the data by three scopes: Direct emissions, energy indirect and other indirect to control the carbon consumption data of each scope then adopt the greenhouse gas emission reduction. Each enterprise should reduce as much as possible their total carbon consumption. For the irreducible emission, each enterprise could adopt carbon offset approved by the international carbon market. 2. The UK and Australia have had their carbon neutral policies divided by department, such as schools, government departments, residence departments, etc..., and they set different goals for each year. This kind of step by step and executed by stage policy is similar to our policy in promoting carbon neutrality, which could also be a good reference for our government.II. Promoting international organization exchange about Carbon Neutral and participating in international Carbon Neutral standard training1. We held two meetings for PAS 2060 Carbon Neutral standard training (On 2013/06/18 and 2013/07/04) to confirm specifically about the training flow, experts' planning, expected production and expected benefits, and we also integrated every relevant questions, suggestions and comments regarding PAS 2060 revision brought up by various organizations, including our government authorities, research institute, consulting firm and verify unit, which would be provided to the experts and scholars during the first group meeting.2. From 2013/7/13~7/19, Professor Ku Young of Chemical Engineering Department, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and Ms. Hwang Hsueh-Juan, Assistant manager from BSI Taiwan both participated in the "Initial Meeting" of PAS 2060 Carbon Neutral standard training. They visited Carbon Clear and British Standards institution (BSI) London to understand the UK's execution and real cases regarding carbon neutrality. They also discussed about issued in regard to EUETS and BSI inspector management/inspection skill.3. On 2013/11/5, Mr. Hwang Hsian-Jieh, manager of Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service, Dr. Kao Yi-Min from BSI Asia-Pacific, and Dr. Liu Jin-Chuan from BSI Taiwan participated in the first group meeting in UK.They visited Department of Energy and Climate Change, Decc, Ecofys and The Carbon Neutral Company to learn about the UK government low-carbon strategies and successful cases. They collected and updated the present carbon neutral development and strategies. Meanwhile, they held concall meeting to discuss about the draft of version 2 with the UK, Australia, Hong Kong, Mainland China and Japan.4. The public draft was released on BSI official website on 11/22.( for public consultation, also synchronized with connections to our platforms: "Taiwan National Greenhouse Gas Registry", "Carbon Neutral Registration" and "Low-Carbon Activity" for global opinion consultation for one month.5. Finished collecting global opinions (total 40 items) at the end of December, the group meeting members voted for training consensus. First revision draft was made on 2/7. Second group meeting was held on 2/21. Now under approval for the first draft.6. PAS 2060 finished: Cover design and graphic design for 2014 Chinese / English version7. 2014/3/24 "Carbon Neutral Technology Seminar & PAS 2060 Chinese Version Presentation" was held by Environmental Analysis Laboratory EPA. Executive Yuan, R.O.C. The director of EPA and BSI jointly presented PAS 2060:2014 Chinese version (Carbon Neutral Standard). The director also awarded carbon neutral certificate to Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration, AUO and TXC. In addition, domestic experts, scholars and enterprises were invited to share their experiences on topics of extreme climate, low-carbon activity, and carbon neutrality. More details were published on Economic Daily News and China Times B1 on 3/26.8. The difference between the content of ISO 14067 TS version and PAS 2050:2011 was clearly clarified. We will continue to control further development of ISO 14067 and suggest to revise "Carbon Footprint calculation".9. PAS 2060:2014 Chinese version training content is clear and we will suggest to revise "Carbon Neutral Verification and Technology Guide".III. Developing supporting measures and policies for Carbon Neutral1. The standards of energy conservation and carbon reduction for our public construction, the cases and standards of overseas large public construction. It is suggested that we should use highly efficient tools on our facilities due to the different climate and culture in Taiwan. We should use biofuels and reduce machine idle run. Use solar panels on residence or other buildings to provide power source and reduce excessive dependence on non-renewable energy. We should refer to the natural lighting and ventilating designs from foreign architectural design to reduce the day time lighting and to adopt natural ventilating to cut down air conditioning time in winter while the outdoor temperature is under 28 degrees. Use mostly natural building materials (gravels, woods), local materials, recycled material (recycled asphalt, recycled concrete), eco-friendly building materials and equipments (Energy saving equipments, water saving equipments) and recycling resource (Use scrap tires to replace gravels making the bridge base, etc).2. Calculate the greenhouse gas emission for the past big activities like the 101 building new year fireworks party, analyze what were the main emission sources, make substitute plans for the fireworks, traffic and wastes or garbage and supporting measures for greenhouse gas emission reduction. Held energy saving and carbon reduction meeting with the activity unit under general marketing section of the Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government on 8/23 to confirm the reduction method at present stage, the future reduction