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Title 102年度國家重要濕地(大樹舊鐵橋人工濕地)保育計畫
Abstract (一)濕地場址及周界環境調查監測1.截至102年12月15日,已完成4次水質監測、4次水文量測、3次底泥監測及2次生態調查工作,水文監測結果,A、B系統水力負荷量介於0.4-0.9 m/day及0.4-0.5 m/day,A、B兩系統平均水力停留時間約7.2天及1.3天。A系統相較於B系統穩定,B系統之部份由於主要來自於竹寮溪溝導入,竹寮溪溝及水區涵蓋竹寮村大部分山坡地水源,除農牧廢水、生活廢水、零星小型工廠廢水及大部分雨水,故竹寮溪溝水量較不穩定。2.水質監測結果平均懸浮固體物A系統進出流為6.2-5.1 mg/L,B系統33.3-16.0 mg/L,其中無論是進流或出流,B系統整體皆高於A系統。生化需氧量A系統進出流濃度平均濃度分別為5.7及7.0 mg/L,B系統分別為12.8 mg/L及9.5 mg/L,兩系統整體平均為8.8 mg/L,化學需氧量兩系統變化趨勢相似於生化需氧量變動,監測結果A系統進出流濃度平均濃度皆約為25 mg/L,B系統分別為85 mg/L及39 mg/L,兩系統進流水B系統COD濃度亦較高於A系統。A系統正磷進出流濃度平均濃度分別為0.03及0.07 mg/L,B系統分別為0.24 mg/L及0.12 mg/L,兩系統整體平均為0.12 mg/L。就結果顯示,兩系統進流水B系統濃度較高於A系統。總磷部分趨勢亦相似。氨氮監測結果兩系統整體平均監測值為2.1 mg/L,以六月份監測值最高。葉綠素a結果,A系統進出流濃度平均濃度分別為4.2及5.0 μg/L,B系統分別為15.5及13.2 μg/L。大腸桿菌監測結果顯示經濕地處理後,皆達到一定程度之去處效果,A系統進出流濃度平均濃度分別為1.5×106及1.4×105 CFU/100mL,B系統分別為3.5×106及1.3×106 CFU/100mL。3.底泥監測結果,兩系統六個監測點平均pH值於枯水季6月之7.7略低於豐水季7月之7.9。有機質分析調查結果顯示,兩次採樣有機質含量平均約為3%,總磷顯示兩次採樣平均值約為1,217 mg/kg,並產生累積現象,總氮之兩次監測值差異不大,平均值約480 mg/kg,而B系統率高於A系統。重金屬部分,8種金屬中Cd及部分Pb低於偵測極限,其中以Fe的含量最高,平均值為38,386 mg/kg,Zn平均為273 mg/kg次之,Mn平均則為235 mg/kg。4.舊鐵橋現況之鳥類記錄以舊鐵橋南側之物種較多,其餘生物之數量變化則呈現舊鐵橋下樣區較少於其他兩樣區之趨勢。目前本區域之物種組成仍在重建初期,但是兩棲類、爬行類及特別是魚類,已呈現入侵外來物種物種數與數量有增加之情況,建議主管單位對此宜及早進行數量限縮及移除之管控。雖調查期間捕獲之入侵外來魚種均未回放原捕捉環境,有部分移除之效果,但是,大規模移除工作(如抽水清池進行「清池」),需要經費與人力支援。對於仔稚個體、卵等階段之個體,則可能必須以放水清池或毒殺等手段,方能較有效地降低其數量。不過,這些方法也均有對非目標生物造成負面衝擊的可能。要增加舊鐵橋濕地物種多樣性之方針,初步可採取增加濕地矮灌叢之種類與面積,以提供鳥類與蝶類棲息環境。(二)濕地種子教師培訓與民眾導覽解說成果目前計畫執行團隊結合鄰近民間團體(高雄市舊鐵橋協會、大樹文史協會、瓦窯協會等)、社區(竹寮和久堂社區發展協會等)、學校(九曲國小、大樹國中、輔英科大、樹德科大、中山大學、屏科大等),共同進行濕地維護管理、導覽解說和種子教師訓練等工作。1.濕地保育與管理維護藉由社區民眾及地方志工合作推動舊鐵橋濕地園區之管理與維護作業,需進行6次或至少24處的維護管理作業,截至12月31日已完成32場次,達成至少24次(處)的計畫目標,參與人數達255人次。社區協會與民間團體志工踴躍參與濕地保育與管理維護工作,清除園區內雜草、落葉與大型樹枝垃圾等,且維護人員和志工積極宣導垃圾不落地,因此園區內不設置垃圾桶,希望民眾養成習慣,將垃圾帶回家,保持濕地園區環境整潔,此優質場域廣受遊客好評,更是政府單位和公民營企業及學校團體舉辦各式活動的好所在。2.濕地管理維護單位教育訓練研習舊鐵橋濕地園區面積廣達120公頃,期望能以辦理維護單位教育訓練的方式,使在地志工與社區民眾了解與學習對人工濕地的維護管理方式,提升參訓人員日後協助濕地管理和維護作業之能力與知識。依合約規定需辦理12場次濕地管理維護單位教育訓練研習,截至12月31日已完成12場次,達成計畫進度,參與人數訓練研習達414人次,部分受訓人員已實地參與管理和維護工作,並協助大專和國高中學生參與志工體驗活動。3.濕地保育種子教師與導覽解說訓練結合附近社區發展協會與民間團體共同參與舊鐵橋濕地園區的導覽解說訓練活動,藉由本訓練可培育導覽解說之種子教師,以便能更深入到校園或其他單位進行教育宣導活動。依合約規定需辦理12場次,截至12月31日已完成12場次,參與人數達307人,受訓種子教師已有能力擔任遊客溼地導覽解說員並至鄰近中小學推廣濕地保育課程。4.民眾參與濕地園區生態及環境教育活動解說導覽由種子教師及志工進行舊鐵橋濕地園區之導覽解說,帶領參與民眾團體親身體驗人工濕地生態保育及環境教育的功能,並解說濕地如何淨化水質及動植物在濕地中所扮演的角色。目前皆依合約規定每個月執行2梯次以上的民眾解說導覽,依合約規定需辦理12場次,截至12月31日已完成38場次,達成計畫進度35場次,共有1619人熱情參與,本項解說導覽工作主要由受訓之種子教師擔任,實際參與解說導覽活動,以印證課堂上所學得的知識。5.濕地復建過程影音紀錄為使民眾及遊客了解人工濕地之蛻變歷程、環境維護與管理效益、環境教育、生態保育等成果,編製舊鐵橋濕地教育園區濕地環境教育與生態保育影音紀錄,已完成腳本和配音工作,目前正積極進行剪輯、配音等後製作業,預計於102年12月10日完成。審核通過後,將送母片至專業工廠壓製,提交400片光碟,以完整忠實呈現本年度舊鐵橋濕地園區濕地保育與管理維護、教育研習與導覽解說訓練、環境教育活動解說導覽等工作之成果。6. 申請環境教育法之認證場址依據高雄市舊鐵橋協會於101年1月12日向環保署環訓所申請及環訓所於101年1月20日來文告知需補正事項,本團隊針對環境教育設施場所認證相關問題進行討論與輔導,於102年8月30日、9月11日、11月8日共計輔導三次。並於102年11月26日由環保局會同經濟部水利署第七河川局、高雄市政府水利局、高雄市大樹區公所、高雄市政府環保局、高雄市舊鐵橋協會於舊鐵橋志工小棧召開環境教育設施場址土地使用同意會議。本團隊已輔導舊鐵橋協會完成撰寫環境教育設施場所認證申請書,內容包含申請書、單位機關核准設立證書、環境現況及自然或人文特色、環境教育專業人力配置、環境教育教案、經營規劃管理書。申請書內土地使用同意書仍在會商各有關單位積極取得中,其他資料皆已備妥完整,預計於102年12月11日前備文送達環保署環訓所。
EngTitle 2013 National Wetland (Da-Shu Old-Iron-Bridge Artificial Wetland) Preservation Project
