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Title 美國棄置物污染土壤處理程序及究責制度研析計畫
Abstract 我國非法棄置場址,如台中現有石業及屏東赤山巖場址,就場址有害事業廢棄物之處理,面臨應依適用「廢棄物清理法」或「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之法律適用選擇問題。本計畫以美國法之「綜合環境反應補償與責任法」(Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, CERCLA)及資源保存及回收法(Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, RCRA)對非法棄置場址處理適用之規定為研究重點。研究結果,發現二法並未就非法棄置場址污染土壤選擇適用法律有所明文。因此,美國就非法棄置場址適用RCRA或CERCLA行動計畫之協調,乃成為重要課題。目前美國EPA原則上係「RCRA矯正行動與CERCLA整治行動計畫均等原則」,然而由於CERCLA之程序相對較為繁瑣、僵化且曠日廢時,實際上美國EPA更為普遍之處理方式乃是採取「RCRA計畫優先原則」。我國實務上地方機關為處理效率明快,原則上亦係以廢清法為優先適用,與美國EPA普遍奉行之RCRA計畫優先原則,不謀而合;然而廢清法適用時,可能有地方機關資源不足之困境,此一問題於以整併廢清法與資源回收再利用法為背景之資源循環再利用法草案,建置了事業廢棄資源清理基金後,可望得以解決。因此,該草案未來於立法院審議階段時,此基金主管機關宜注意相關之立法動態。此外,本團隊亦介紹美國永以認定有害廢棄物的「混合規則」及「衍生規則」,此將對於我國處理棄置物污染土壤問題有很大助益。
EngTitle Project on the Research of American RCRA & CERCLA Procedures and its Framework in Pursuing Liabiliti
EngAbstract In dealing with the hazardous industrial waste in illegal dumping sites in Taiwan, such as Hsien-Yu Stone Industry at Taichung and Red Mountain Rock at Pingtung, the choice-of-law issue concerning the application of Waste Disposal Act and the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act has arisen. This project focuses on the research of RCRA(Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) and CERCLA(Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act) procedures in dealing with soil contamination by illegal Waste Disposal. We have found that neither act has a precise provision concerning the choice of law between these two acts in dealing with soil contamination by illegal Waste Disposal. Therefore, it has become very important in the United States to coordinate between RCRA and CERCLA actions. Although the EPA of the United States abides by the principle of parity between RCRA and CERCLA actions, in practice RCRA has the priority in most cases because the procedures of CERCLA are relatively complicate, rigid and time-consuming. For efficiency purpose, local authorities in our country likewise give Waste Disposal Act priority in dealing with soil contamination by illegal dumping. The concurrence in the choice of law is a coincidence without prior discussion. However, in applying Waste Disposal Act, some local authorities face the awkward situation of lack of sufficient resources. The problem shall be resolved after establishing the Fund for Disposal of Waste Resources through the promulgation of the proposed “Resources Waste recycling and Reuse Act”, which shall merge the Waste Disposal Act and the Waste Recovery and Reuse Act. Accordingly, when the proposed bill is at the stage of discussion in the Legislative Yuan, the competent authorities of the new fund shall pay more attention on the status and development of its legislation. In addition, we also introduced the “Mixture Rule” and the “Derived –From”Rule in the identification of hazardous waste in the United States, which shall be very helpful for us in dealing with the soil contamination by illegal Waste Disposal.
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 立言法律事務所