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Title 南投縣101年度營建工程污染管制及空污費徵收暨疏濬工程污染管制計畫
Abstract 南投縣地處台灣正中央,為唯一不靠海之縣市,隨著觀光產業的蓬勃發展,都會化的趨勢相當快速,對於對居住及交通運輸之需求相對增加,加上轄內擁有濁水溪流域、烏溪流域兩大流域等,相對亦帶給本縣豐富之土石資源,因此營建、道路、管線及其他雜項工程逐年成長,近三年度各類營建工程申施工中工地皆高達超過5,000件,突顯出本縣工地污染管制的重要性。依據南投縣政府環保局對於營建工程污染管制之期待,計畫規劃四大工作方向(空污費徵收、巡查管制、專案輔導、宣導作業)推動本縣營建工程空污費徵收及污染管制作業,主要執行成果摘要如下。一、空污費徵收以落實污染者付費為目的,計畫期間協助本縣營建工程空氣污染防制費共徵收3,871件。另統計101年全年度共計徵收4,119件,共徵收27,173,124元,其他類工程佔總新徵金額57.1%,其次為道路工程佔總金額19.2%,整體新徵收工程金額較去年同期減少約19.2%;另催辦2,200處次應辦理完工結算工程;今年在便民服務上係朝向建立以顧客為導向之服務品質SOP,並加強服務人員之教育訓練,希望透過多元管道及合宜的親切服務,拉近與民眾之距離,塑造優質的機關形象,並透過民意調查,來了解民眾之需求並研析滿意度之趨勢,以作為檢討改善之方向。二、巡查管制以現勘管制減少污染為目的,自101年3月21日至101年3月20日止共巡查5,442處次工程,已達成本計畫合約預定巡查目標率100%。各鄉鎮市巡查分配件數以草屯鎮1,153件最多,總污染量管制巡查比例達全縣工程污染量94.2%,其中判定無污染情事佔97.3%,無重大污染情形的案件(記點8點以下案件)2.3%;污染情形嚴重的案件(記點10點以上案件)佔0.4%。三、專案管制協商817處道路管線工程簽屬廢土不落地承諾書,簽署比例達道路管線工程申報比例之77%;另期間查核954處次管線工程,遇有嚴重缺施工地則隨每月管制輔導後工地缺失皆維持在輕微缺失以下。列管33處重大污染疏濬工程,輔導力求工地確實符合管理辦法,出入口清洗設備有效操作,運輸車輛嚴密覆蓋,工區周遭道路保持整潔無胎痕並限制車速於安全限速之內。期間總計查核輔導452處次。 推動工地形象改造計畫,宣導推動7處轄區內大型裸露地工程鋪設稻草蓆,累計改善裸露地面積15.0公頃,執行成果置亦於環保局網頁呈現以達拋磚引玉之效。配合環保署清淨家園綠網推動,每月受理民眾針對營建工程髒污上網通報,期間現勘輔導完成95處工地出入口污染改善作業,提昇市容及減少民怨產生。推動259處營建空污費20,000元以上工地簽立道路認養書,總計認養里程482.837公里,累計總洗掃長度為1,805.339公里,約可減少TSP污染物24.91公噸、PM10削減4.69公噸。四、宣導作業辦理4場次三方輔導座談會,邀請縣內4處污染嚴重工程業主、旗下11處包商及監造單位,針對工程常見缺失項目進行輔導改善。辦理1場次營建空污費徵收說明會及1場次污染管制法規說明會,邀請對象係為縣內新申報大型工程及查核缺失之工地,包含業主、承包商、監造單位、代辦單位等,講習內容包括營建工程空氣污染防制措施管理辦法、空污費申報計算及法令、工地圍籬綠美化及裸露地改善、周邊道路認養及噪音管制法規等進行教育宣導,總計135人次出席參與。順應電子化政府時代的來臨,將業務推展的成果以電子網頁方式加以呈現,內容包括發送法令宣導、訊息新聞稿13則。五、檢測分析油品抽驗依宣導期程規劃,每月於協助環保局於稽查過程辦理油品抽測作業,計畫期間完成抽測24點次,抽測結果皆合格;另為瞭解工地管制成效,每月排定一處大型工地進行工地周界TSP測定,計畫執行期間共計完成12處工地周界粒狀物檢測,其檢測結果皆於法規標準之內。六、污染削減估算南投縣101年全年度營建污染削減量試算之結果,其中總逸散粉塵之削減量平均每月達229.5公噸/月;總懸浮微粒(TSP)之削減量平均每月約64公噸之削減量;PM10之削減量平均每月之削減量為35.6公噸。101年度共削減逸散粉塵量2754.5公噸,達總削減率56.7%。
EngTitle Nantou County 101 years of construction engineering and pollution control air pollution fee levied cum Dredging pollution control plan
EngAbstract Taiwan's Nantou County is located in the center, near the sea are not the only counties, with the vigorous development of the tourism industry, the trend will be quite fast, the relative increase in the demand for housing and transportation, plus jurisdiction has LTK basin, two Wu River watershed, the relative also brings a wealth of debris in the county resources, construction, roads, pipelines and other miscellaneous projects to grow year by year, nearly three years the application of various types of construction works in construction sites are up more than 5,000 pieces highlights the importance of the county site pollution control.Nantou County Government in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency to look forward to pollution control construction projects, the project work plan of the four directions (air pollution fee collection, inspection control, project counseling, advocacy jobs) to promote the county air pollution fee levied on construction projects and pollution control operations , The main implementation results are summarized below.First, air pollution fee leviedTo implement the polluter pays for the purpose of assisting the county air pollution control fees for construction projects during the program has collected 3,871 pieces. Another statistical full year totaled 101 levy 4,119 pieces of levy of $ 27,173,124, other types of projects and 57.1% of the total amount of the new levy, followed by the total amount of road works 19.2% reduction in the overall amount of the new collection of works by approximately 19.2% over last year; another 2,200 reminders should be handled at the time of completion clearing works; convenient service on this line towards the establishment of a customer-oriented service quality SOP, and strengthen education and training service personnel, through multiple channels and expedient want friendly service, closer to the people the distance, shaping the image quality of organs and, through opinion polls, to understand the needs of the people in the study analyzes trends and satisfaction, as the direction of the review for improvement.Second, regulatory inspectionsIn the current survey control for the purpose of reducing pollution of inspections from 5,442 at the time the project ended March 21 101 years to 101 years on March 20, the cost of project contracts were