EngAbstract (One). Wetland Site and Surrounding Area Monitoring 1. 4 water quality analysis, 4 hydrological measurements, 3 sediment analysis and 2 ecological surveys have been completed by Dec. 15th, 2013. The hydrological measurements indicated that hydraulic load for system A and B is between 0.4 to 0.9 m/day and 0.4 to 0.5 m/day, respectively. The average hydraulic retention time for system A and B is 7.2 and 1.3 days, respectively. System A is more stable than system B, with the water of system B partially originates from ZhuLiao river. ZhuLiao river covers most of the hillside water sources for ZhuLiao village, in addition to wastewater from farming, household, small factory and rain water, thus ZhuLiao river provides less stable water source.2. The water quality analysis results show that the average influent and effluent SS content for system A are 6.2-5.1 mg/L, and 33.3-16.0 mg/L for system B, with system B higher content than system A. The average BOD content for influent and effluent for system A are 5.7 and 7.0 mg/L, and 12.8 mg/L and 9.5 mg/L for system B’s influent and effluent. The COD content of both systems show similar trend as the BOD content, the influent and effluent COD content is around 25 mg/L; 85 and 39 mg/L for system B, with system B higher COD content. The influent and effluent orthophosphate content for system A is 0.03 and 0.07 mg/L respectively, and 0.24 and 0.12 mg/L for system B. The result of orthophosphate and total phosphorus all indicated higher content for system B than for system A. The average ammonia content for both systems is 2.1 mg/L with June monitoring value the highest. The influent and effluent chlorophyll a content for system A are 4.2 and 5.0μg/L, respectively; 15.5and13.2 μg/L for system B. The E. Coli content for both systems show promising result of its removal; the influent and effluent E. Coli content for system A are 1.5×106及1.4×105 CFU/100mL, respectively; 3.5×106and 1.3×106 CFU/100mL for system B.3.The sediment monitoring results indicated that the pH value during dry season of 6 monitoring spots by two systems is 7.7, which is slightly lower than 7.9 of wet season. The organic matter analysis indicated that the average organic matter is 3%, the average total phosphorus amount is 1,217mg/kg and accumulating, the average amount of total nitrogen is 480 mg/kg; and all the results indicated higher concentrations for system B in comparison to system A. For heavy metal levels, cadmium and lead levels are undetectable, iron has the highest level, average 38,386 mg/kg, average zinc level is 273 mg/kg and 235 mg/kg for manganese. 4. Old-iron-bridge wetland bird recording shows higher number of bird species at the southern part of the wetland; for all the other biological species, it shows that the number is higher at under plot of the wetland in comparison to the other areas. At the present, the species in this district are still under reconstruction, but regarding amphibians, reptiles and especially fish, the number of invading species increases. Suggestion has been made for their forced removal. During the project year, the invading fish species had been caught and removed, but large scale of removal required some budget and manpower support. Larvae and eggs of the invading species can be removed more effectively by draining the pool or releasing poisons. But the abovementioned method might cause impact to non-targeting species.