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Title 我國再生能源應用與零碳策略評估暨推動參與經濟合作與發展組織工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫針對國際再生能源應用及零碳推動策略資訊、經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)相關議題資訊蒐集、再生能源技術應用專題講座及澎湖縣再生能源利用方式探討及推廣、署長與民有約等工作進行。在彙整歐、美再生能源應用及零碳推動政策等資料方面,依照再生能源之政策目標、推廣策略及應用成果等項目進行系統性匯整。亦針對國際上提出零碳推動政策之國家蒐集相關資訊報告,以及歐美國家再生能源應用及提升能源效率技術新知,包括太陽光電、風力發電以及生質能等最新應用技術之介紹,並據此評估我國再生能源技術水準與應用。此外,並完成18篇國際再生能源應用及零碳推動策略資訊翻譯及其它再生能源現況資料蒐集分析、5國(美國、澳洲、英國、日本、比利時)再生能源模型分析應用。在蒐集OECD資訊方面涵蓋永續物質發展、奈米廢棄物、環境政策、綠色能源等OECD關注議題,同時也將資訊彙整後提供署內相關業務單位參考。再生能源應用專題講座主要探討沼氣生質能技術發展趨勢、應用厭氧化處理廚餘及纖維之能源技術開發,此類技術目前在台灣仍有發展空間,故也是未來政府再生能源可再多投入的發展方式。澎湖縣是離島推動再生能源的主力,其離島生質能中心與低碳島計畫推動多年,目前也已呈現不錯的成效,藉由中央與地方的合作,此經驗亦可做為其它縣市推動再生能源之參考。
EngTitle Evaluation of Renewable Energy Applications and Zero-Carbon Strategies in our Country and Promotion
EngAbstract The task of this project consists of compiling information on international renewable energy applications and zero-carbon promoting policies, collecting information on Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) related topics, organizing a renewable energy technologies application workshop, investigating and promoting renewable energy applications in Penghu, and organizing an informal discussion meeting between the Minister of EPA and people in Penghu County. Regarding the compilation of the information on European and American renewable energy applications and zero-carbon promoting policies, a systematic compilation was carried out according to the topics such as renewable energy goals, promoting policies, application achievements etc. The project also collected information on zero-carbon promoting policies set out in the international community, and updated on European and American renewable energy application and energy efficiency enhancement technologies, including the newest application technologies for solar, wind and biomass energies. This information was also used to evaluate the level of renewable energy technological expertise and application in our country. Regarding the collection of OECD information, topics on OECD's attention such as sustainable material development, nanowaste, environmental policies, green energies were covered, and information was further compiled before referring them to different departments of EPA. The renewable energy technologies application workshop mainly explored the development trend of biogas energy technologies, technology development for the application of anaerobic digestion on food waste and fibers. These technologies can still undergo much development in Taiwan and are the renewable energies the government can dedicate more efforts in developing in the future. Penghu County is the leader in promoting renewable energies among the offshore islands. Its offshore island biomass energy center and low-carbon island projects have been promoted for many years with considerable achievements. The success was an example of collaboration between the central and local governments, which can serve as a lesson for promoting renewable energies for other counties or cities.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 能資方案室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會