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Title 執行柴油引擎汽車新車型審驗、新車抽驗及使用中車輛召回改正調查測試
Abstract 行政院環保署為改善國內空氣品質,加強柴油汽車污染管制,已訂定完整之各項污染管制法規,如「柴油及替代清潔燃料引擎汽車車型排氣審驗合格證明核發撤銷及廢止辦法」等,藉由本計畫之執行,完成審查及核發343件柴油新車型合格證明函及合格證明,並執行24家車廠新車抽驗、2車型(各5車次)使用中柴油車召回調查測試及各項品質管制查核等工作。為順應法規調和之潮流等國內外情勢,本計畫適時增修訂相關法規規定,並為因應電子化趨勢另行建立柴油車審驗合格證明電子化作業系統,以提昇合格證明申請作業流程行政效率。此外另分析國內外柴油車各污染物排放水準及管制制度,及研擬適用於我國之OBD相關管理措施,俾作為各項柴油汽車污染管制策略成效評估及決策之參考。
EngTitle Special Implementation Project for New Diesel Vehicle Model Certification, Conformity of Production
EngAbstract In order to improve domestic air quality, the Environmental Protection Administration in Taiwan has strengthened the emission control over diesel vehicles and developed comprehensive regulations, such as "The Procedure of Rebelling and Abolishing the Certificate of Emission Inspection for the Types of Diesel and other Alternative Fuel Engine Vehicles." This project completed several targets to enforce the regulations, including 343 cases of new diesel engine and vehicle certification approval, conformity of production for 24 vehicle manufaturers, and 2 vehicle models (5 vehicles for each model )of in-used diesel vehicle confirm investigation tests, etc. For domestic and international situations, such as the trend of complying with the regulation and mediating, this plan revised the relevant rules and regulations timely. The electronic operating system is build to execute compliance certification of emission inspection for diesel vehicles, which can make the administrative procedures more effectively. In addition, we analyzed emission level and control strategies of pollutants in diesel vehicles, and drafted OBD relevant restraint methods applying to our country. Those will be bases to evaluate the effects of various diesel vehicle control strategies in the future.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人車輛研究測試中心