(Two). Wetland Seed Teachers TrainingNeighboring local NGOs (Kaohsiung Old-Iron-Bridge Association, Da-Shu History Association and Wa-Yao Association), local communities (Zhu-Liao and Ziou-Tang community associations) and schools (Ziou Qu Elementary School, Da-Shu Junior High School, Fu-Ying Technology College, Sun-Yat-Sen University and Ping-Tung Technology University) help organize wetland management and preservation work.1. Wetland Management and PreservationIn regarding the wetland management and preservation, 6 maintenances over 24 sites had to be completed according to the contract. 32 maintenances by the end of Dec. had been completed with 255 participants. Local community associations and NGO volunteers actively participated in the work to clean up the fallen leaves, large tree branches and garbage. To promote “no garbage on the ground”, no garbage bins were present at the park to better train the habit of park goers. The park has become the activity site for governmental and local organizations. 2. Wetland Management and Preservation Training SessionsOld-Iron-Bridge Wetland Park covers 120 acre of land, management and preservation training sessions were held to local communities and park volunteers. 12 training sessions were held in accordance to the contract with 414 participants.3. Wetland Preservation Training SessionsTraining sessions were organized with the participation of local communities and NGOs to cultivate seed teachers. 12 sessions were organized in accordance to the contract with 307 participants. The trained seed teachers work as the wetland tour guides to promote wetland environmental education and preservation program to neighboring elementary and high schools. 4. Public Participation of Wetland Ecology and Environmental Educational Guided ToursOld-Iron-Bridge Wetland guided tours by seed teachers and park volunteers enhance the eco-preservation and environmental education of the park and help explain how wetland purifies water quality. 2 guided tours per month were held in accordance to the contract. 38 tours were held at the project year with 1619 participants.5. Audio and Video Recording of Wetland Rehabilitation ProcessesFor better understanding the wetland rehabilitation processes, audio and video recordings were completed and the post-production work such as editing and dubbing were in the process of completing. Dec. 10th is set to be the finishing date. Upon approval, 400 DVD will be made and submitted to Kaohsiung EPB to showcase the project accomplishment.6. Application of Certified Environmental Educational SiteFrom the official notice received by Old-Iron Bridge Association, Kaohsiung City from Environmental Professionals Training Institute, EPA by Jan. 20th, 2012, regarding the application status and missing documents. 3 consultation sessions were held at Aug. 30th, Sept. 11th and Nov. 8th in regarding to the application processes and the Q&A sessions. Kaohsiung EPB, together with Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs Seventh River Management Office, Kaohsiung City Government Water Conservancy Bureau, Da-Shu District Office and Kaohsiung City Old-Iron-Bridge Association, held a conference regarding land use for the abovementioned application. The application form has been completed with relevant documents, such the application form, authority approval certificate, site background and characteristics, educational certifiable personnel, environmental education lesson plan, etc. Land usage consent form is in the process of being issued. All relevant documents have been set to Environmental Professionals Training Institute by Dec. 11th.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司