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Title 進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章作業暨新車污染管制資料庫整合
Abstract 本年度計畫之工作項目,主要分為進口車核章作業、國產車核章作業、系統維護操作及政策配合工作等4個工作方向進行進口汽車空氣污染物及噪音驗證核章作業。2013年完成進口汽車申請驗證核章核定件數共計23,858件,包含汽油車94,499輛、柴油車19,800輛、機車10,379輛及電動車43輛,合計共124,721輛,2014年1~3月完成進口汽車申請驗證核章核定件數共計5,762件合計共29,543輛;國產車驗證核章申請共計919,690輛,包含汽油車240,483輛、柴油車15,274輛、機車657,023輛及電動車6,910輛,2014年1~3月完成國產車驗證核章申請共計240,193輛。以落實各項新車管制作業,確保所有掛牌上路車輛皆符合空氣污染物排放標準及噪音管制標準,有效管制國內移動污染源之污染排放。有關政策配合工作事項方面,為使汽車驗證核章工作順利推動,本計畫協助更新「進口車驗證核章管理系統」、協助建置「國產車驗證核章管理系統」、整合完成「新車污染管制資料庫」,並編修相關核章須知及系統操作手冊,以使申請核章業務民眾與相關單位了解核章業務推動內容,有助於本計畫各項工作推行。本計畫持續配合研考會「創新e化-汽車進口服務」建置專案,進行系統維護,完成核章繳費電子化系統,實施正式電子化繳費系統後,民眾可省去現行至郵局繳費的不便,達到簡政便民及提升行政效率的目的。
EngTitle Project for the Certification and Authorization of Imported Motor Vehicle Air Pollutants & Integrate
EngAbstract The main four objectives for the project include implementing the process for imported vehicle emissions compliance certification application; domestic made vehicle emissions compliance certification application; vehicle information system maintenance and operations; and providing EPA assistance on policy required actions. As to the implementing the process for imported vehicle emissions compliance certificates applications, in 2013 total 23,858 cases were applied for imported vehicle exhaust and noise emissions certificate, which include 94,499 gasoline vehicles, 19,800 diesel vehicles,10,379 motorcycles and 43 electric cars, total 124,721 vehicles. In 2014, 1 to 3 months total of 5,762 cases were applied for imported vehicle exhaust and noise certificate total number of 29,543 vehicles ;. The implementation of certification requirements could be provided to ensure the compliance of exhaust and noise standards for every registered and enter into service vehicles and control the mobile emissions from vehicles effectively.As to the work item of implementing the process of domestic made vehicle emission certification application. The system transmits emissions compliance vehicle’s information to the Motor Vehicle Service Stations, Ministry of Transportation and Communications periodically to ensure the registered vehicles could comply with exhaust and noise emissions standards. The total number of domestic made vehicles in 2013 is 919,690 which include 240,483 gasoline, 15,274 diesel, 657,023 motorcycles and 6,910 electric cars .In 2014 from 1 to 3 months totaled 240,193 vehicles. This action could ensure all the registered domestic made vehicles could comply with the EPA emissions and noise standards and fulfill the completeness of new vehicle control requirements.As to providing EPA assistance on policy required actions, the project assisted to upgrading the “Imported vehicle certification management system”, established ”Domestic made vehicle certification management system”, and integrated the “New vehicle emissions data achieve” .Eedited the guidelines for certification process and system operation manuals which could provide references to the applicants and competent authority to understand the application process and to facilitate to promote working items for this project. This project also coped with the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission establishing and maintaining the innovative electronic process for imported vehicle services, finished planning on the procedures for electronic certification fee payment process. In the future, the implementation of electronic certification fee payment process, will provide public a convenience environment and save a lot of time as the currently requirement on personally attendance to the post office for certification fee payments. The electronic certification application process could simplify the application process and improve the administration effectiveness.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院