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Title 南投縣102年街道揚塵洗掃綜合管理計畫
Abstract 共執行洗掃作業22,167.5公里,推估TSP、PM10與PM2.5削減量分別約為305.9噸、57.6噸與13.5噸。此外,機動支援作業共61車次748 km,以掃街車為主,主要是颱風過後各地之清理以及竹山、集集鎮公所定期支援作業等。目前各取水點SS測值在0~13.2 mg/L之間、濁度測值在3.3~22.4 NTU之間、溶氧測值在4.5~7.9 mg/L之間,均符合洗街用水水質目標。洗掃作業對於TSP削減率介於12.1~48.2%之間,對塵土負荷的削減率約在67.2~95.3%之間,洗掃作業後道路髒污等級均可改善至A級。此外,先掃後洗(台16線0K)與先洗後掃(台16線3K及7K)之TSP與街塵負荷削減率差異不大,因此可依民眾需求調整作業方式而不使洗掃效能有明顯下降。另由近年台16線7K與7.5K之塵土測值變化,顯示環保局針對台16線進行之各項管制與洗掃作業規劃已有成效。已執行道路髒污調查作業1,507.1公里,其中A級道路1,353.1 km佔89.8%,B級道路154 km佔10.2%,無C級道路,而污染源調查則於9月份發現2處砂石場為C級狀況,均已立即橫向通報相關計畫,並次日督促污染源完成改善;路段污染源為B級者135處次則於次月彙整後通報相關計畫,其餘路段污染源為A級或無污染源。本計畫針對25處列管空品淨化區查核,以南投縣農產運銷(股)公司環境綠化美化計畫、日月潭文武廟後山綠化植草計畫、碧峰社區髒亂點整頓環境綠美化維護工作、魚池村環境綠美化工程(2處)及草屯地政事務所民眾洽公停車場綠美化工程等5處基地為最佳;而碳匯調查結果列管淨化區共有5,942株喬木,合計二氧化碳吸存總量約83.8公噸kg CO2。綜上所述,本計畫除已達成合約工作內容外,亦提供民眾颱風後清理與平時的支援,並確保洗街用水水質良好;此外,了解洗掃作業可有效削減鄰近區域TSP濃度,並將道路髒污等級改善至A級,而在環保局歷年執行街道洗掃與污染源管制下,南投縣整體A級道路比例已提升至約90%,而洗掃作業規劃亦朝向以民眾為導向的執行方式,同時積極推動空品淨化區的設置與喬木的植栽,期望提供民眾乾淨的環境與清新的空氣。
EngTitle Street Fugitive Dust Improvement Project of Nantou City in 2013
EngAbstract In this project, washing and sweeping works were total 22,167.5 km , estimated TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 reductions were approximately 305.9 tons , 57.6 tons and 13.5 tons . In addition, a total of 61 times maneuver support operations 748 km, the supports mainly clean up after typhoon,and regular support for Chushang and Chi-chi town.SS measured values between ​​0~13.2 mg/L, and turbidity measured values ​​between 3.3~22.4NTU, and dissolved oxygen measured values ​​between 4.5~7.9 mg/L, in accordance with the street washing water quality objectives.Washing and sweeping job removal for the TSP rate between 12.1 ~ 48.2%, and removal about 67.2~95.3% for street dust.After Washing and sweeping job road dirty rank can be improved to A-level grades. In addition, sweep first or wash first of TSP and street dust load reduction rate is similar, so we can change the washing and sweeping sequence for people's needs. The Improvement of measured values shows that the polution control been successful by Environmental Protection Bureau.To survey soiled of rodad have been performed 1,507.1 km, of which A-level roads accounted for 89.8% of 1,353.1 km , 154 km of road grade B accounted for 10.2 %, no C -class roads ; road sources as Class B by 135 times the notification related projects compiled after month , and the remaining sections of the A -level pollution or no pollution.This project checks 25 air quality purification areas, The best areas are Nantou city husbandry specialty , Wen Wu Temple of Sun Moon Lake , Bifeng community , Yuchi Village and Caotun Land Administration Office ; and carbon sinks findings total 5,942 trees in air quality purification areas, total carbon dioxide absorption total deposits of about 83.8 tonnes kg CO2.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司