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Title 金門低碳島整體行銷規劃專案工作計畫
Abstract 地球日漸暖化,節能減碳已成為國際間共同的責任。在人類面對全球氣候挑戰的同時,低碳生活已成為低碳經濟與低碳社會的關鍵。因此,國內外不少政府以及城市積極推動各項低碳生活圈策略與措施,以邁向低碳經濟,減少能源使用與二氧化碳排放。本計畫針對政府所推動的節能減碳總體計畫含十大標竿型子計畫中之「金門低碳島建置計畫」,透過整體行銷活動的執行,讓地方、在地居民與企業瞭解低碳島發展策略的目的及後續成效,並透過座談會與產業交流活動的舉辦凝聚全島的共識與參與,營造樂活永續的生活文化,配合金門豐富的生態與觀光資源,創造金門心魅力,豐厚島嶼競爭力,邁向綠經濟的永續發展,達成金門低碳遠景。
EngTitle The Marketing Planning for Kinmen Low Carbon Island
EngAbstract Owing to fierce global warming, carbon reduction and energy saving approach has become the common responsibility of the international communities. Facing the global warming problem, low-carbon city or low-carbon living circle has gradually become the key point to low-carbon economy and low-carbon society. Thus, governments and cities start to advance all kinds of low-carbon living circle policies and measures to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. To effectively execute the Kinmen low carbon island development project based on the green policy of government, the marketing planning to promote the concept of low-carbon island, and to reach the consensus on low-carbon living for all the local people and companies will be conducted in this plan. The local features and ecological resources for ecotourism in Kinmen will be further investigated to develop the attractive factors of Kinmen low carbon island. The forums gathering the local people and experts will also be held to create the effective strategy for building Kinmen low carbon island to implement the goal of sustainability
ProjectYear 102
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 國立高雄師範大學