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Title 使用中柴油車污染調查及保檢制度推動專案工作計畫
Abstract 移動污染源係造成都會區空氣品質劣化的主要原因之一,也是環保及交通主管單位加強管制重點,其中柴油車排放之黑煙最令民眾所詬病。為使全國柴油車管制業務更臻完善,提升各縣市柴油車排煙檢測站檢測品質,本計畫除持續推動柴油車保檢制度,亦研擬使用中柴油車推動調修複驗補助機制,針對檢測不合格車輛至認證保養廠調修複驗合格者,始可獲得部分補助費用,期建立優良保養廠認證制度,落實車輛正常維修保養習慣,健全我國使用中柴油車保檢合一制度。為持續提升全國各縣市柴油車檢驗線之相關性測試品質,本計畫彙整近幾年相關性測試及複測常見問題,並設計「全國柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站自我檢查表」,提供站內檢測人員於品管測試、能力比對測試、全國相關性測試時,檢查儀器設備各項是否符合規範。另比較102年與101年度相關性測試結果之離群記點,本年度離群記點大都集中1點以下,顯示相關性測試已逐步提升檢驗人員專業素質,並持續維持檢測站檢驗品質及公信力。另辦理柴油車新版檢測程序先導實地測試結果顯示未來正式實施後,預估84.2%無須再執行舊版檢測程序,可減少43%檢測時間。另為避免爭議,程序中亦增訂「103年12月31日前出廠之使用中車輛,依本程序檢測不合格者,試驗車輛…依柴油汽車排氣煙度試驗方法及程序之煙度試驗規定辦理(不含全負載定轉速排氣煙度試驗法之馬力比量測),並以此試驗結果為檢測結果。」鑒此,修訂後之檢測程序計有7成以上車主感到滿意。
EngTitle Established in use diesel vehicles pollutant improvement and examination system plan
EngAbstract Mobile pollution source is one of the main causes that generated air quality deterioration in metropolitan areas, and it is also the control focus strengthened by environmental and traffic authorities. Therein, the black exhaust from the diesel vehicles is highly condemned by the public. In order to make the business of controlling nationwide diesel vehicles more complete and enhance the inspection quality of inspection stations on diesel emissions in Taiwan cities and counties, this project will not only continue to promote diesel vehicle insurance system but also draft a plan to adapt a subsidy mechanism for the using diesel vehicles to be repaired and reinspected. Only vehicles that failed in inspection but passed the re-inspection after being adjusted and repaired by the accredited maintenance factories will be granted with the subsidies. The purpose is to complete the integration of our national maintenance and insurance system for the using diesel vehicles by establishing an excellent maintenance factory certification system and implementing normal vehicle maintenance and repair habits.To continue improving the relevant test quality of nationwide diesel vehicle inspection process, the common problems from relevant tests and re-inspection in recent years were compiled by this project to work out the “self-examination table for exhaust inspection stations to conduct diesel chassis dynamometer tests.” This is to provide the inspectors of inspection stations to check whether or not all instruments and equipment are conformed to specifications while conducting quality tests, capability comparison tests and nationwide relevant tests. Based on the demerit point comparison on relevant test results in 2012 and 2013, the demerit points of this year were mainly found to be less than 1 point, indicating that the relevant tests have gradually improved the professional quality of inspectors and continued to maintain the inspection quality and credibility of inspection stations.In addition, based on the pilot field test results on diesel vehicles that underwent the revised inspection procedure, 84.2% of diesel vehicles are expected to exempt from going through the old inspection procedure and able to reduce 43% inspection time after it is officially implemented in the future. To avoid controversy, the procedure has been updated with the provision that “For vehicles released before 31 December, 2014, if they are failed in this test, they will undergo diesel vehicle exhaust inspection method and procedure as required in the exhaust inspection specifications, excluding horsepower ratio measurement on full load fixed rpm exhaust test method. This test result will be determined as the inspection result.” In view of this, more than 70% of vehicle owners will be expected to be satisfied with the revised inspection procedure.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司