plan and strategy, the feasibility of constructing future fireworks show, to calculate the greenhouse gas emission of each past 101 building new year party and to plan for emission reduction plans.3. Based on our carbon footprint product regulation, and the draft regulation of "Domestic activity or exhibition carbon footprint calculation guide" set in 2012, the check list are divided into categories of exhibition hall management, host management, exhibitors profile, exhibitors decoration, exhibitors printing, transportation of display products and visitors traffic information surveys. We wish to promote the carbon footprint calculation for our domestic activities and exhibitions through these complete check lists. Held "Domestic activity or exhibition carbon footprint calculation guide" expert meeting on 10/15 to modify the content based on the experts' advices.4. In response to "Sustainable Energy Policy Guide Line" and "Policy Arrangement must has Carbon Neutral concept to prevent, alarm and screen the carbon management" from government departments, as well as to excel the energy saving and carbon reduction strategies and actions to reach the final goal of carbon neutrality, the environmental protection agency of county / city held presentation on 8/16 to introduce "Environmental protection agency promote carbon neutral" and its supporting measures, they also discussed about the future plans and execution directions, and changed "Drafted Principle of carbon neutral promotion by environmental protection agency" to "Drafted Reference guide of Carbon Neutral Promotion by Environmental Agency" as the reference for environmental protection agency to promote carbon neutral.5. In order to promote Public Action in Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, as well as to understand the present condition of carbon neutral action, a visit to Liu-Liao footpath in Eh-Mei Vil., Hsin-Chu county was made on 2013/5/14, a forum is held in jiaoban mountain, Taoyuan county on 2014/1/7 to excel the opinion exchange and thoughts sharing between the officers from central authorities and the local residents and to promote low-carbon actions and raise the public awareness about environmental protection issues, to reach the ultimate goals of forming a low-carbon, sustainable homeland.6. Extend 2012 assisted case of carbon neutral "Fullon Hotels Danshuei Fishermen's Wharf" and "Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration", we will continue to follow their further promotion and equipment replacing. Both "Fullon Hotels Danshuei Fishermen's Wharf" and "Taipei Feitsui Reservoir Administration" had reached their goals of carbon neutrality at the end of February, 2014 and were rewarded with carbon neutral certificates on the presentation on 2014/3/24.7. Finished 10 cases of "Self Verified" carbon neutral case, they not only analyzed its greenhouse gas emission, but also cleared on how to reduce the emission and registered relevant information public at the carbon neutral registration platform as the reference for residents.8. Considering the scale of low carbon activities, research carbon reduction actions, and made public announcement at low carbon activity platform.9. Information was collected for the 10th regulation "Establish whole area carbon verification and reduction strategy" of Renewable Energy of the top 10 operation functions. We will use our past experience in assisting the carbon reduction execution in villages to help establish whole area carbon verification for local governments to set their goals on carbon reduction strategy matching their local development.IV. Developing and updating assisting tools for Carbon Neutral and low carbon activities1.Accoring to the statistics, since starting the low-carbon activity platform on 2010/8/16 until now 2014/3/31, there are already 1,818 members and 9,188 cases registered on the low-carbon platform. In order to further promote the carbon neutral concept, and to upgrade low-carbon activity to a self-verified easy carbon neutral activity with outside carbon reduction actions, this project not only provide calculating tools for carbon neutral process for the organizers to calculate the emission during the activities and exhibition and the reduction result outside the activities. They could also establish a carbon neutral area during the activity to connect with low-carbon activity platform to upgrade low-carbon activity to a self-verified easy carbon neutral activity with outside carbon reduction actions.2. To maximize the promotion result of low-carbon activity platform, the mobile version low-carbon activity webpage is already designed and ready to use, functions including "Latest News", "Introduction to Activity", "Application Tutorial" and "Label Application" for easy access and more usage rate to the public.3. To broaden the promotion result, beside the carbon neutral management and registration platform and low-carbon activity platform, interactive games based on the concept of low-carbon activity and carbon neutrality "Low-carbon activity platform for children - Low-carbon diaries for low-carbon bears" is designed, including five sections: "low carbon activity", "carbon neutral", "carbon footprint", "low carbon diet" and "Bing-Bing Black Bears' Adventure". These activities are made aiming to build correct concept of low-carbon activity, carbon neutral and low-carbon diet for school-age children. 4. Based on the past experiences in maintenance and updating "carbon neutral registration platform" and "low-carbon activity platform", we integrated relevant questions regarding the two platforms and provided feedback reply. We also established "Q & A" subsystem for these two platforms to increase easy access between the two platforms.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會