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Title 使用中汽油車排氣檢驗及保養制度推動
Abstract 本計畫致力於國內約600萬輛使用中汽油車之污染管制策略研擬,本年度工作項目包括OBD定檢制度研擬、使用中車輛污染排放調查、車廠OBD保修應用現況訪查及歐美OBD管制現況文獻蒐集。於計畫期間已彙整歐美針對設備所訂定之功能規範,同時研擬我國設備認證程序。今年度共取得3,392組OBD檢驗試行數據,由統計分析結果顯示,具故障碼車輛中以動力系統相關之DTC比例最高,準備就緒狀態異常者中以觸媒及含氧感知器未達就緒狀態比例最高。依今年試行成果,建議可先導入MIL狀態之目視檢查,待車主與相關單位認知成熟後,再陸續擴增檢驗設備、項目與標準。本計畫併同歷年使用中四期車之行車型態抽測結果進行分析,結果顯示CO與THC之實際劣化係數較指定劣化低,然NOx則隨里程劣化加劇;另由16部OBD異常者之惰轉排氣檢測結果均合格,行車污染超標率卻為56.3%,顯示OBD檢驗較惰轉檢測更能有效查獲行車污染超標者。經原廠標準檢修工序排除OBD異常問題,對於污染排放有明顯地改善成效。由國內4大車廠訪查成果顯示,所有車廠均未規定須儲存各車OBD檢驗結果,且檢修工序與檢修系統之技術均仰賴母廠。目前僅少數車廠人員瞭解準備就緒狀態之定義及其回復正常做動條件。部分車廠已將OBD檢驗列入定保項目。
EngTitle Work plan of project to promote the Emission Inspection & Maintenance System for gasoline-fueled veh
EngAbstract This Plan has aimed to discuss and formulate relevant pollution control strategies specific to about 6 million gasoline cars in our nation’s use, with work items of this year including:Develop OBD system of regular inspection, make driving pattern tests on engaged vehicles met Environmental Protection IV emission standards, make investigations on relevant OBD examining lead-in conditions in car factories and archive OBD current control documents in European and American area.During the implement of this plan, we have already archived functional specifications stipulated on OBD examining equipments in European and American area, and tried to discuss and formulate procedures which could be certified by our equipment system. In this year, we have obtained 3,392 sets of OBD examining data from supervision organs and agent factories, and as shown in outcome of statistical analysis, among those vehicles with diagnostic trouble codes, vehicles with dynamical system related diagnostic trouble codes have the highest percentage. As for vehicles under abnormal readiness status, not-ready vehicles under Catalyst and O2 Sensor monitoring have the highest percentage. According to the current-year on-trial outcomes, we suggest to lead into Malfunction Indicator Lamp visual examination items firstly, and gradually add other examining equipments, items and standards when car owners and relevant units have matured understandings.This plan has also made statistical analysis on driving pattern test results of vehicles met Environmental Protection IV emission standards in recent two years, and outcome shows that CO and THC actual deterioration factor are lower than specified ones, but NOx emissions are on the rise among with the mileages; moreover, running down exhaust test results for 16 vehicles with abnormal OBD are all qualified, but with driving pollution over-limit ratio being 56.3%, which shows that OBD examining has a better assessment on driving pollution over-limit vehicles compared with running down exhaust test. Eliminate OBD abnormal problems through original factories’ standard maintenance processes, could have more obvious effects on pollutant emissions.A investigation results from our nation’s four major car factories show that each factory under investigation has failed to specify OBD examining items and keep files. Some factories have not listed OBD into regular maintenance items. Most vehicle maintenance personnel for OBD monitoring devices how to get ready for the practice of the state do not understand, with maintenance procedures and system techniques supported by parent factories.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司