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Title 南投縣102年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫各項工作項目包括未定檢機車巡查、車牌辨識作業定檢站查核(包括實車查核)、戶外定檢站宣導、二行程汰舊補助、宣導作業、日月潭淨區管制、其他行政配合工作等。本計畫各項工作項目至12月31日止各項工作項目成果摘要如下:未定檢機車巡查作業總計56,717輛機車,其中未定檢機車15,120輛,已定檢機車34,134輛及新車數7,463輛;第一季至第四季氣體查核與環保署允差標準CO:7%、HC:6%、CO2:8%比對,各站氣體比對結果第二季有8站超出標準,第三季有6站超出標準,但經手動校正後,各站皆符合允差標準。受理民眾檢舉烏賊車案件共計1,890件,初審通過1,625件,複審通過1,083件,通知複驗888件,複驗合格率78.53%。另複驗合格污染物CO削減量為12.68公噸及HC削減量3.61公噸。協助發放獎勵金約179,700元。接受車輛淘汰申請案件數為1,979件。通過審查並核發補助件數有1,936件,核發金額共2,904,000元整。電動機車換購申請為3輛,通過審查並核發補助件數有3件,核發金額共9,000元整。其削減量CO削減40.14公噸,HC削減11.62公噸。完成24場次之戶外定檢服務,戶外定檢服務活動檢驗數以名間鄉名松路檢測數為最高達403 輛最高,佔所有比例之50.12 %﹔以有線電視跑馬燈方式進行媒體宣導作業,為有效達到宣導效益,以9-12月不同時段連續撥放方式進行宣導,撥放頻道有三立都會台、東森戲劇、TVBS-G、TVBS、三立台灣台、東森綜合、八大戲劇、中天新聞等8頻道撥放。進行27處LCD螢幕宣導工作,27處皆為洽公頻率高之公務機關、學生出入校園、人潮較易逗留處,播出『出廠滿五年之機車,請每年於行照發照月份前後1個月其間實施排氣定期檢驗,違者處新台幣2仟罰鍰。』等有關機車定檢、二行程汰舊、定檢抽獎活動宣導標語。
EngTitle Mobile sources, Nantou County 102 annual inspection control plan
EngAbstract The project includes the work plan pending inspection locomotive inspections, license plate recognition operations scheduled inspection station checks (including real vehicle checks), outdoor advocacy scheduled inspection station, the old two-stroke eliminating subsidies propaganda operations, net of Sun Moon Lake area control, other administration with the work. The project work plan summary of the outcome of the December 31, 2011 ended the following work items:Total operating locomotive inspections undecided seized 56,717 locomotives, of which 15,120 units undecided seized motorcycle, has given a new car seized several vehicles and motorcycles 34,134 7,463 vehicles; gas in the first quarter to the fourth quarter of audit standards and EPA tolerances CO: 7%, HC : 6%, CO2: 8% than the right, gas stations compared to the second quarter results exceeded the standard 8 points, 6 points in the third quarter has exceeded the standard, but after manual correction, the stations are in compliance with tolerance standards. Accepting people report a total of 1,890 pieces of squid car case, the trial by 1,625 pieces, 1,083 pieces of review by informing retest 888, retest pass rate of 78.53%. Another reinspection qualified pollutant reductions of 12.68 tonnes of CO and HC reduction in the amount of 3.61 tonnes. Assist approximately 179,700 million incentive payment. The number of cases accepted applications for the elimination of 1,979 vehicle parts. Review and issuance of grants by the number of pieces have 1,936 pieces issued totaling 2,904,000 yuan a whole. Motor vehicle redemption application is 3, the number of grants issued by the review and has three parts, the entire issued totaling $ 9,000. Which reduce the amount of CO reduction of 40.14 tonnes, HC reduction of 11.62 tonnes.Completion of the 24 outdoor screenings scheduled inspection service, outdoor activities scheduled inspection services to name a few test Township name Pine Road detection up to 403 number is the highest, accounting for 50.12% of all proportion; Marquee way to cable media advocacy job for effective advocacy to achieve efficiency, September-December period of continuous playback in different ways advocacy, broadcasting three channels will stand, Eastern theater, TVBS-G, TVBS, three set Taiwan, Eastern consolidated, eight plays, Sky News, 8 channel playback. Conducted 27 LCD screen advocacy work, 27 are placed by the frequency of high public office, student access to the campus, the crowd is easier to stay at the broadcast "factory motorcycles for five years, make an annual trip is reproduced according to the month before and after 1 months during the implementation of the exhaust regularly inspected, and offenders fined at NT $ 200 thousand. "Other relevant locomotive inspection, eliminating the old two-stroke, regular inspection sweepstakes promotion slogan.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司