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Title 餐飲業排油煙管正確裝置的調查與宣傳計畫
Abstract 餐飲業如果未將排油煙管做好防污設置,仍會排出粒狀污染物、非甲烷碳氫化合物、少許硫氧化物和氮氧化物等污染空氣;實際上已有一些餐飲業者將排油管尾端做好防制設備。本計畫將以大專相關環保科系學生在北、中、南、三區在夜市、餐飲業共1500家作調查,並給予文宣傳達正確理念。並將調查結果公佈,喚起國人和餐飲業界注意並積極改善,在空氣污染、噪音等環境保護工作上作一些改善貢獻。
EngTitle Catering hood tube correct device investigation and publicity plan
EngAbstract Catering If you do not do antifouling hood tube set, will exhaust particulate pollutants, non-methane hydrocarbons, a little sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides air pollution; actually there are some food and beverage industry will drain pipe trailing well control equipment. This project will be related to environmental protection departments college students in northern, central, southern and three districts in the night market, catering for a total of 1500 surveys and giving propaganda to convey the right idea. The findings will be announced, evoking people and catering industry attention and positive improvements in air pollution, noise and other environmental work to make some contribution to the improvement.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環保媽媽環境保護基金會