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Title 農工異味及餐飲業油煙管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作項目分別為:1.農牧異味管制作業。2.餐飲業油煙異味管制作業。3.加油站油氣回收設施管制作業。各工作計畫執行進度與成果說明如下,總計完成461家次巡查、資料庫更新與建立異味量化指標、辦理30家專家學者輔導,有效改善污染排放、30座加油站氣油比檢測,減少油氣逸散、辦理3場說明會共159人次參與,提升環保觀念,
EngTitle Livestock and catering smoke odor control plan
EngAbstract This project work items are as follows: 1. pastoral odor control operations. 2. restaurants smoke odor control operations. 3 oil and gas recovery facility control operations. Each work plan implementation progress and results described below, to complete a total of 461 inspections, database update and build odor quantitative indicators, for 30 experts and scholars counseling, effectively improve the pollution emissions, 30 gas stations A/L testing, reducing oil and gas fugitive, for three seminars of 159 people participated in briefings to enhance environmental consciousness.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 祥威環境科技有限公司