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Title 南投縣102年度減少露天燃燒宣導管制計畫
Abstract 有鑑露天燃燒為目前空氣污染公害糾紛中最為常見的問題之一,本計畫主要藉由露天燃燒的巡查管制、紙錢集中燃燒及相關宣導等工作推動,提升縣境內環境空氣品質。此外,本計畫亦配合轄境內兩期稻作收割期露天燃燒陳情案件即時查處,達成嚇止露天燃燒現況,提升民眾滿意度。相關執行成果摘要如下:本計畫自102年01月22日起,統計至102年12月31日止,查獲露天燃燒案件426處次(含一、二期稻作收割期),總控制面積達399,849.4 平方公尺,估算巡查時滅火後未燃燒之部分換算削減量,共計削減TSP 3.993 公噸、CO 34.855 公噸、THC4.689 公噸、SOX 0.038 公噸、NOX1.265 公噸。在紙錢集中燃燒作業部份,統計今年紙錢集中成效,統計配合單位達72 家次,至102 年12 月31日止集中焚燒噸數達222.96 公噸。 本計畫團隊自102 年01 月22 日至12 月31 日期間,輔導縣內7個家大型寺廟成環保寺廟,辦理2 場次『寺廟環保措施與紙錢減量宣導說明會』,由廟方代表分享環保措施與紙錢減量之推廣心得,並成功推廣草屯鎮區域性紙錢專用爐設置。本年度為擴大宣導成效,除透過電子跑馬燈、廣播電台媒體,刊載禁止露天燃燒新聞稿外,且針對高露燃地區結合社區辦理2 場次「稻草再利用勿露天燃燒宣導說明會」,及1 場次「稻草多元化再利用(綠肥作物)實作示範宣導活動」,以減少露天燃燒稻草之情形。
EngTitle Advocacy to reduce open burning control plan, Nantou County 102 years
EngAbstract In view of air pollution from open burning is one of the most common nuisance dispute issues Currently, the project mainly by open burning control inspections, burning paper money and related advocacy focused on work to promote and enhance the county of ambient air quality. In addition, the project also fit within the jurisdiction of two open burning of rice harvest instant petition cases investigated, reached the status of open-air burning scare ended, improve public satisfaction. Related to the implementation of the results are summarized as follows:102 years of the plan since January 22, ending 102 years of statistics on December 31, and seized 426 cases of open burning times (including one second rice harvest period), with a total area of 399,849.4 square meters control, after estimating fire inspections unburned portion of the translation reductions totaling cut TSP 3.993 tonnes, CO 34.855 tonnes, THC4.689 tonnes, SOX 0.038 tonnes, NOX1.265 tonnes.Burning paper money concentrated in the part of the job, this year focused on the effectiveness of statistical paper money, the statistical unit with up to 72 times, ending 102 years Dec. 31 tonnes of concentrate reached 222.96 tonnes incinerated. The project team since 102 years between January 22 to December 31, counseling County 7A large temple to temple environmental protection, for two sessions "temple of environmental protection measures and reduction advocacy briefing paper money", to promote the sharing of experiences by the temple on behalf of environmental protection measures and the reduction of paper money and paper money successfully promote regional Caotun special furnace set .Year to expand the effectiveness of propaganda, except through electronic marquees, radio media, the press release published outside prohibit open burning and burning areas for high dew handle two sessions with community "not to open burning straw recycling advocacy briefings", and a screening "straw diversified recycling (green manure crop) to implement demonstration advocacy activities" in order to reduce the case of open burning straw.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司