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Title 公民參與環境決策新書編輯出版專案工作計畫
Abstract 為呈現我國環境決策及公民參與之案例,擬藉由專書出版,以說故事方式闡述公民參與基本原則原理、科學衝擊協調員定位,並藉由案例導讀及篇章分類說明,將相關經驗介紹給國人,進而成為大家學習典範。
EngTitle Working plan for editing the new book on citizen participation of decision-making process on environ
EngAbstract Public policies in a democratic society should be made within a legal structure. Within the legal scope, there are two extreme ends of legal authorizations: one made by the head of the institution – approval based on the professional judgment by the governing authority, and the other made by referendum in which each citizen has one vote in the final decision. However, there are several decision-making processes that fall between the two ends. Examples include representative system and approaches advocated by Environmental Protection Administration that involve citizen participation, including World Café meetings, consensus meetings, expert meetings, review meetings, or public hearings. The book compiles the works by Environmental Protection Administration of Ministry of Economic Affairs on promotion of policies and projects on environmental issues during the five-year period from 2008 to 2012. More specifically, the book provides 17 case studies with significance in citizen participations as reference for readers in understanding citizen actions in relevant issues.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 台灣赫斯特出版股份有限公司