scheduled inspections reached the target rate of 100%. Each township inspections of the number of parts to Caotun up to 1,153 pieces, the total amount of pollution control inspections ratio reached 94.2%, the amount of pollution county project, which determine pollution violations accounted for 97.3%, no significant pollution case scenario (remember the point 8:00 the following cases) 2.3%; pollution situation serious cases (more than 10 points points in mind cases) accounted for 0.4%.In three, the project controlNegotiation 817 road sign pipeline project is waste land without landing undertaking, signed by the proportion of 77% the proportion of road pipeline project reporting; checking 954 times after another pipeline project during construction in the event of a serious lack of control over the site monthly counseling deletions are maintained at slightly missing the following.Tube 33 major pollution dredging site meets seek counseling management practices, access to clean equipment and effective operation, transport vehicles tightly covered, kept clean and tidy work area around the road no tire marks and limit the speed of the vehicle in the safe. Total audit during counseling 452 times.Promote the transformation of the image of the site plan, promote advocacy within the seven districts of large straw mat laid bare to the project, a total area of 15.0 hectares improve nudity, implementation of the outcomes set at the EPA website also showed up to start a discussion of the effect.EPA clean their homes with green mesh push for public construction projects receiving monthly online bulletin dirty now completed 95 investigations during counseling to improve job site entrances pollution, improve amenity and reduce grievances arise.Promote 259 construction air pollution fee of $ 20,000 or more to execute road construction site adoption book, adoption total mileage 482.837 km, washing and sweeping the cumulative total length of 1,805.339 km, about 24.91 tonnes of pollutants can reduce the TSP, PM10 reduction of 4.69 tonnes.Fourth, advocacy job4 counseling sessions go through tripartite forum, inviting the county 4 polluting project owners, contractors and the supervision of its 11 manufacturing units, counseling for engineering improvements common missing items.Conduct a screening air pollution fee levied construction briefing sessions and a description of pollution control laws, inviting target for the county Department declared the site a new large-scale projects and the lack of checks, including owners, contractors, construction supervision unit, agency units, workshops including air pollution control measures in construction engineering management methods, calculation and reporting of air pollution fee ordinance, site fencing and bare green landscaping improvements, the surrounding roads and noise control regulations adopt education advocacy, participating in a total of 135 people attended.Comply with the advent of the era of e-government, the business forward to the results of the electronic way to render web pages, including sending decree advocacy message news release 13.Fifth, the detection and analysisOil sample testing according to advocacy of process planning, monthly audit process in assisting the EPA conduct oil sampling tests on job completion times during the 24-point plan sampling tests, sampling tests and the results are qualified; another to understand the effectiveness of site control, monthly scheduled a large site for site perimeter TSP determination, completed a total of 12 site perimeter detection of particulate matter during project execution, the test results are within regulatory standards.Sixth, pollution reductionNantou County 101 years to estimate the full amount of the annual construction pollution reduction results of the trial, in which the total amount of fugitive dust was reduced an average of 229.5 metric tons / per month; total suspended particulates (TSP) for the reduction of the average monthly amount of approximately 64 tonnes of reductions ; PM10 reduction in the amount of the average monthly reduction in the amount of 35.6 tonnes. 101 annual reduction of fugitive dust quantity of 2754.5 tonnes of the total reduction rate of 56.7%.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司